Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 371 Meeting Sword Emperor Again

371 Meeting Sword Emperor Again

Everything returned to normal other than the trade routes, the fear from the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom and the attacking Void Creatures from the other side of the human continent has no solutions yet.

As both Mo Xie and Shang Ting finished their task and can leave the clan for a few days, even a month without much trouble.

"Husband, what are those daggers for?" Shang Ting couldn't help but ask.

For the past few days, Mo Xie had tasked the blacksmiths to create a hundred thousand daggers, a normal rank at that, not even a 1-star soul weapon!

But although it's a normal dagger, it has a special modification that Mo Xie had requested, there is a container inside the dagger, which can contain four drops of liquid that can travel all the way to the edges of the blade.

It will start flowing on the edges as soon as one grips the handle, they were mystified by it but what do they care? So long as they are being paid and it is for the Mo Family, they didn't even need to ask!

Mo Xie placed them all inside a storage ring.

Mo Xie smiled at Shang Ting: "It's for revenge..."

As he spoke to this, he looked at Shang Ting wryly: "We will avenge your Shang Clan from them."

Shang Ting's expressed shock as it turned to worry and to anger.

Remembering her sister's story, she couldn't help but feel rage, her father wanted to change, but to think that he died just like that...

She couldn't help but be infuriated and sad at the same time.

Mo Xie stood up: "Zhuding!"

"Master!" Immediately, Zhuding appeared beside above them from Shang Ting's bracelet.

Mo Xie stretched his hand towards Shang Ting: "Let's go, collect the debts that had long been due."

Shang Ting feeling worried and hesitant for a while before nodding her head filled with resoluteness and determination.

"Kara, you'll be coming too." Mo Xie spoke.

"Yes, master." As he finished speaking, Kara appeared immediately behind them.

Shang Ting and Zhuding both looked at the same time, no one had seen Kara since they made their way out of the Thousand Peaks Mysterious Cavern, her appearance shocked the two of them.

"Husband..." Shang Ting couldn't help but be speechless, who is this... person?

Although Kara has the form of a human, she lacks the features of one.

Mo Xie nodded his head and explained: "This is my contracted beast, Kara, a poison fanged centipede."

"Sadly, she can't morph into her true form, else, she will cover a quarter of the Fallen Leaf Continent with her sheer size.

"A quarter of the continent..." Shang Ting couldn't help but utter.

Kara had been learning the human language, hence, she spoke even without a mouth: "My lady, I am master Xie's contracted beast, Kara."

Shang Ting could only nod as she processed the information inside her head.

"Zhuding, to Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom." Mo Xie ordered with a wave of his sleeves.

Zhuding nodded his head: "Yes, master."

With Zhuding's current speed, it will only take roughly five to eight hours to arrive at their destination.

But halfway through their travel, they encountered someone.

Between the border of the Sea Dragon Kingdom and Zhong Zi Imperial State, Mo Xie noticed a limping person, his body completely bruised with injury from slashes, and his upper part is completely burned.

Mo Xie frowns, although his body is unrecognizable right now, but he can feel it, energy the same as that fellow: "Zhuding, descend to that fellow over there."

"Yes, master." Zhuding immediately descends to the ground flying near the man.

The old man is filled with dirt, his clothes almost resembling ripped rags, his body completely injured from sword slashes, and half of his body burned to a great degree.

He's limping while using his almost destroyed sword as support, blood continuously flowing out from his leg.

The old man frowns, his sight is blurry hence couldn't identify his surrounding clearly, but his sense of hearing sharp as he felt the strong gust of wind pa.s.sing by his body, the pain from the wound tinged as the pain started to resurface.

He tried to focus his gaze but to no avail, he could merely see its silhouette: "So... I will die by being eaten by a draconic beast..."

He chuckles as he prepared to fight, he looked up and stood as proud as he can: "I can not avenge my family's grievance... I can only follow you all, wait for me."

When he's prepared, Mo Xie spoke: "Are you the Sword Emperor?"

This old man is none other than the Sword Emperor that Mo Xie had met before in the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom! 

Hearing someone calling him by his t.i.tle, the Sword Emperor frowns but still replied: "I am."

