Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 393 Everything Falling Apart!

393 Everything Falling Apart!

Kara with nothing else to do spoke: "Master, should we return now? My children will finish the rest within an hour, we wouldn't be doing anything around here till they are finished."

Mo Xie nods his head, he heaved a sigh of relief, he just wishes that him dealing with the enemies here will resolve some issues for Ouyang Chen and the Myriad Earth Abyss Continent.

"Let's go."

"Yes!" Kara nodded, she wrapped Mo Xie and Xuan Yuan within her spiritual energy as they formed into a streak of light heading back to the Mo Family's territory.

It took only about incent's time before they arrive back.

After the whole ordeal is done, it took roughly twelve hours, and it's already nearing dawn when they arrived home.

But as he arrived, he felt something really peculiar, his expression darkened as he made his way to his home: "Bring Xuan Yuan to rest and wait for further orders from me."

Kara nodded her head: "Yes, master."

Mo Xie hurriedly walked towards his home, and as he arrived, he saw Aiqing, and Shang Ting together with the latter's friends worriedly looking at the three children on their arms.

Seeing this sight, Mo Xie felt that his world started to crumble.

"What's happening?!" He rushed at his babies.

Shang Ting hearing his voice looked up, like a dam suddenly opening, her tears poured out of her eyes: "Husband, Mian'er, Yan'er, and Yin'er are suffering from a sickness!"

"I-I don't know what to do!"

Shang Ting cried as she looked at Mo Xie helplessly, for some reason, even though their garden protected by a formation, the three babies suffered an illness of unknown origin!

Mo Xie patted Shang Ting's head, then, he looked at Yuyan and scanned her body.

After just three seconds, Mo Xie found some eerie signs, he had read of it before as he uttered: "Innate Extreme Yang Const.i.tution..."

A deep frown etched itself on his face, based on his understanding, this is a great physique for male, he had not seen it, but from one of the ruins, he had read it before.

It boasts tremendous power for fire path, the lightning path, and light path cultivators, a tier higher even when compared to the Solar Blaze Physique from the Solar Blaze Tribe, and one has to know, they are the bloodline from a G.o.d!

If it's inherited by a male, it is a tremendous blessing from the heavens, but if it's to a female... it will be no different than a death sentence!

Mo Xie wanted to do something as he looked at Yuyan heaving a huge breath as sweat continuously appears all over her body, even convulsing some time!

His heart tightened as he felt that it's being pierced by thousands of needles as he looked at her daughter.

She's not even crying, it's like she's enduring the pain all by her self!

Mo Xie wants to inject his spiritual energy to her to ease her pain, but if he does, the const.i.tution will act up and devour her completely, decreasing the chance Yuyan can live, even shortening her time!

Based on what Mo Xie knows, if a female was to ever possess this physique, her meridians will melt, if she was to cultivate, then, she will die!

If Yiyan is to survive this ordeal, she'll transform the const.i.tution to Extreme Yang Physique, becoming an extremely proficient fire cultivator! Although her body will be bigger than ordinary females by five times, there are a few methods to change that.

Mo Xie has no solution to such a thing, he then looked at Feng Mian and Yi Min and scanned their bodies.

He couldn't help but kneel on the ground as he looked at his three children helplessly.

Yi Min is suffering from rare const.i.tution too, Innate Soul and Spirit Heavenly Plague Const.i.tution, this time, it's a much more terrible const.i.tution!

His eyes widened as he waved his hand: "Kuhuk!" He vomited blood as he tried to control the spiritual energy around Yi Min, not letting any spiritual energy coming as close as a meter to him!

As he had done it, Yi Min's pale face slowly regained its colors, as his breath returned to normal, but the pain is still there, although a little lower than Yuyan's, it's almost at the same level of pain!

Yi Min's const.i.tution is extremely dangerous. If you compare a person to a drum and the water to fill it is spiritual energy, if one reaches their fill, they can break through to the next rank!

But for Yi Min's const.i.tution, if his drum was to be filled, he will explode and die! And as a none cultivator, his soul sea is none existent, but due to the specialness of the const.i.tution, Yi Min is receiving the spiritual energy with his whole body being treated as the soul sea.

And it's named as Innate Soul and Spirit Heavenly Plague Const.i.tution just for that, even if Yi Min managed to be a cultivator from some sort of miracle, he will have no soul sea to cultivate and can only use his meridians as his vessel!

If one is able to overthrow this dreadful fate, they can turn this const.i.tution into a blessing, its name will be changed to Heavenly Blessed Soul and Spirit Physique!

And based on the records, they will able to command spiritual energy at will, to cultivate more than thirty times faster than ordinary cultivators, and to use their own spirit to fight others in a battle!

But then, it also mentioned, that out of a thousand experts that suffered from such an event, only one managed to survive!

A once in a thousand chance... Mo Xie thought as his expression grew helpless.

Then... Feng Mian...

Finally, Mo Xie's endurance gave up as his a tear dropped from his right eye.

Berserker Immortal Physique, a physique that harnesses a great ability to fight cultivators a level or a few ranks higher than theirs, in comparison, while Mo Xie's Tyrannical G.o.d's physique boasts great physical power and recovery, the former is pure strength!

It is at least twenty times stronger than the Tyrannical G.o.d's Physique!

According to the records, it's a path itself, like Swordsmans.h.i.+p.

The G.o.d that had made it focused on pure fighting power, he was but a normal human, a laborer even.

But like a twist of fate, he became well versed in fighting, instead of spiritual energy, he focused on his body and meridians.

Soon after that, he managed to become a G.o.d, many years before Zhihao become one!

It's okay to slowly practice this art, but to inherit it as a child...

It's like opening a dam to a small kiddy pool!

It will overflow its capacity and burst! Flooding the whole area instead!

Mo Xie found it hopeless right now, but he grits his teeth and clenched his fists: "I'll never give up!"

Seeing his children's pained expression, he couldn't help but feel pained as well!

But these three weren't even crying! They were braving through the pain!

And as their father, he couldn't be weak! The only thing he could do is... to find something to let his children tide over their fate!

But as he thought of this, a group of people started to walk behind him.

Mo Xie was slightly shocked, they managed to come here without him noticing until they were a few meters away?

But as Mo Xie looked at them, his frown easen as he spoke: "It's you?!"