Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 373 The Dark Guild's Counter Countered.

373 The Dark Guild's Counter Countered.

Mo Xie flew slowly into the sky, like a sovereign looking at them from above. With his two hands behind his back, he looked around: "Is there really nothing else? Your last card is the Dark Guild's ambush I presume?"

"If that's the case, I will be proceeding with my own plans if you all do not mind."

Du Mingzi already covered with sweat as his body trembled: "W-we weren't part of the Mo Clan's demise, even if I were to swear an oath to the heavens, I am not part of it!"

Mo Xie hearing this couldn't help but chuckle: "Yeah, you weren't part of it, but if I remember correctly, your son is, together with a few of your top experts, pills, and weapons that you've provided to the Xiao Clan."

Du Mingzi's face froze as his face lost all colors, still, he shouted: "I.. I would've killed them if you said so, to repay the grudges between us, but... but it's already too late, I can only kill their remnants if you give me the chance!"

"I-I am willing to be your servant too, I'll serve you loyally from this day forth, just give us a chance!"

Du Mingzi pleaded and begged, not even letting Mo Xie speak.

But then, Mo Xie couldn't help but smile, he had detected the Dark Guild's members before he even approached this place, and he can definitely feel that not all of the experts from the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom arrived, actually, he already noticed it, from the castle's underground chamber, there are still five of them that's remaining there silently, creating something!

"Kara." Mo Xie spoke as he gazed at Du Mingzi and them.


"Go fetch those five for me, if I'm not wrong, they are trying to create a connecting portal there." Mo Xie spoke casually, not even toning his volume down for everyone to hear.

Du Mingzi and the others felt their scalp twitch violently as they tried to resist the pressure.

"N-no! Stop them!"

"We can't let them make their way to the crown prince! It will really be our doom!"

Du Mingzi's plan is to pa.s.s as much time as he could possibly can, that's why both the Dark Guild and they tried their very best to create as many defenses as they can!

But no matter what they tried, they couldn't do anything against the pressure Mo Xie is pressing down upon them.

Then, the figure beside Mo Xie, Kara suddenly disappeared, they all scanned their surrounding but couldn't find her no matter where they look.

But at the next second, she appeared again, with four people on her clutches grabbed by the clothes behind their neck.

Du Mingzi and the others couldn't believe what they are seeing, the path towards the underground chamber is rigged with traps and formation, how could Kara be able to pa.s.s all of those and return in just a mere two breaths of time?

What's more, the four protecting Du Hong are the top experts from their clan, all of which are at the Sky Shattering rank.

But that wasn't it, Kara's figure appeared, they are all shocked; 'What kind of creature is that?!'

"Where's the other one?" Mo Xie asked.

Kara looked at him: "Master, I can only bring four of them hence killed the other one and ate him."

Mo Xie nodded his head.

Kara dropped the four of them in front of Du Mingzi and returned behind Mo Xie.

Du Mingzi couldn't help but be shocked: "Du Hong! My son!"

Mo Xie smiled: "Don't worry, he merely lost his consciousness."

"Let me help you awaken him." As Mo Xie spoke, his expression changes as a pressure more than eight times that Du Mingzi and the others suffering a.s.saulted them.



The four of them shouted awake from the pain as blood dripped out of their mouth.

"F-father, help me--" Du Hong begged as he tried to reach his father, but he couldn't move from his spot.

"H-Hong'er!" Du Mingzi finally cried as he crawled his way to his son, he looked at Mo Xie: "Ple-please, spare my son!"

Mo Xie chuckles: "Don't worry, I won't even kill anyone of you personally."

Du Mingzi's request though is the only thing impossible in this scenario, Du Hong is the one responsible for the Mo Family's event occurring, not only that, he too is part of killing the Shang Clan and Shang Ting's clansmen, they were the ones that pursued Shang Mingzi from that time.

But as Mo Xie was about to continue, he couldn't help but smirk.

Four figures appeared behind Mo Xie, Lu Yue Song, the two strongest elders of the Dark Guild, and the Dark Guild's master himself.

Their cultivation is completely different, Mo Xie smirked: "You've tempered with your cultivation through a forbidden method."

They were all at Immortal Ascension rank before, but then, their cultivation leaped to the peak-stage of Immortal Paragon rank!

Du Mingzi and the others couldn't believe their eyes, but to think this is the last card hidden by the Dark Guild's members, he couldn't help but feel elated!

But opposite to their expectation, Mo Xie merely smiled, he saw a familiar figure, the one that fought with the twins, Mo Tian and Mo Duan, Lu Yue Song!

Mo Xie took a sword out of his storage ring and waved it.

"This is the person that you wish to kill right?" Mo Xie asked the Sword Emperor.

"Arrogance!" The Dark guild's leader uttered, his eyes completely red from using the forbidden technique the same as the others.

Lu Yue Song felt the overwhelming power within him as he elatedly charges at Mo Xie.

Mo Xie sighed: "Possessing great cultivation without being able to temper it is like a child gaining a sword without knowing how to use it!"

"Audacious! Pay those words of yours with your life!" The Dark Guild's master charged at Mo Xie with his sword.

Mo Xie chuckles: "This is the second lesson, observe well!"

The Sword Emperor was about to charge forward, but before he could, Mo Xie spoke, he halted his step as he looked at the latter calmly waiting for the enemies to approach: "C-could it be..."

He s.h.i.+fts his gaze towards Shang Ting, this lady is Mo Xie's wife! For some reason, she's extremely calm as she observed her husband being attacked in all directions.

