Upgrade Beyond Rampage - Chapter 3738

Chapter 3738

Since this time it was an attack on the base of the Frost Clan, it was completely different from the previous situation in Tidal Volcano, so it took a long time to clean the battlefield Muyun Squad this time.

After about three hours, the Mu Yun team finished cleaning the battlefield.

After cleaning the battlefield and returning to Tang Yi's side, Zeng Huan said excitedly, "Tang Yi, we have a great harvest this time!"

Zeng Huan seemed very excited.

Tang Yi looked at Zeng Huan and asked, "Oh? What did you get?"

"We got seven obelisks! Two more than at Tidal Volcano! In addition, we also got a lot of Shinto-level weapons and equipment! Especially on the corpses of several Earth God realm warriors, we I found a lot of useful things. Even some of them are very rare and precious things for us! These things are not available to us at present! If you take them out, it will cause countless people to **** them!"

After a pause, Zeng Huan said enthusiastically, "Tang Yi, we sent it."

After speaking, Zeng Huan wanted to take out the harvest.

But as soon as he started, he was interrupted by Tang Yi.

Tang Yi said: "It's very good, especially good. But I don't need these things, so you don't have to give them to me."

"However, Tang Yi, these are your trophies! It was obtained by Tang Yi by killing your opponent. We should give it to you." Zeng Huan said.

Tang Yi shook his head and said: "These things have no effect on me. You can take them. These things belong to you, you can deal with them as you want!"


"But Tang Yi..." Zeng Huan wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Tang Yi before he finished.

"It's nothing to worry about, that's the decision. This is also your reward! Otherwise, next time you don't follow me to the alien's station."

Tang Yi pretended to be unhappy.

Hearing what Tang Yidu said, Zeng Huan could only helplessly say: "Okay, then we will accept it first, and we will see what to do when we return to the Jie Palace!"

Zeng Huan really had to find a way to deal with it.

Because the Shinto weapons and equipment they obtained were not one or two pieces.

Not ten or twenty, but hundreds, thousands!

very many!

There are also plenty of other items.

And some rare treasures and artifacts and so on.

Such a huge number is simply not something that a team of them can use.

Their Muyun team can only use a few dozen pieces at most, and they have to find a way to deal with the rest.

"Well! You decide, these things belong to you."

Tang Yi said a word, and then changed the subject: "Where is the next station, do you still know the station?"


Zeng Huan said: "I also know the territory of the Shenlei Clan, Beishui Clan, Earth Barbarian Clan, and Forest Clan. As for the Shadow Clan and the Light Clan, I also have a clue, but I have to go and find out where they are."


Tang Yi nodded and said, "Okay, then let's continue to go now, and walk to all the stations we know."

"Okay!" Zeng Huan said excitedly.

Then start leading the way!

Tang Yi and Mu Yun's team once again embarked on a journey to the alien station.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Bandit Suppression Butcher

[Level]: 10 (God Level)

[Shinto Passive Effects]: Shinto Barrier

Shinto Point: 6456100/2000

[God Coin]: 48950 Qiqi novels first published on the whole network

Angel Coin: 34773100

[merit]: 1635600

[Galaxy]: Six Galaxy (3022 Star Power Points)

[Power of Gods and Demons]: 100000000

[Supreme Divine Skill]:

Supreme Divine Skill 1: Extreme Slave Sword (10000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Sanqing Divine Light (3000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Poisonous Mist Barrier (5000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Immortal God Thorn (5000)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Instant Kill (10000000)

[Supreme Movement]: Divine Thunder Walk (100)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of God (10000000)

[Sub-professional]: Shinto-level alchemy (alchemy quasi-god), Shinto-level blacksmithing (forging quasi-god), Shinto-level puppet technique (puppet quasi-god)

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000)

Special parts:

Eye part: Deified Eye (---)

Body: Extreme Battle Body (10000000)

Hand: Deified Hand (---)

[Halo]: Sky Dome Halo (10000000)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Thor Ball (150)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: none

Special item column five: none

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Ship (---)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Skyfire Double Sword: (100000000 God and Demon Power)

Sub-weapon: Dragon and Phoenix Tianqing Divine Bow (One Galaxy)

Armor Bar:

Helmet: The Heart of Ming Dynasty (60)

Mask: Wolf King Mask (2000)

Armor: Source of Darkness (10 points per galaxy)

Cloak: Tianxuan Cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlets: Ring of Ice Spirit (10000000)

Armguards: God and Demon Armguards (---)

Gloves: Evil Gloves (5000)

Belt: Siren Belt (200)

Ornament: Emperor Jade (5000)

Pants: Siren Trousers (200)

Leggings: Dimensional Leggings (200)

Shoes: Black Dragon Boots (10000000)

Accessory column

Necklace: Black Star Necklace (20000000)

Ring 1: Flower healing ring (---),

Ring 2: Heavenly Star Ring (---)

Ring 3: God Lord Ring (---)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (---)

[Array flag 3/3]:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (---)

Array of Flags II: The Flag of Truth (---)

Array flag three: Fengshen flag (---)


Special Items: Sky Curtain Purple Phoenix Bottle, Earth Spirit Orb, Shinto Enhancement Stone X116

Temporary items: Battlefield Coins X33006252, Dark Soul Stone X104, Shadow Soul Stone X4214, Abyss Soul Stone X2104, Frost Soul Stone X4652, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Demon Spirit Promotion Pill X1000, Wuyou Pill X1000, Dark Alliance Special Envoy order.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Bandit Suppression Butcher

[Level]: 10 (God Level)

[Shinto Passive Effects]: Shinto Barrier

Shinto Point: 6456100/2000

[God coin]: 48950

Angel Coin: 34773100

[merit]: 1635600

[Galaxy]: Six Galaxy (3022 Star Power Points)

[Power of Gods and Demons]: 100000000

[Supreme Divine Skill]:

Supreme Divine Skill 1: Extreme Slave Sword (10000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Sanqing Divine Light (3000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Poisonous Mist Barrier (5000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Immortal God Thorn (5000)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Instant Kill (10000000)

[Supreme Movement]: Divine Thunder Walk (100)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of God (10000000)

[Sub-professional]: Shinto-level alchemy (alchemy quasi-god), Shinto-level blacksmithing (forging quasi-god), Shinto-level puppet technique (puppet quasi-god)

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000)

Special parts:

Eye part: Deified Eye (---)

Body: Extreme Battle Body (10000000)

Hand: The hand of deification (---) Novel w~w~

[Halo]: Sky Dome Halo (10000000)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Thor Ball (150)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)