Upgrade Beyond Rampage - Chapter 1969

Chapter 1969

[Companion Spirit Ball]: Special items. After equipped, a white ball will appear around the player. The white ball will help the player to defend and attack.

The defensive power is equivalent to 300 times the player's defensive power

Attack power is equivalent to 300 times the player's attack power.

Passive special effects: divine light.

Divine Light: When surrounded by a companion spirit ball, a white light will appear on the player. Under the blessing of white light, all attributes will be increased by 500 times.

Special skills: Absolute orbit, destroy the rays.

Destruction ray: A coverage ray attack is launched in one direction, each ray attack is equivalent to 500 times the player's attack power.

Absolute surround: 360-degree omni-directional no-dead-angle surround defense for players, the defense power is equal to 500 times the player's defense power.


Seeing the attributes of the latest companion spirit ball, Tang Yi's eyes lit up and his eyes were full of joy.

Before evolution, the companion spirit ball did not have any special effects and skills.

Only the original attributes, and the attributes are extremely poor, are not suitable for Tang Yi to use.

But now it has evolved.

The attributes of the companion spirit ball have been raised several hundred times at once!

From the original percentage, it has become the current multiple.

In addition, there is one more special effect and two active skills!

This improvement is very great!

Tang Yi looked at the two active skills of that special effect, and the surprise in his eyes became more obvious.

Special effects are passive special effects, as long as they are surrounded by spirit balls, they can be excited independently, which can improve Tang Yi's full attributes!

This is a good reminder.

The two active skills, one is the attack skills, can carry out covered ray attacks.

One is defense skills, capable of 360-degree omnidirectional defense without dead angles!

Both the attack and defense skills are very practical skills.

For Tang Yi, you can get a lot of tips!

Of course, the most important thing is that the companion spirit ball is a treasure that can carry out autonomous attacks and autonomous defenses. It has its own spiritual knowledge and does not require Tang Yi to control it at all.

At this time, the basic attributes have been improved, so the damage that can be caused by the companion spirit ball and the defense that can be formed independently will be greatly improved.

This is undoubtedly a huge help for Tang Yi.

It is equivalent to adding one more soldier to help yourself.

It must be said that the evolution gems of special items are indeed powerful.

Can actually improve the companion spirit ball so much!

Tang Yi was very satisfied with the evolved companion spirit ball.

After checking the latest attributes of the companion spirit ball, Tang Yi summoned it and then let it defend itself.

Subsequently, Tang Yi made another round in the special item placement area on the ninth floor to see if there were any items that could be collected.

After turning around and finding no items to collect, Tang Yi moved towards the tenth floor of the Eternal Shrine.

After a long time, Tang Yi came to the spiral stairs on the ninth floor.

Without hesitation, Tang Yi set foot on the spiral staircase leading to the tenth floor.

So far, Tang Yi has passed into the Eternal Shrine for two days.

Although it didn't take long to kill BOSS and collect items, it didn't take much time, but in fact it has been a long time.

To know that the Eternal Shrine is very vast, the spiral staircase that rushes from one floor to another takes at least several hours.

Even if Tang Yi did not encounter anything, and did not carry out the operation of collecting items, he would have to spend two days just to hurry up!

Of course, if Tang Yi goes all out, it may be faster.

However, it is too risky to go all out.

After all, who knows what will happen on the road?

In case of encountering a monster like an eternal snow spider again, it is dangerous.

Being attacked by a monster and being seriously injured, Tang Yi can quickly recover with the immortality.

If it was killed by a single blow, it would be miserable.

Tang Yi has no other means, no matter how many medicines, it will not help.

Therefore, Tang Yi did not choose to go all out, but proceeded cautiously.

In addition to the various monsters and beasts encountered on the road, as well as the time to collect treasures, Tang Yi boarded the tenth floor, which took only two days.

Stepping on the spiral ladder, Tang Yi kept walking towards the tenth floor of the Eternal Shrine.

In Tang Yi's thinking, the tenth floor of the Eternal Shrine has a great chance that it will be the ultimate BOSS of the Eternal Shrine.

If not, it must be an extremely important place!

Therefore, when ascending the tenth floor, Tang Yi was extremely careful, and almost every time he walked on the spiral ladder, he had to look up to avoid something falling on the tenth floor.

So that the spiral ladder that only took thirty minutes to pass, Tang Yi walked for almost an hour.

Fortunately, Tang Yi didn't encounter anything until the tenth floor.

Stepping on the tenth floor, Tang Yi stood at the entrance of the tenth floor, and the final BOSS that appeared in anticipation did not appear in the field of vision.

In front of Tang Yi, there is no final boss, and there are no shelves, counters or the like.

Into the eyes, there is a long passage.

This channel is completely different from the channel on the previous nine floors.

The previous passages from the first to the ninth floor are extremely wide, like a huge square.

Not to mention accommodating ten people, even if accommodating one hundred and one thousand people pass by at the same time, there is no problem.

However, the tenth floor is extremely narrow and long, and can only accommodate three or four people walking at the same time.

The structure of the two is completely different.

The former is like a square, and the latter is like... a street entrance?

It's the feeling of the street.

In addition to the size, the decoration, murals, etc. in the passage are completely different.

If the passage from the first to the ninth floor, the decoration is ordinary decoration.

Then the decoration on the tenth floor channel is luxurious decoration.

Looking into the eyes, the gold is brilliant and the atmosphere is endless.

The tenth floor and the previous one to nine floors are not at all a level.

Tang Yi looked at the passage with a tongue, while constantly moving towards the passage.

The passage is extremely long and narrow. After Tang Yi walked for dozens of minutes, he finally reached the end of the passage and came to a gate.

This gate is very heavy, and there are many complicated and mysterious patterns carved on it~www.mtlnovel.com~It seems to have a simple atmosphere.

In addition, an unknown horror monster was carved in the center of the gate.

This monster has two fangs that protrude at least 30 to 40 centimeters.

Three horns like horns.

Four thick arms arm.

Eight slender legs.

Nine fox-like tails.

The whole looks very weird, a little different.

At this time, in the picture of the gate, it had fangs fangs and a fierce look, and its four arms were raised high, as if lifting the butcher knife was about to do something with it.

The fluff on the body also exploded like a hedgehog, and the whole looked very terrible.

Just the picture on the gate, you can see that this monster is very powerful and terrifying!