Upgrade Beyond Rampage - Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060


Of course, why Duan Tianlan had to argue with Elder Beast Tianmen, he just glanced at it and knew that Tang Yi's two kills of Tianxing Beast were absolutely not accidental, and certainly no luck.

Tang Yi used his strength to kill Tianxing Beast!

Since you can kill once or twice, then...

After that, he can certainly kill three times, four times, and even countless times.

So, what did Duan Tianlan go to argue with the elder Taishou Tianshou?

Facts speak louder than words, and Tang Yi will be able to prove himself soon, so Duan Tianlan doesn't need to argue at all. Tang Yi will soon face the elder of the Tianmen, a face-striking beast. .

Therefore, at this moment, Duan Tianlan only needs to watch quietly, without having to argue.

Others also know the truth, but they don't want to lose the face of Elder Beast Tianmen, and they don't want to be an enemy to Elder Beast Tianmen, so they didn't say much.

On the other hand, Xuefu, the master of the Tianxing Palace, ignored the bet of the elder of the beast Tianmen. Her mind at the moment was all on Tang Yi in the light curtain, and, looking at Tang Yi's eyes, More and more shiny, as if I saw the shiny gold.

Somewhere in Tianxing Palace.


"That Xifu disciple, too... too strong. The arrow with such power, the arrow that can shoot the Skywalker, can shoot so many arrows at once, which is terrible."

"Yeah, just before the rain of arrows, let alone three Skywalkers, even if a hundred Skywalkers are present, they must fall on the spot!"

"Was the arrow rain just now a martial art?? The disciples of Xifu actually mastered such a powerful martial art? Or said? Just that arrow rain, was that martial art attached to the silver bow? Is it the credit of the silver bow? If If so, then this silver bow is too scary. What level of weapon is this weapon?"

"We just thought that the Xifu disciple could never kill the Celestial Beast with one arrow for the second time, but unexpectedly, this Xifu disciple slapped us hard with facts, which was too powerful."

"However, he didn't shoot the skywalker with one arrow, just countless arrows hit the skywalker before killing the skywalker."

"Fart, didn't you see that the Celestial Beast was defended with petrochemicals just now, and was it penetrated by arrows? Each arrow penetrated the Celestial Beast's defense. So, even if it was just one arrow, the sky The beast must die."

"Not necessarily? Breaking through the defense does not mean that you will die."

"That kind of powerful arrow that penetrated the defense. You told me it would not die? Are you kidding me?"

"I also don't think it's dead. Why did it die if it broke down the defense? That's the skywalker, the existence of the beast **** level. Do you think it is some small fish and shrimp?"

"Anyway, I think it will die."

"I don't think so."

"I think it will!"

The disciples of Tianxing Palace saw Tang Yi's burst of arrows and killed three Tianxing beasts. At the same time, everyone was also talking about it. Some people thought that Tang Yineng shot Tianxing beast with one arrow, and some people thought Tang Yi only killed the Skywalker with the number of arrows of rain. Anyway, everyone has a lot of opinions, and both views stand.

However, no matter how many people argue, after all, Tang Yi hasn't killed the Sky Beast again with one arrow, so all the debates will have no conclusion. In the end, everyone can only continue to focus on the light curtain and start serious Watch it.

If it is the usual, whether it is a group of elders in the small square and the masters of the Tianxing Palace, or the disciples of the Tianxing Palace in the Tianxing Palace, generally watching the selection will not only look at one person, after all, only one That's too boring.

In extreme airspace, where the battle occurs, the light curtain will prompt immediately, people watching can also fully control the light curtain, aim the image in the light curtain to the place where the battle occurs, or control the light curtain, aim at the thought Any disciple who wants to see can operate.

However, at this moment, although there are many hints in the light curtain and battles have occurred in many places, everyone can also switch their perspectives to see other disciples who participated in the selection, but at this moment, whether it is the crowd of elders on the small square and the Tianxing Palace The Lord, or the disciples of Tianxing Palace in Tianxing Palace, don't have any intention to change the lens to see other people.

All of them put their eyes on Tang Yi's body, and the lens in the light curtain was also aimed at Tang Yi. It seems that everyone is still unsatisfied and wants to see more of Tang Yi's wonderful performances.

Of course, more people are curious, whether Tang Yi can shoot the Celestial Beast with one arrow.

Just the second time, although Tang Yi shot three Celestial Beasts in one shot, it was after all the credit for Arrow Rain. When everyone wanted to come, this Arrow Rain should be a powerful martial art, so he shot three. Skywalker only.

Whether Tang Yi can kill the Celestial Beast for the second time with an arrow is not yet known.

Everyone wants to know the result~www.mtlnovel.com~ So everyone doesn't want to see other people, just want to see Tang Yi alone.

In the eyes of everyone, if Tang Yi can really shoot the Tianxing Beast with one arrow, then... this time the people who can pass the selection are definitely Tang Yi.

After all, this powerful strength, such powerful attack power, cannot be selected, which is a bit exaggerated...

Extreme airspace.

After Tang Yi killed three Celestial Beasts again, Mizzi picked up the Celestial Crystals that were lost after Celestial Beasts' death, and then moved again.

After killing four Celestial Beasts in a row, Tang Yi's mission was actually completed, but the time had not yet passed, so Tang Yi could not get out of the ultimate airspace.

In other words, he can continue to hunt monsters in extreme airspace.

If it is someone else, after killing the four Celestial Beasts, in order to ensure safety and ensure no accidents, I might choose to find a safe area to stay, and then wait for the end of time, but Tang Yi is not an ordinary person , He wouldn't do it.

There is another reason for not doing this, that is, Tang Yi wants to gain huge experience value!

Killing Celestial Beast, it has experience value, and the experience value is extremely rich!

After just killing four Celestial Beasts in a row, Tang Yi has brought about 80 billion experience points!

80 billion experience points, what a huge number!

Although Tang Yi's upgrade experience requires 100 billion experience points, 80 billion experience points, plus the original experience value of Tang Yi, is almost hundreds of billions, and then kill more than a dozen or twenty days. Beast, Tang Yi may be able to upgrade.

Tang Yi was very excited about the upgrade and the promotion of God of War.

So, can Tang Yi not continue?

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