Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 369 Brooding Storm

369 Brooding Storm

One has to be quite shocked at how deep the Mo Family's pocket is!

One spirit stone costs 50 gold taels, and one gold tael can feed a house with a family number of at least four of a normal meal three times a day for a whole month!

But although the minimum salary within the Mo Family's territory is three gold tales a month, they are still far from being rich! But they are already a middle-cla.s.s family compared to other kingdoms!

Such an extravagant feast couldn't help but excite the citizens of the Mo Family's territory.

Seven days straight feast with all sorts of food ranging from the middle to the highest quality the territory can ever offer!

The feast will start in five days when Shang Ting recovers, hence, hunters started to go out of the territory to hunt demonic beasts!

The meat will be bought for two times the normal price, hence, the hunters were filled with excitement as well!

At first, they tried to persuade the Mo Family to only buy the meat at market price, but the Mo Family rejected the idea and stuck with the two times the price!

Such resoluteness garnered the respect of the normal people living within the Mo Family territory, also, the hunters are lent with Magic Lances to hunt, free of charge!

They can hunt beasts efficiently with it, with a single spirit stone charging the Magic Lances more than 100 times, and one can kill a demonic beast below Earth Rank with one or two strikes if they infused their own spiritual energy at the lance!

Meanwhile, back to the Mo Family Residence.

Mo Xie's playing with his three children filled with excitement. Shang Ting beside the bed couldn't help but chuckle, she started to worry about something though... her body, it's filled with marks from her birthing the triplets.

She's too embarra.s.sed to even undress in front of Mo Xie now.

"Wife, is something bothering you?" Mo Xie asked.

Shang Ting immediately held her stomach before shaking her head: "Nothing, really." She smiled before tilting her head, letting her hair fall gently to the side.

Mo Xie, of course, noticed that minuscule move, he had heard about it, a wife will lose their appeal after they gave birth, their body will never be the same until they do a lot to have their body return to what it was.

Of course, it's pointed towards the excess fat and skin from giving birth and also, the marks left from the skin being stretched.

Mo Xie approached and sat beside her, making Shang Ting nervous slightly.

At this moment, a voice sounded: "Hoooo~ Look at this lovely couple being all lovey-dovey in broad daylight!"

They looked at saw Aiqing sneaking in, dragging both Fei Lin and Vielka in.

"Mom, let me borrow my sister and brothers!"

As she spoke, she took Yiyan, Fei Lin took Feng Mian, and Vielka also joined, she couldn't help but take Yi Min too!

The three of them immediately dashed away.

Fei Lin though, she bowed her head: "Master, I'll play with my little cuties first."

As she spoke, she followed Aiqing and Vielka out.

Mo Xie and Shang Ting couldn't help but smile before shaking their head.

As Shang Ting leaned her head, Mo Xie chuckles, and grabbed her belly: "Oh, what cute fat skin."

But contrary to his expectation, Shang Ting opened her eyes widely, fear started to be expressed on her face.

She had read a lot of stories, after all, once a woman gives birth, a lot of the percentage of men would usually find another woman that will remind them of their wife's previous image and body.

Mo Xie smiled: "My wife, no matter what happens, I will never replace you through this life of mine and the next!"

Hearing this, Shang Ting fell into a daze for a bit before shaking her head: "I know."

Mo Xie then asked: "If it's just the thought of your body ruining you, you should just sc.r.a.pe that thought and throw it away, no matter what you become, I will always be here."

"If you want to have your body return to what it was before, I can help you create a pill for that, but... for me, it's the sign of you bringing my children to this world, although you may think of it as something shameful, I think of it as a treasure..."

"It is the mark that was left after you gave birth to our children." As he spoke, he lifts the clothe covering Shang Ting's stomach, the latter felt fearful and looked at Mo Xie.

Then, Mo Xie out of her expectation smiled: "Beautiful, so this is the effect of birthing on your body."

He looked at Shang Ting and kissed her forehead: "For me, it's the most flawless and beautiful time I've had seen your body."

Hearing this, Shang Ting's body trembled, her eyes moist as tears started to fall: "Husband, thank you."

"Un." Mo Xie replied with a nodded as the two of them embraced each other lovingly, spending their time sitting on the chair.


The news of Mo Xie returning and exacting vengeance on the Xiao clan, completely erasing any trace of the experts it had traveled throughout the continent's human race, sending s.h.i.+vers to foes and cheers to their allies and the kingdoms that were about to be attacked.

With Mo Xie's return, the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom withdrew their forces and started rallying their forces to defend the capital.

They had continuously asked for aid from the Dark Guild, but their only hope had never been heard again.

They tried to send their envoys, but what the envoy saw are the bones of the Dark Guild members within their secret base.

Not only had it been a really scary sight, but the meat the bones there wasn't even dry, meat still lingering as the wetness of the blood dyed the ground red.

There are many centipedes eating the remaining flesh.

This news sent s.h.i.+vers to the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom and started to seclude themselves, refusing anyone that wishes to enter, acting like a scared turtle.

Du Mingzi right now felt terrified to even step out of his throne room, he couldn't even step out of the castle without more than twenty Sky Shattering ranked experts by his side.

They were about to be the monarchs of the Fallen Leaf Continent, they had been forcing their way up, but when Mo Xie appeared, they couldn't help but feel at a loss.

Du Mingzi called someone at this moment.

"Father, I am here." The one that entered is Du Hong, he's the crowned prince of the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom.

Du Mingzi glanced at his son: "Hong'er, your decision with helping the Xiao clan before is great, but now, it had backfired."

"My connection with the Dark Guild is useless now as they are dead, not knowing if there is even any survivor."

"My son, what should we do in this situation of ours?" Du Mingzi asked, Du Hong is the most competent son he has, he had already achieved about equal as his at half his age!

He trusts this son of his whether it is with scheme or tactics.

"Father, although we have our backs in a corner right now, but... You said that the Dark Guild had been completely obliterated, but father, that is far from the truth."

As he spoke, they appeared, twenty experts clad in black robes.

Du Mingzi looked at them with wide-open eyes: "Ah, guild master." He cupped his hand in respect.

The Dark Guild master, Qu Wu Sha nodded his head: "If Mo Xie comes here, we will deal with him for as long as we can."

A smile appeared on his face as: "We have our reinforcements from the Myriad Earth Abyss Continent, and surely, they didn't like what they've done to the young master of the Choi Clan."

He then looked at Du Hong, he patted his shoulder: "Together with this child's master, his influence is nothing to be smirked at."

"We'll definitely tide this fight on our side, so, you do not need to worry."

Du Mingzi hearing this nodded: "So be it, we will fight him to the end."

Qu Wu Sha smiled, then, a person that had lost his hand approached: "This Mo Xie individual will never be able to challenge our authority soon, even his Mo Family will be erased completely."

It's a person that Mo Xie had a hard time killing before, Lu Yue Song!