"Husband... we should treat him first if he's an acquaintance of yours." Shang Ting spoke worriedly.

Mo Xie nodded his head, his cultivation was low when he was at the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom, hence, he can only do minor treatment and stuffs like that.

But right now, Mo Xie had already become a Sky Shattering rank, he's able to do more complicated healing, such as...

Mo Xie's body started to radiate a glow of green light, it then started to gather on his palm.

He jumped out of Zhuding's back and unto the ground, he looked at the poor state of the Sword Emperor before speaking: "Do not resist."

When Mo Xie was near him, he could faintly remember his voice and asked: "Medical Saint's apprentice?"

Mo Xie didn't need the t.i.tle anymore, but he still nodded his head: "Well, you can call me Medical Saint now."

As Mo Xie's spiritual energy entered to the Sword Emperor's body, it started to spread out.

"I'll guide the spiritual energy, remove your defenses there." Mo Xie didn't even wait for his reply as he immediately proceeded with his treatment.

Mo Xie targeted the heavily injured parts first before scattering his spiritual energy towards the Sword Emperor's gravest injuries, he then took a pill out: "Now, eat this."

The Sword Emperor couldn't help but smile as he nodded his head, he took the pill and swallowed it.

"Spread the effects towards the part of your body that I placed my spiritual energy."

The Sword Emperor nodded, sitting in a lotus position, he started to do so.

It took no more than five minutes before all of the injuries were healed, the Sword Emperor couldn't help but opened his eyes wide and spoke: "As expected of the Medical Saint, I thank you for helping this old bones of mine, but I think I won't be able to repay it in this life."

"I am on my path to vengeance, and... I don't think I'll be able to make it out alive."

"But if there really is a second life, I will willingly serve you eternally."

Mo Xie tilted his head: "Oh, where are you going?"

"Towards the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom." The Sword emperor spoke, his expression grave as he added: "I must go now."

"You should stay clear from the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom, they had already betrayed humanity and sided with evil, I will try to drag as many of them to death, you should head and warn the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire about this catastrophe, the Dark Guild had found the strength to resist its authority."

Mo Xie sighed: "Sadly, all of your explanation is useless, we will be heading there to clear those trashes out, if you want to come, I wouldn't mind bringing you along."

The Sword Emperor opened his eyes wide speechlessly: "Going there to clean..."

He shook his head: "Don't overestimate yourself, you are indeed a genius, but the experts there are countless, with your current cultivation, you wouldn't last there for more than a minute!"

Mo Xie chuckles: "Whether you want to tag along or not is up to you."

As he spoke, he jumped at Zhuding's head: "Well, you coming or not?"

The Sword Emperor frowns, he's a person that repays kindness and grat.i.tude, and if this person really goes there, then, he'll definitely die!

"I beseech you to destroy the thought of going to that place, please." The Sword Emperor knelt on the ground: "I don't want to see my benefactor die at the hands of those vile and shameless people!"

Mo Xie chuckles before sighing: "You know, you shouldn't underestimate me."

He didn't mind this kind of people, they are those that stick to their words to the very end: "Well, just come then, there is a great show to watch after all."

The Sword Emperor wants to prevent them from going, but if Mo Xie isn't the type to back away from his words, then, he won't be able to force them, but he still has another way.

As soon as Mo Xie and Shang Ting are to be defeated, then, he can at least stall for time for them to escape, he nodded his head: "Then, I will go too."

Mo Xie nodded: "Good, let's go."

As the Sword Emperor jumped from the ground unto Zhuding's back, the latter immediately ascended the ground and went straight to the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom's direction.

Mo Xie wanted to take this sword emperor before as his disciple, like Yan Meng, he too has the talent to pursue a single path! He couldn't help but chuckle and thought; 'I wonder what kind of physique this old man has.'

If it was any other ordinary human, the wound would've already killed them in a single month, yet, this Sword Emperor managed to stay alive for half a year! He couldn't help but want to make the t.i.tle 'Sword Emperor' a reality for everyone to see the true weight of it!

After all, before he became the sovereign, he excelled at one art, the Sword Art! The best amongst all with the way of the sword, and his t.i.tle? The Sword Emperor!