The next thing that happened shocked the Sword Emperor speechless.

Mo Xie's cultivation is already low as it is, but he even turned it down further: "As a swordsman, your sword should be seen as part of your body, even without cultivation, so long as your foundation is great, then, nothing can withstand your slashes!"

As Mo Xie spoke, the Dark Guild's leader slashed, after that, the others followed by attacking too!

The Sword Emperor felt worried, but Mo Xie... Mo Xie merely danced, using the tiniest movement to dodge every single one of them!

A group of Immortal Paragon ranked experts couldn't hit a person that had sealed his cultivation to that of a mortal?!

"Hmmp! You showing off is like that of a peac.o.c.k's dance without essence!" Lu Yue Song gathered spiritual energy on his hands and prepared to attack, "If he can dodge our swords, then, he'll definitely die from our bombardments instead! KILL HIM!"


"Lightning Wave!"

"Dark Flame!"

"Wind Breaker!"

Mo Xie smiled at them: "Third lesson, flashy movements aren't the true form of swordsmans.h.i.+p, but how swift and sharp each slash are!"

Mo Xie's hand glowed, the sword intent on his sword radiating in a red hue as it turned into sword energy: "A sword in the hands of a true expert can slash anything in his path!"

A ma.s.sive ball of lightning was headed towards him, but Mo Xie merely used half a slash towards it.

Tsssssss~ It exploded into millions of lights before it vanished without a trace.

As Mo Xie spoke, he dashed towards every one of them.

Lu Yue Song was shocked, but he continued his barrages of attacks together with everyone.

But Mo Xie merely used his sword to dissipate and slash at each of these attacks individually, not a single useless movement from his part!

"I'm ready, open a path!" The Dark Guild's leader shouted. They all moved to the side as he glared at Mo Xie: "Taste my ultimate move! Lightning Dragon Strike!"

"ROAAAAAAAH!" As his attack launches, everyone felt the tremendous power behind this attack! They couldn't help but fear the outcome of it if they were to be struck by it!

Yet, to the one it's aimed at, Mo Xie, the latter didn't move!

"You couldn't even move through the face of danger? HAHAHAHA DIE!" He laughed loudly as excitement expressed on his face, he had used all of his spiritual energy for this attack, together with the rest providing their spiritual energy to him secretly.

Together with everyone's power, the attack could already be considered the same strength as that of a half step Celestial Phenomenon ranked expert!

Even Shang Ting felt worried, her clenched fist got tighter seeing the attack, but as she saw the smile on her husband's face, she couldn't help but calm down and a single thought popped inside her head; 'Everything will be alright!'

Mo Xie didn't even feel anything from it, compared to the Sugandium's Void Emperor's sheer power, it's like a pebble within the vast open seas!

He placed his right hand with the sword on his back as he infused his left hand with sword energy: "So, this is it."

He sighed, he was expecting a grand scale technique when he noticed them pa.s.sing all of their spiritual energy to the Dark Guild Master secretly, but to think that it merely amounts to this.

Zzzt~ Zzt~ s.h.i.+k~ s.h.i.+ek~ Ppppak! "ROAAAAAAR!" Sounds of sparks can be heard as the wind distorted around it, the Lightning Dragon Strike even roared, Mo Xie couldn't help but shook his head.

"A mere show off technique, not even the real essence of lightning can be felt!"

As the lightning dragon approached him, he made his move.

Pak! A crisp sound echoes as Mo Xie's hand slapped the lightning dragon's head, destroying it in a single blow.

Mo Xie then spoke: "Lesson is over."

"1st form!"

Mo Xie's body transformed to his coralist form, he smiled: "I'll show you the most basic of lightning art with great comprehension!"

His left hand gathered green spiritual energy as it slowly turned black, then, sparks started to fly out from his hand.

"You weren't part of this at first, but to think that you'll involve yourself voluntarily." Mo Xie shook his head.

And at the next moment, he vanished~

Swosh~ Zzzzt!!! A strong gust of wind pa.s.sed by their body followed by the dark lightning's trail.

They all couldn't help but look back as they saw Mo Xie standing behind them ten meters away.

But a piercing pain could be felt from their chest, all of them looked at their chest and saw a hole on it, from the lightning's path flames started to appear.

They couldn't even cry from the pain as their eyes lost all signs of life before being devoured by the black flame.

Mo Xie then threw their hearts away to the ground, slowly burning too.

But one of them survived, Lu Yue Song!

For some reason, he managed to react and dashed his way down onto the ground: "KWAK!"

He vomited a mouthful of blood as he grabbed his chest, everything is normal though, only... his cultivation is gone!

Mo Xie gazed at the Sword Emperor: "Settle your score with him, you can either kill him with your cultivation or fight him fair and square through the mastery of your own art!"

The Sword Emperor felt speechless at first before realizing the chance had laid itself in front of him, he cupped his fist, even if he wasn't intentionally planning to become Mo Xie's disciple, at this time, his grat.i.tude towards this boy started to soar through the heavens.

Finally, he wholeheartedly believed his word and knew that being his student is the best... no, the only way to be able to attain the true meaning of his t.i.tle, as the Sword Emperor!

He bowed deeply: "Master, I thank you for this chance!"

"If I am to manage to walk out of this fight alive, I'll forever and eternally be loyal and grateful to master."

Mo Xie nodded his head and waved his hand: "Go and settle your grudge."
