Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 349 Shang Ting: Dark Guild

349 Shang Ting: Dark Guild

Ouyang Chen's ma.s.sive reinforcement of eight Immortal Foundation ranked experts became extremely tiny at this moment.

But Ouyang Chen, as an Immortal Ascension rank himself, is quite capable too.

Because, sometimes, even a hundred Immortal Foundation ranked experts couldn't handle a single problem that can be solved quite easily by an Immortal Ascension ranked expert!

At the 5th day of their march, Shang Ting received a fatal news, the whole of the Azure Imperial Kingdom citizens had evacuated already, the great news is, the whole of the Azure Imperial Kingdom's citizens didn't deflect towards the Dark Guild, as a kingdom closest to the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire, they were always the one that learned about whatever information the Empire has over these types of people, and nothing good could be said.

But then, the Kingdom, the Azure Imperial Kingdom had completely deflected, turning to the Dark Guild's side as they slaughtered each and every resistance there was.

The worst part is, only 18% of the total population of the refugee now remains, one has to only think for a bit, these refugees are the total population of the cities, villages, and sects all over the Azure Imperial Kingdom, and each of the top three Kingdoms has a population of not below two hundred million!

Shang Ting increases the pace of their march, although all of them are still walking, they are almost at the point of turning into jogging.

Still, they are too far away: "I will go first."

Shang Ting couldn't help herself, she felt agitated, the longer they take, the casualties will increase!

She needs to make haste!

Without waiting for anyone's response, she dashed ahead.

Ouyang Chen frowned with panic: "Half of you, follow me!"

As he spoke, he chased after Shang Ting followed by many experts.

With their pace, they will arrive in about fifteen minutes and the rest for another thirty.

But as Shang Ting arrives halfway through, she was blocked by a few experts, five of them to be exact.

Shang Ting frowns, the one leading them wore the same outfit as those that they had killed, only, he has more decorations on his.

"Who are you, why block my path?"

Shang Ting asked, but as she did, a sword appeared in front of her and grabbed it prepared to fight.

"A rare beauty." The one leading them spoke, he's an old man that looks to be in his 70s, he smiled: "Ha... Hahaha, the reward this time will be great, even this continent wouldn't be out of my reach."

As he chuckles, he pointed his finger at Shang Ting: "Restrain that woman, we'll go and offer her to our master."

"Yes." The other four nods their head and immediately made their way towards Shang Ting.

Shang Ting frowns: "You... who are you?"

She ignored the four approaching experts, they are Immortal Ascension ranked experts, the old man is an Immortal Saint expert!

Shang Ting is only an Immortal Foundation rank initial stage right now, hence, this will definitely be a huge disadvantage for her.

The old man didn't answer, yet, he continued to speak: "Don't resist, we will be extremely gentle towards you." 

Looking at her stomach, he sighed: "We need to do something about that."

Shang Ting frowns, she waved her hand: "First step!"

Pillars of flames formed, Shang Ting immediately took action and used her continuous attack.

"Hmmp!" The four experts chuckles, a mere Immortal foundation ranked expert is going to attack them? It will be like a child throwing a soft ball towards four adult men.

Or so what they thought, even Mo Xie didn't have a technique that can be compared to it, much less them, who only rely on some sort of dark arts to strengthen themselves!

The four pillars danced like a dragon soaring through the sky aimed at the four experts, but that didn't stop there are attacks after attacks followed one after another.

"What the heck?!" They couldn't even block the first attack perfectly, and now, three to five more skills followed?

The leader of the group frowns, he waved his hand with the staff, sending a powerful gust of wind: "Break!"

The skill perished immediately like there was nothing to begin with, the leader chuckles: "Well, I guess we can't take you back without a bruise."

But as he spoke, he saw many Immortal Foundation ranks and an Immortal Ascension ranked expert making their way towards them.

"Allies?" He uttered, still, what can these weaker cultivators do: "We are out of time, knock her out!"

As he spoke, all five of them gathered their spiritual energy in their hand, forming into a black orb as they released it simultaneously at Shang Ting!

Shang Ting felt shaken, she was immediately about to retreat, but then, the bracelet on her hand shone.

