Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 378 Meeting Again

378 Meeting Again

Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom's capital, it was once a prosperous city, filled with busy people and... corruption, under the lumination of the kingdom's castle, all types of things are done even with the presence of the security.

Human trafficking, slavery, organ business, extortion, and many more vile things one could think of.

If you aren't part of the royal army, you'll be placed in a dangerous spot! 

As Mo Xie and Shang Ting stared at the crowd below them, the latter couldn't help but sigh.

They are still fighting endlessly, their reasons beyond recovery as all they could think of is continue fighting till the end.

They even already forgot that they were fighting to survive, the only thought in their mind is... kill!

They've long lost themselves to bloodl.u.s.t, insanely pursuing the others at the cost of one's life!

The pain they've suffered from couldn't even be described as tears of blood drape their face completely.

Shang Ting couldn't help but utter: "They've been broken."

Mo Xie nodded his head, he had promised to let ten thousand experts live, but as he expected, this is the outcome he had envisioned.

"There are only five hundred of them left, only half of them are continuously fighting while the remaining had been hiding from the start." HE paused for a bit as he looked at his wife: "Spare them?"

Shang Ting nodded: "Yes, they deserve this second chance."

Mo Xie nodded his head, the result is satisfactory to his expectation.

Since that's the case, they don't even need to watch anymore.

He then shot Shang Ting a glance again: "I have a surprise for you."

Shang Ting looked back at him and asked: "Okay." She merely answered, after all, asking 'What is it' to a surprise is not plausible.

Mo Xie chuckles: "Kara, you've found them?"

Kara nodded her head: "Master, yes. Should I lead you to them?"

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Yes, kindly do so."

"As you wish." Kara nodded and flew ahead, Zhuding immediately followed.

Shang Ting glanced at the slaughter one last time before shaking her head. This was a slaughter, a slaughter from the path of torture no books had ever recorded ever.

Mo Xie had set to have only 10,000 survive, but to think that only about a little over two hundred will survive.

"Husband, who's 'them' that you're talking about?" Shang Ting couldn't help but ask.

Mo Xie smiled gently, brus.h.i.+ng Shang Ting's red hair as he spoke: "You'll know."

The night had pa.s.sed quickly as the morning dawn woke everyone up.

From a village between the Sea Dragon Kingdom and the Zhong Zi Imperial State's borders, a village with a population of three thousand people started their daily lives.

For a village, a population of three thousand could already be considered a small city, but these people are laying low.

Farming, hunting beasts, and planting herbs is their specialty, as an ordinary village merely there to survive every year.

"Sis, look, the b.o.o.bly Pink Lotus started to bloom." 

"Right, it's so cute." The sister she called replied with a nod as the both of them smiled.

"Let's get to work now, else, when the winter comes again, there will be not enough food for everyone when winter arrives."

"Un!" The two of them headed to the farm to harvest the crops.

As they reached the farm, they couldn't help but smile: "This month's a blessing, I hope every month is like this."

"Yeah!" The sister replied, but when they are about to do their work, the sound of the bell echoes throughout the whole village.

"Sister, what's happening."

The other one shook her head: "I don't know, but I hope it wouldn't be able beast tide, our crops and everything we've worked hard on will be destroyed and we'll need to hide again for three days or till the beast tide is over!"

"No matter, let's hurry home first!"


After a while, they reached the village, the first one they saw in the square is their father: "Father!"

"Dad, what happened?"

"Patriarch Jiang, what happened for you to alarm the emergency bell?" An old man inquired gravely, he's worried too, unlike their previous settlement which has a lot of bronze to gold-ranked demonic beasts, this area is littered with Earth ranked demonic beast up to Heaven Encompa.s.sing rank.

"Patriarch Jiang, is it another beast tide?" Another one asked worriedly.

Hearing his question, everyone felt fear, the last beast tide destroyed their home and crops, only leaving after their village was in ruins.

"That... I was hoping that it's the beast tide this time, but it's a much graver matter, there are a group heading their way here, there are two people which are riding a draconic beast with an... an unknown creature in front of them." Patriarch Jiang spoke with worry written all over his face.

