Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 351 Shang Ting: Unexpected Move From The Enemies 2

351 Shang Ting: Unexpected Move From The Enemies 2

Three Immortal Saint ranks are fighting their forces, even though the twins are too weak compared to the three of them, they managed to stand on equal footing due to the techniques Mo Xie had pa.s.sed to them and their 6-star soul weapons.

Through their fight, they too managed to become Immortal Ascension ranked experts mid-stage!

They may be on equal footing right now, but with three to two fight, they are slowly becoming the one in the losing side.

The Magic Lancer unit continuously fires at the enemies, though, only half of them are doing so, the rest are using the tip of their lances to protect those that are firing, the reason should be, that they've run out of spirit stones to use as their ammunition.

Meanwhile, the experts above Earth rank guards the Magic Lancer units against above.

Seeing this, Shang Ting immediately shouted: "Zhuding! Kill!"

"GRAAAAAAAAAAA!" Zhuding's roar sounded, causing the three expert's a.s.sault on the twins to stop, they couldn't help but frown.

They are the three experts that forced Mo Xie and the others inside the thousand peaks mysterious cavern!

Seeing Shang Ting arrives, the twins looked at each other, they nod their head, no matter what, she is the Matriarch of the Mo Family, she's the wife of Mo Xie, she has every right to know what happened!

"Matriarch, these three are the ones responsible for pus.h.i.+ng the Patriarch in that cavern!" Mo Duan shouted as he continuously attacks ferociously.

The three bald experts saw Zhuding and already lost the will to fight, after all, even if there are three Immortal Saint ranked experts like them to fight, Zhuding isn't an ordinary beast, he's a Draconic Beast!

Every expert in this world knows that, in order to fight a draconic beast of the same rank as yourself, you need to have or be one of the few individuals;

First, A genius, the more talented you are, the greater you can be, even to the point of fighting a hundred same ranked draconic beasts!

Second, having weapons and armors that can help you boost your power, like an 8-star Soul Weapon that strengthens one's own attack by 80%!

Third, artifacts that can help you win a fight or preserve your own life.

There are many more ways to defeat a Draconic Beast, but in the current realm they are in, such methods are scarce and far between, only being used by great people, heirs, and or lucky cultivators that managed to get a fortuitous encounter from an inheritance, ruins, or from such other places.

The three experts have no such thing, they were fighting the twins desperately when they saw their weapons, they merely have a 3-star soul weapon!

In their eyes, how dare these twins have a better weapon than them, they are already elders of their faction yet they couldn't get such treasures!

They wanted to get those weapons, yet, as Zhuding arrives, they knew that all of it became nothing but dreams.

"Let's retreat!" All of the experts on their side retreated, still, the twin didn't stop and continued their fight, chasing down the enemies that gave them a hard time.

The three experts saw their pursuit and couldn't help but frown, still, it isn't the time to fight them, they need to retreat to their base and ask for back up, they tasked a lot of death warriors to blocked the twins.

Zhuding seeing them flee towards a semi fortified area frowns, chomping down on a few experts that blocked his path as he smiled: "No puny defense can block my path!"

He didn't even wait for his order, after all, Shang Ting gave him one simple order, kill!

It's like removing the chains of a wild animal, they can finally do whatever they want!

Zhuding immediately went to their base, eating all of the enemies on his path!

Aiqing, Vielka, and Ouyang Chen immediately joined the fight

Aiqing chuckles: "Yes, gather into one place! Flame Maiden's Prison Domain!"

Vielka immediately followed with her own domain: "Darkness, Silent Death Domain!"

Ouyang Chen stopped his steps, he couldn't believe what he saw! Two young ladies a few years younger than him are actually able to use domain!

In their clan, only five experts were able to do something like that, yet, like it's nothing, the two ladies did so in front of him.

Then, at this point, he remembered something, Mo Xie handed him two books, one, if he wishes to continue with being a formation master or the second one if he wishes to be a powerful cultivator.

He trembled slightly remembering it, he silently watched as Aiqing, Vielka, and Zhuding ran wildly.

Meanwhile, the combination of the two domain immediately wrapped the whole base, although Aiqing's domain has a limited area of effect, all those that weren't caught by it were then wrapped by Vielka's darkness domain.

Still, Zhuding was inside, Aiqing's torturous domain, Vielka's blinding domain, and Zhuding's powerful attacks are completely devouring the enemies at a marvelously fast rate!

The twins felt disgruntled, they too wanted a piece of the cake, to get their revenge for having a hard time, but then, when they were doing it incredibly fast, they couldn't help but sigh, their body started to calm down, somehow, their bodies are running out of strength, a smile formed on their lips as they slowly descend on the ground.

They've been fighting for more than ten days now, it's their first real break, they went to Shang Ting, powerlessly kneeled: "Matriarch."

Shang Ting nods her head: "Get some rest, for now, we don't know when more enemies will come."

"Yes." The two of them nods their head, immediately, their body fell on the ground and fell asleep.

They were too exhausted to even go to a bed.

Shang Ting called two experts to bring the twins back to a safe place to rest.

Aiqing is having a hard time to kill as much as she could, Vielka and Zhuding, on the other hand, are swiftly destroying the enemies.

Aiqing felt annoyed, she needs to bring the experts inside her domain, a cage where the domain can then kill them and extract their spiritual energy to be shared by the two of them.

But for Vielka, her domain is a blinding one, sealing her enemy's sight. Within her own domain though, she can see the enemies clearly like they are bathing in the morning light, she started killing them one by one, like the name of her domain, silently putting them to sleep.

Zhuding doesn't need his eyes to fight, he could detect their heat and can see their spiritual energy.

All in all, Aiqing is the only one not getting much of an action!

In just a short thirty minutes, the enemies were down to more than half, the efficiency of their killing were too frightening to behold!

No ordinary men saw what's going on inside, but for those powerful experts, they can feel it, one by one, their spiritual energy signs are starting to vanish without any signs of it stopping.

But just as everything was going according to plan, the trio, Aiqing, Vielka, and Zhuding stopped, the two domains immediately vanished as they made their way beside Shang Ting.

All of the powerful experts frowned as they glared at the far northern part and saw eight people

"Well, well, you said that there is only but one beauty, why do I see three of them now?" A voice sounded, much like that of a creepy clown's voice coming from a young man that looks like the nineteen years old, wearing a white and purple robe. White hair and white eyes, a look of maliciousness written all over his face as he stared at the three beautiful women in front of him from afar.

As the voice ended, Vielka couldn't help but ask: "Who are they, why are they here..."

Aiqing frowns: "I don't know who they are, but I know why they are here."

Vielka then asked: "Why?"

"To test my patience!" Gritting her teeth, Aiqing prepared to fight.