Bam~ Bam Bam!!!

As Shang Ting was struck, dust covered the area where she is at, the leader clad in black looked at Ouyang Chen and the hundreds of experts charging at his location.

"She's most likely unconscious now, retrieve her body, we will retreat."

The other four nods their head and approached the dust covered area, but then, something happened.

Before they could even react, two of the four died without knowing what happened, it was too fast.

Two experts lost their head and slump down on the ground.

They all looked up and saw that Shang Ting is harmless, a few specks of dust on her robe but nothing else, instead, she's riding a draconic beast, it has a few scratches but nothing more.

Crunch~ Crunch~ The draconic beast chewed the two heads on its giant maws as it looked down upon the remaining three, it snorted: "How dare you, you actually dared to strike our Matriarch, I will make it so that you can't even regret the thing you've done."

"Zhuding." Shang Ting smiled as she pets the dragon.

Like a child, Zhuding giggles at being petted by Shang Ting herself, he grinned: "Matriarch, you are my master's wife, I will sacrifice my life for you, that is only natural."

Even Ouyang Chen felt speechless at Zhuding's sudden appearance, suddenly, an Immortal Foundation ranked Draconic Beast? Where did such a beast come from?

Shang Ting then felt worried: "Didn't you say that you need much more time to digest all of those that you've eaten?"

"If I'm not wrong, you still need two months before the time you stated."

Zhuding was only a demonic beast a few months ago, but after a few months of digesting his gains, he managed to awaken his race's bloodline and broke through, becoming a true draconic beast, he even had four limbs now, like one of those eastern dragons from that one world.

Also, he started to radiate a type of dark hue around his body.

Zhuding smiled: "Matriarch, you are my master's wife, no matter what I am doing is of no importance to exchange for your life." He then s.h.i.+fts his gaze to the old man, in rage, he opened his maws and fired a chaotic blast.


Truthfully, he also felt a little aggrieved, if he finished his isolation, he'll definitely not only reach Immortal Saint, even Immortal Paragon rank is not much far away, yet, these trashes dared to interrupt his once in a year chance!

As he moved out of his bracelet form, the rest of the spiritual energy left to be digested dispersed without a single thing remaining.

The remaining three frowns, trying to s.h.i.+eld themselves from Zhuding's brutal attack.

Even if the leader of the group frowns deeply as he received the attack with his strongest defensive skill, it isn't enough!

Against a draconic beast, humans need five to ten average cultivators of the same rank or one great genius to fight it on even ground, he always thought of himself as one, but facing against Zhuding's terrifying attack, he couldn't even fight back.

The old man felt rage, the only one that had always blocked his path is the Emperor himself, but now, a draconic beast suddenly came?

Using half of his strength, he completely dispersed Zhuding's attack, and with Ouyang Chen and the rest arriving, his success chance had come close to none.

"Hmmp, remember me, I am the Dark Guild's master, Dark Maestro, I'll come back!"

As he spoke to this, a void s.p.a.ce started to appear beneath the three of them.

"Zhuding, kill them!" Shang Ting hearing his name immediately ordered, sadly, it was too late.

Trkzzzzzzz~ Zhuding blew another powerful blast, but it merely struck the ground, clouds of dust appeared as a ma.s.sive crater replaced the previous flat land.

"Matriarch, I failed." Zhuding felt rage, he came out to kill, but the maggots escaped!

Shang Ting smiled sadly at Zhuding, she could feel his rage: "Forgive me for disrupting your moment."

Zhuding shook his head: "Anything for the Mo Family."

Zhuding had already become the first guardian beast of the Mo Family, he'd rather die than see it fall, after all, he's a mere demonic beast when he was found by Mo Xie, he owes the latter everything, even in the future.

Shang Ting smiled and nods her head: "I thank you then." 

Ouyang Chen arrived worriedly: "Sister Shang, are you okay?" 

From afar, he felt the surge of spiritual energy, he couldn't help but feel worried, but seeing Zhuding's glorious form, he couldn't help but feel that everything is all good even without him.

Shang Ting nods at him and spoke: "Let's go."

She still needs to save people, hence, every second matter. Ouyang Chen nods his head: "Yes."