"They should be arriving in about five hours from now, the communication jade was used, hence, we no longer have a way to receive a report from our scouts."

"The group was seen flying towards our location, they won't be pa.s.sing by any other village from that spot. Since that's the case, we can only wish that they will be pa.s.sing by us!"

"But... what if they came from the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom... or even the Xiao Clan?"

Patriarch Jiang frowns: "That... let's just hide our children and women."

Everyone nodded in unison, but as they prepared to move, they heard the loud slashes of wind and a really powerful pressure coming their way.

They all looked at Patriarch Jiang: "P-patriarch, you said that we still have five hours."

But as they all looked at Patriarch Jiang, the latter couldn't help but tremble in fear: "D-draconic beast!"

This is the first time they had seen one, hearing Patriarch Jiang uttered it, they all s.h.i.+vered with fear.

'Please pa.s.s by! Please pa.s.s by!'

All of them hopefully wished it to be, but opposite to their hopes, the draconic beast halted above their belief, slowly, it descends from the sky.

"No... no, we're doomed, we will try to hold on as long as we can, all children and women escape now!" Patriarch Jiang, although trembling ordered.

Hearing him, everyone resolved in their head to also stand their ground, so long as their family, children, loved ones were to escape, they can die without regret: "Escape now! We will hold them down as much as we can!"

"Patriarch Su, we'll be fighting again for one last time."

Patriarch Su nodded his head: "Yes, it will be a death that shall be worthy of our clan!"

"Haha, if the both of you will continuously leave me out, then, I'll cry myself to death you know."

The both of them looked at the old man, they uttered simultaneously: "Patriarch Shen, who would leave you out, I just hope that the trembling of my body stops soon else I won't be able to use all of my powers!"

Hearing their patriarchs spoke, everyone even while trembling stood their ground, to fight to the death!

Mo Xie smiled at them: "Truly, life and death experiences builds a person's standards."

As his words sounded, Mo Xie and Shang Ting jumped from Zhuding's head.

"You two are..." Patriarch Jiang couldn't really remember who Mo Xie is due to his drastic change in appearance, but he had seen Shang Ting before, although she had transformed to be a much more beautiful G.o.ddess, she still looks familiar.

Immediately, the four girls behind couldn't help but shout: "Sister Shang!"

Shang Ting's heart throbbed repeatedly, the warmth she felt started to feel painful, but it's actually a nice feeling instead.

She couldn't help but touch her face with her trembling fingers, she slumps down on the ground as tears couldn't help but pour out of her eyes: "Sister Lin, Sister Qing, Sister Qian, and Sister Yue! I... I miss all of you so much!"

The other four nodded, they immediately swarmed Shang Ting as they hugged her.

They are all cla.s.smates, bosom friends of Shang Ting since childhood the only one missing though, is the Ye Family's daughter.

As the patriarchs looked at Shang Ting before their glance s.h.i.+fted to Mo Xie: "Y-you are..."

Mo Xie smiled: "I am Mo Xie." As he spoke, he cupped his fist: "I thank all of you for being alive."

He thanked them due to one reason and one reason alone. Because their existence will be a huge boost for Shang Ting's mentality!

Patriarch Jian knew Mo Xie personally, he had visited their clan in the Gangting City once!

"That, it's our pleasure to be alive?" They couldn't help but reply awkwardly, what can they even say?

Mo Xie smiled as he looked at Shang Ting before returning in to gaze them: "Forgive me for inflicting your clan through my personal grudges with the Xiao Clan, I don't know how I could ever repay you for that incident, but if you all wouldn't mind, can I transfer you to be one of the factions of the Mo Family?"

All of the patriarchs looked at each other before they smiled and cupped their fist with a bow as they spoke in unison: "We will be honored!"


Shen Lin = the one that tossed some coins for Mo Xie when he arrived at the Gangting City

Su Yuelin = The one together with Shen Lin at that time.

Jiang Qianmei =The one that allowed Mo Xie inside their carriage.

Jiang Qingmei = Elder sister of Qianmei older than 1 year.