Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 48 Reminiscing Of The Pas

48 Reminiscing Of The Pas

"I don't want to return to the old way that I had walked before..."

Mo Xie spoke as he submerged his body in the wooden tub, due to his personality billions of years ago, the friends he had, Clan that supported his struggle decided to part with him.

Remembering the old times, where he, Mo Xie stepped at millions of corpses to get what he wanted.

The shouts of pleading, begging for mercy sounded in his ears, he couldn't even remember any of the faces of them.

Shout continued to echo in his mind;

'Please stop!'

'Spare my brother!'

'Please forgive me!'

'I didn't mean it!'

'I will change my ways from now on!'


With the amount of blood that crossed his hands, it can even fill a dried world fully.

Holding his temples with his hands, he wished to turn back time; "Bingyun..." A single word escaped his lips, a name of a female as a figure slowly showed in his mind.

He had already forgotten everyone through the pa.s.sage of time, yet that single name didn't manage to escape his memory.

Remembering the cold yet charming lady's silhouette, her graceful moves, the aura she released that is too cold yet the warmth in her eyes betrayed her and couldn't hide her real personality.

The person that helped him through the thirty years that he was belittled by everyone, Bingyun, although they were at the same age, she knew a lot of things, teaching him martial arts, skills, how to cultivate, alchemy. But one day, that person suddenly vanished without a trace.

Mo Xie searched for that person, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do so, even when he reached the Celestial Phenomenon stage, the 'Peak' of cultivation, he didn't find any hint nor trace of her.

Peaking at each and every World that he can stretch his spiritual senses, yet, to his dismay, he found no clue about her, but he also had a single thought in it, only cultivators that reached the Celestial Phenomenon stage will have immortal life, she might've died through the pa.s.sage of time.

Not being able to avoid a natural death.

"Bingyun... You've promised me one thing... When I become someone that can stand side by side with you... You will marry me... Have I done enough?"

Mo Xie is currently smiling, but deep within, his yearning for 'Bingyun' is too strong.

For 30 years that they were together, no matter how strong he became, he couldn't even touch a single hair of hers.

"The bodies that died in my hands in search for you... countless as the number of stars in the sky..."

Mo Xie sighed as he went out of the tub and got dressed. As soon as he finished, he immediately went back to Shang Ting and Aiqing's side.

Seeing Aiqing eating to non-stop, Mo Xie couldn't help but laugh: "Good, good, you should eat to your fill."

Mo Xie patted her head before taking a sit himself.

"Why are you not eating?" Mo Xie asked, the first thing he saw when coming here is Shang Ting's dampen mood, he already knew of the answer though.

"I'm... I'm not really in the mood to eat, I fell bloated already." Shang Ting replied with an awkward smile on her lips.

Mo Xie smiled, seeing death for the first time is the trial of each cultivator, but Shang Ting only saw blood, a separated arm and two disabled eyes, well it is gruesome, but still, it is the trial of heart.

"Then you should stop cultivating, the path of cultivation is a path of carnage, those that wants to reach the top needs to step on hundreds, thousands, even millions of corpses, If you couldn't even handle a sight like that, you should stop now while it is still early."

Mo Xie's tone is not loud nor is it low, he wants to Shang Ting wholeheartedly, she haven't even felt the feeling of killing and her heart had already succ.u.mbed to fear.

Hearing his words, Shang Ting's eyes opened widely: "I... No! I want to continue!"

Shang Ting's eyes were full of resolve, if she stopped now, what reason does she have to actually be with Mo Xie? Realizing her own heart, she clenched her hands as she placed it in her heart.

'When... have I fallen for... fallen for him?'

Mo Xie smiled as he spoke: "Then, you need to strengthen your will in the future, you should eat now."

Mo Xie was about to speak and explain further, yet, if he did, Shang Ting might not eat for a very long time.

After a few minutes, the three of them stood up and made their way out, Mo Xie left 20 gold taels on the table too.

On their way back to the Mo Clan, a lot of people started to make way for them, not wanting to offend him nor cause any disturbance.

Seeing this, Mo Xie remembered his past again; people distancing themselves from him, the ones he holds dear and close to him departed.

Shaking his head, Mo Xie continued.

The three of them arrived back at the Mo Family, as soon as he did, he went straight to the chair together with Shang Ting.

As soon as they did; little Qing'er shouted: "Big Sis! Let's have a match!"

Luoyang was shocked, but after that she smiled and replied: "Okay."

Mo Xie sighed; "Be sure to go all out, if you hold back, I will punish you accordingly."

Hearing Mo Xie's words, even Shang Ting is shocked, what about the disciples and Elders? They were speechless.

A 1-star bronze ranked cultivator, how can she fend herself against Luoyang who had reached 8-star silver rank? what can she even do?

"Patriarch... this..." Luoyang looked at Mo Xie, wanting to plead for mercy.

"I will give you an additional reward, so long as you don't lose." Mo Xie's wourd resournded to the whole of the courtyard.

Aiqing looked at Mo Xie as she jumped at his lap and kissed him on the cheek; "Thank you, Daddy!"

Mo Xie smiled as he waved his hands: "Then, the both of you may enter the stage."

Luoyang looked at Mo Xie in shock; 'So long as I don't lose, I will be given a reward? Shouldn't you say that to your Daughter instead?'

It felt like Mo Xie is belittling her. But after a while, Luoyang moved on as she stepped on the stage.

She looked at Aiqing and spoke: "Little Sister, sorry if I hurt you."

Aiqing smiled as the light in her eyes flashed: "Big Sister! Don't worry, just use everything you have!"

Aiqing's innocent and pure smile is opposite to the words that she had spoken.

Everyone looked at her in questioning; 'Are you sure you can take on Martial Sister Luoyang?.