Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 5 Ambush

5 Ambush

'As soon as I get enough money, I will forge myself some great quality armors.'

Mo Xie thought, after a few hours, they finally arrived inside the Evergreen Forest, the distance between here and the Guanting City is about a ten-kilometer travel.

Although he is currently a mortal, the instinct he had honed through the years of experience battling to the top, Mo Xie could still feel hundreds of gazes focusing on them, but so long as there is no killing intent, Mo Xie wouldn't mind.

After a while, Mo Xie's group finally stopped, a wide area of plain can be seen, only a huge rock in the middle is on display.

The Carriage's door opened as two silhouettes walk out, a female and an old man.

The female looked at the old man and spoke: "Elder Han, they are not here yet."

The one she called Elder Han looked back to her and spoke: "Young Miss, you are the 4th Daughter of the Patriarch, we will do everything to protect you."

"Thank you, Elder Han." The lady smiled as she expressed her thanks.

Elder Han smiled back as she patted her head.

After their conversation, another group appeared, they have the same exact numbers with Mo Xie's group, 25 warriors and a carriage.

Their carriage door opened immediately, two elders walked out and a young man.

The young man looks to be around 20 years old of age, as soon as he walks out of the carriage, a hint of l.u.s.t appeared as he stared at the Young Miss of Shang.

"Shang Ting, I wish your Clan have finally decided, did your Patriarch agree? we will treat you fairly well if you join our Clan, and we will be wedded after."

Shang Ting frowned, she then calmed down and replied: "Di Fan, we've discussed that we are only to bring an elder and twenty-five warriors, why are there two elders on your side?"

Mo Xie can already tell what is happening, the Drama...

'Ay-Ay, I guess this will be a case of kidnapping.'

Di Fan chuckles as he replied: "Don't worry, it is just a precaution, your Clan might've sent another elder waiting inside the carriage, so we might as well bring one of our own."

Shang Ting and Elder Han frowned, this is the middle of the forest, they wouldn't be able to get reinforcement, especially with the distance from here to the City.

"Where is my Brother?" Shang Ting spoke.

Di Fan chuckles as he waved his hands, two of his soldiers took out a 12 year old boy out of the carriage and brought him in front of Di Fan.

"Litian! did they hurt you?"

Shang Litian shook his head, but clearly is in pain, he has a blindfold and also a piece of cloth tied arround his mouth.

Di Fan chuckles as he spoke: "Now, were is the Flame Lion's Bone Marrow?"

Mo Xie chuckles, a gold ranked demon beast, Flame Lion's bone marrow is the cause of this? such a low-cla.s.s ingredient is actually making their clans move, well, considering the state of this land, he could only sigh.

Shang Ting glared at Di Fan as she looked at the old man, Elder Han waved his hand.

A soldier took out a box around 12 inches long and brought it over to Elder Han.

"Open it."

Elder Han frowned, but he still opened the box, a black powder is in there, that is the marrow that is grinding to a powder state, ready to be used for pill concoction.

Di Fan chuckles as he spoke: "Okay, now our Elder will bring the Kid to your side, while your Elder will bring the powder to us."

"Halfway is enough." Shang Ting rebuked.

"Di Fan chuckles again as he replied: "Sure, sure, no worries."

After the talk, two elders walk to the center, one bringing a box while the other bringing the boy.

The Elder of the Di Clan smiled as he handed the boy over, Elder Han couldn't help but frown and handed the box too.

Both of the Elders made their way back to their group.

Shang Ting sighed as she spoke: "Let us depart."

"Yes!" All of the warriors from the Shang Clan spoke.

Shang Ting smiled at her little brother as she approaches him, removing the clothes one by one.

Di Fan then spoke: "Shang Ting, why not have a cup of tea with me first? I can't wait for our wedding to be held before I can taste your body."

Hearing this, Elder Han became enraged; "How dare you speak of such bulgar words!"

Shang Ting ignored it as she continued to remove the ropes disabling her younger brother.

Di Fan chuckles, waiting for Shang Ting to remove the piece of clothing on his mouth.

As soon as she undid it, Litian shouted: "Ambus.h.!.+"

Everyone immediately became alert, Elder Han felt enraged, he is one of the Clan's top warrior, a 10-star silver ranked warrior, but he couldn't even sense the presence of anyone.

but as soon as Litian's voice vanished, one by one, a lot of people started to appear coming from the inside of the forest.

A group of warriors starting with bronze to silver ranked cultivators.

In just an instant, they were surrounded by more than a hundred men.

The sword for hire couldn't help but curse, they are just ordinary mortals, why do they have to be involved in this.

"Please have mercy, us brothers will leave, we didn't sign for a fight like this."

"Me too."

"And me."

Immediately, the four swords for hire started to retreat and went back to the way they had come.

Di Fan chuckles as he spoke: "Sorry but, n.o.body will leave here."

After finis.h.i.+ng his words, the 1star silver ranked warrior slashed away, aiming at the four swords for hire.

"No! Please! KAAA!"

"Have mer- GAAA!"



Their four bodies slammed to the ground, their eyes lifeless.

The other guards prepared to fight, n.o.body amongst them will be able to leave this place alive.

Di Fan chuckles as he looked at Shang Ting full of l.u.s.t: "I need to test your body first, you might not be a virgin anymore."

The elite guards started to get closer and closer towards Shang Ting.

Then, from the carriage of the Shang Clan, three silhouettes jumped out, exuding great might and pressure, only losing to Elder Han's might.

Di Fan laughs at this and spoke: "Well, I knew there would be bugs lying there in wait! Kill them! But do not harm Shang Ting, bring her to me, I will do the honor myself!"

Elder Han waved his hand and spoke: "I will handle the two elders, kill those puny beings and help me after!"

"Yes!" The three silhouettes nodded their head, they are the subordinates of Elder Han, his own personal disciples, all of the 4-star Silver Ranked warriors.

The Guards stood still, they are only 10-star bronze ranked warriors, they couldn't do anything to the fight between the strong ones, they can only protect Shang Ting.

Mo Xie on the other hand is looking at the event unfold, not interested in the least.