Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - Chapter 400: Mysterious Heart 1

Chapter 400: Mysterious Heart 1

Tianxie looked at his son before gazing at Ruoxin, the latter couldn't even look as Tianxie took the child and moved into a special s.p.a.ce where he created, it's a small place, much like a room.

Tianxie had not much knowledge in parenting, but he knew one thing, even children of the G.o.ds cry when they are born, but his child, he's looking at his father with a frown, like someone enduring a great pain.

Seeing this, Tianxie withdraws his sword: "Don't worry, it will be painless, the next thing you'll know is you're already alive again." but at this moment after finis.h.i.+ng his words, the child smiled at him.

Tianxie that had never feared the heavens and death, for the first time in his life had a bead of tear formed on his eyes.

For some reason, the child felt like he himself acknowledged his fate, Tianxie felt weak, but he only has ten seconds left, he grips his hands tightly that even blood started to ooze out of his palm.

"I will see you soon, my son!"


It was a short instant, but Tianxie felt it, his sword slas.h.i.+ng his own child's tiny neck, his hands trembled.

He had killed uncountable numbers of living beings, but this is the first that he had felt it, fear!

He feared it so much that his child must've felt the pain!

But he looked at him, he saw a relief expression, a newborn baby has it!

Tianxie couldn't help but felt pained as he asked: "How much pain will make even a newborn baby feel relieved to die!"

Gripping his hands into a fist, he shouted: "GRAAAAAAAAA!"

He cried for three days and three nights in solemn confinement where no one saw him, he thought it will be an easy task, but to kill his own son...

Tianxie brought his child back and at the next instance, he vanished without a trace, the next event that transpired is, he was seen fighting the Heavenly Law experts without any hesitation for his life! Killing Arch Angel Mukas and Zatum together with thirty other twenty winged Arch Angels, he was only stopped when other G.o.ds arrived to save him.

It took fifteen G.o.ds to pull him back to safety, he had succeeded in venting his anger and frustration, but losing an arm after his slaughter is the price he had to pay! Luckily, as G.o.ds, they can recover from such injury, it will only take time.

On that day, Tianxie earned a new t.i.tle, the Bloodless Blade G.o.d! 


Mo Xie and Shang Ting started to prepare for their departure, but Mo Xie is slightly against her coming too.

But he wasn't the only one that thought so, even Shang Ting felt that she didn't want to leave, after all, they will be leaving their children.

Mo Xie then started to create a teleportation stone, it costed them about a tenth of their wealth, it's able to have Shang Ting return home once a year, and also, able to come back again after a year.

This time, Mo Xie intends to bring all of his direct disciples, Huolin, Luoyin, Wentian, Tian, and Duan in this journey, also, Aiqing will be joining as well, with the core disciples as her retinue.

(AN: I changed Luoyang to Luoyin, sounds more feminine and is an actual name for a female, Luoyang is a name majorly used by males, is someone I know said.)

Huolin and Luoyin are currently at the Demon Race's territory, only Wentian tagged along with them, and since Mo Xie's direct disciples are on a mission in Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire, he will just make his way there to fetch them, he only has Xuan Yuan with them that is a direct disciple of Mo Xie's.

Mo Xie stacked one of his rings with food, and another with a few thousands of spirit stones.

Huolin and Luoyin are both in the Demon Race's kingdom, they will be fetched as they made their way to the Myriad Earth Abyss Continent and also his direct disciples that are on a mission in the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire.

Since these two groups are in the direction they will be going to, it wouldn't be much of a problem.

Mo Xie left a few more arts that are almost perfect, all of which are below 7-grade ranked ones, and left twenty arts that are 8-grade.

Also, he created a new training facility, Elemental Penance hall, the longer one can last, the higher they can go, tempering one's body and such.

And lastly, a PaG.o.da that puts great pressure to ones own body, the higher one can go, the better for training the body.

Mo Xie glanced at Shang Ting and asked: "Are you ready?"

Shang Ting nodded her head: "Yes, we should depart now."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Zhuding, let's go."

"Yes, master!"

Zhuding arrived, Aiqing and Wentian also hopped on him.

Kara followed behind, before she can get a complete human body, she couldn't be seen by others together with them, else, it will bring unease.

The Elders felt conflicted, yet, all of them together with the disciples cupped their fists and bid their Matriarch and Patriarch farewell.

"Master, where will we go?" Zhuding asked.

"Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire." Mo Xie replied, he'd need to fetch his direct disciples first.

They should've already finished with how strong they are, but for some reason, they are taking a longer time than he had estimated: "Or maybe they are celebrating..."

He already crafted a few communication jades, he'll be giving one for each of them, and left a few dozens back at the Mo Family.

He also made a few minor arrangements such as enhancing the picking of new disciples, age limitation, and so on.

With the preparation done, Mo Xie made the rest made their way out of the Mo Family's territory and headed to the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire's capital.

As they arrived, Mo Xie and the rest found that the Empire is already at peace, although some parts of the walls are destroyed, it's being repaired already.

A few of the buildings are damaged too, but the owners are given materials to have their own houses repaired.

As they arrived on top of the Empire, a lot of people looked at them, wondering who these experts are.

Although riding a dragon is rare, it's not that rare that they've never seen one or two.

Immediately, experts arrived and blocked their path: "Please stop, we've recently entered a hard time, we would appre-"

He couldn't even finish his words as he saw familiar figures within the group, he immediately cupped his fist respectfully: "Matriarch Shang, Lady Mo!"

Hearing him, the rest of the guards followed suit: "We welcome you back to the Empire."

Since Shang Ting and Aiqing are regular VIP guests of the Empire, no one from the Empire does not know their name.

Shang Ting nodded her head: "My husband had sent his direct disciples and two core disciples from my Family, where are they now?"

Hearing this, they looked at each other, in their mind; 'Those are the Mo Family Patriarch's direct disciples!'

'No wonder they were strong!'

They couldn't help but make their imagination run wild; 'How strong will the Patriarch be?'

After a whole fifteen seconds had pa.s.sed, all of them s.h.i.+fts their gaze at Mo Xie, and then, towards the old man behind him, they immediately bowed again: "Sword Emperor!"

Sword Emperor! Even the sword emperor is merely following Mo Xie from behind!

Hearing the t.i.tle Sword Emperor, Xuan Yuan couldn't help but blush, he felt ashamed!

He had seen three Sword Emperors from the Myriad Earth Abyss Continent, and any of these three can actually destroy him with a flick of their fingers!

Much worst, the person that toyed with these three, his own master is present! No matter how thick his skin is, he didn't even dare to call himself a sword apprentice now!

'Ahem!' Xuan Yuan coughed hard clearing his throat and shook his head as he spoke: "I'm not the sword emperor anymore, just call me Xuan Yuan, I am also a disciple of the Mo Patriarch, Mo Xie."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be amazed.

Even Xuan Yuan became a disciple?