Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 376 Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire's Push

376 Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire's Push

The arrival of Yan Meng and the rest created a huge ruckus towards the experts of the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire!

Although Fei Lin didn't directly join the fight, she helped by playing her zither repeatedly, healing their injuries, boosting their strength, and even defending them as they push the Void Creatures back!

It was inconceivable to others as her contribution for the last four days already surpa.s.ses the Emperor himself!

And the two that led the charge at the Void Creatures are shockingly two Immortal Ascension ranked experts! The twins, Mo Tian, and Mo Duan!

They ran amock as they slew every void creatures on their path!

One has to know that these void creatures range from Gold Rank to Immortal Ascension rank!

Not just that, with the steady flow of materials from the Empire, both Yan Meng and Nantian continuously concocted pills to recover their spiritual energy, to heal their wounds, and many more.

The Void Creatures already managed to enter the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire's territory, the human race were losing their footing steadily, but with the arrival of just these five experts, they managed to drive them back thirty kilometers away from the human territory! 

Such a feat had never been seen before the history of the human race!

But when they thought that their problems had been finished already, they started to relax, this drew the ire of Fei Lin as she shouted: "What are you being too lax for, we need to a.s.sault them to the very end, kill them and follow the traces all the way back to its roots!"

"You want to rest in order for them to attack after 10 years again? Their attacks had been increasingly troublesome every ten years, this year, it was about to win over the Empire, and that's it?!"

"Just because you've been saved, that's the end of it?!" 

Fei Lin's words struck every and each individual, her words are correct, but do they have the strength to really finish such a grave task?

At this moment, Emperor Chu Yuanmeng nodded his head: "She's right, we better end this now before we the next wave comes, right now, we couldn't even defeat them of our own."

"If we wait for another ten years and they grow stronger, we will finally meet our end!"

"The eight great clans of the Empire, are you together with me on this?" His voice sounded, his dignity as the emperor shone.

"We are!" All of the clans replied in unison."

The only reason that they were defeated in a one-sided slow battle is due to the loss of the four sacred sect's leaders, their strength had been reduced to more than a half with their disappearance!

One of them died while the others trapped within the thousand peaks mysterious cavern!

But even if their heads weren't present, the two sacred grounds had their direct disciples present!

Celestial Azure Pavilion's Yan Qin, and Grand Martial Sect's Fei Li Shan.

The other two sects are currently headless chickens, with their sect's masters are dead, without any elders to guide them, these two sacred lands started to crumble, both Fei Li Shan and Yan Qin took the sacred land for their own to increase their sect's powers.

The two, Fei Li Shan and Yan Qin became the head of their respective sects until the sect masters return.

Their standing is only beneath the Emperor himself!

But instead of following the emperor... they... they are following Mo Tian and Mo Duan...

"Sister Fei Lin, maybe we should let them rest for a while, they had been exhausted throughout the battle, not just that, even you've used a lot of your spiritual energy, we should definitely rest." Li Shan uttered as she looked at Fei Lin in a pleading manner.

Mo Fei Lin couldn't help but chuckle: "Then, we will rest for thirty minutes before we continue onward."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded in approval, Chu Yuanmeng couldn't help but chuckle as he nodded himself.

He is the emperor of the Empire, but Fei Lin became their leader, actually, not only is her cultivation great, but she also is charismatic, powerful, and beyond everything else, a heaven-defying beauty!

Chu Yuanmeng couldn't help but sigh as he rests and started tempering his soul sea again.

In the far part of the army, Fei Li Shan and Yan Qin are busy convincing someone.

"Duan-gongzi.[1]" Yan Qin called with a low tone, her face looking at the ground not far from Mo Duan as her eyes trying to peek at her face, her fingers slightly fiddling with each other over her lunch bag she's carrying as she tried to strike up a conversation with Mo Duan.

Of course, Mo Duan heard it as he answered with a big innocent smile: "What is it?" 

"Um, instead of training again, yo-you should sit and eat with me..." Yan Qin, known together with Fei Li Shan as the twin ice princess of the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire are actually acting cutely and embarra.s.sed!

Mo Duan shook his head: "Every second count in training, I need to strengthen my body and increase my cultivation, who knows when I'll meet another opponent that I can't win against!"

Yan Qin hearing this became a little hesitant, wanting to push her intent further, but seeing how diligent Mo Duan is, she couldn't help but feel dejected and gave up... for now.

When she's about to walk away, Mo Duan saw the lunch bag, he couldn't help but ask: "Oh, is that for me?"

Yan Qin hearing this looked back at him, with closed eyes repeatedly nodded: "Yes, I made it for Duan-gongzi to share a lunch with."

"Really?! Great!" Mo Duan smiled as he jumped to her location in a single breath.

Yan Qin nodded delightfully, she opened the bag and it became a blanket with the center filled with food.

Mo Tian witnessing this couldn't help but laugh at his brother's denseness, he can see it clearly that Yan Qin has feelings for his twin brother: "Such a dense dude, are you even my brother with how clueless you are?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but sigh.

Meanwhile, a lunch bag flew towards his direction.

With his keen senses, he caught the bag: "This..." He looked at the lunch bag and where it came from, it's from Fei Li Shan!

He smirked, he's not as dense... as Mo Duan, he immediately knew what it is for.

Fei Li Shan pouted her lips: "Let's eat together."

Her two hands at her back as she looked at her side cutely, her heart trembling as her right foot kept tiptoeing up and down.

Mo Tian chuckles: "Sure."

"Since you've given this to me, I'll accept your feelings."

Hearing his words, Fei Li Shan's face burned red as she couldn't help but tremble slightly, she nodded her head and sat together with Mo Tian beside Mo Duan and Yan Qin's location.

"I know what this lunch is for." Mo Tian smiled at Fei Li Shan.

Fei Li Shan's heart trembled even more hectically as she looked at the lunch she had prepared.

Yan Qing hearing him couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the dense Mo Duan listlessly.

"You do?" Li Shan asked in quite a lady like manner.

Mo Tian nodded his head: "Of course, I'll definitely teach you the way of the spear, but I have to warn you though, I only know of the b"

He couldn't even finish his words as Fei Li Shan chomped down a chopstick full of meat and pushed it in his mouth.

Yan Meng and Fei Lin couldn't help but laugh seeing this sight as they prepared for the coming final attack.

After a while, they all stood up, Fei Li Shan looked at everyone and spoke: "Let's go!"

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison as they resumed their march!

[1] gongzi = gentleman in ancient china

Can also mean prince.