Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 338 War Against The Void: Pierce 4

338 War Against The Void: Pierce 4

Kara reported: "Master, they aren't sending out any of their forces for scouting."

Mo Xie nods his head: "It seems they are quite confident that we won't be attempting any ambushes."

Kara nods her head in reply: "Thanks to us not leaving any remnants from our first ambush, I think they do not know what they are up against."

Mo Xie shook his head: "No, they have the qualification to be confident, after all, they are about twenty times stronger than us combined."

"We, on the other hand, need to rely on everything we can do to win at least one scramble."

Kara nods her head, True Sun Monarch then asked: "What should we do when we encounter their group?"

Mo Xie shook his head: "We'll rely on ambush, that's it. If we don't have the strength to play with them, but we are enough to deal with significant damages to their side."

"Kara and her children will deal with the Sugandiums while we deal with the Trantuls and Swalroweis in any way we possibly can."

Kara, yet again is tasked with the harshest role, killing the Sugandiums while the monarchs and the people of the Solar Blaze Tribe are tasked with containing the Trantul and Swalroweis as much as possible.

Killing and tying one up are two different things, killing is much harder compared to stalling for time.

They have a group of more than ten thousand experts, yet, it's extremely hard to do anything even with this amount of force.

"Kara, how many time left before they arrive?" Mo Xie asked.

Kara: "Master, if they don't make stops and maintain their current speed, they will arrive within two months, but if they rushed, I won't be too sure... about five to eight days is my estimate."

Although it was merely an estimate, it wasn't far from the truth, it took them a month before they reached where they currently are after all, but what Mo Xie was worried about is, if that Headless Void decided to do something crazy as to charge alone, it wouldn't be long for it to reach the tribe's walls if that were to happen.

"Then, let's proceed, we'll do the same thing we did from before." Mo Xie spoke calmly, Kara then replied: "Yes, master."

"Everyone, we'll be proceeding with my plan immediately." Mo Xie looked at the monarchs with a serious face.

True Sun Monarch nods and started to listen with the others.

But just after five minutes of briefing, all of them started to sweat, True Sun Monarch couldn't help but broke the silence: "Are you sure about this?"

Mo Xie nods his head: "Yes, it's the most efficient way I can think of."

They all felt a little hesitant to the plan, but then, True Sun Monarch sighs: "Well, if that's the case, we can only agree."

"Still, is this the only way?" Purple Sun Monarch asked.

Mo Xie shook his head: "There are a lot of paths we can choose, but this is the one with the safest route we can take."

All of those present felt a little shaken, yes, they are almost only about equal to the three types of Void Creature groups, but that is in the account that these void creatures are outside the dark part of the divine land, if they needed to chose when to take action, this definitely is the time.

Mo Xie then spoke: "Well, I know what you all are worried about."

True Sun Monarch and the others looked at Mo Xie and waited for his following words.

"You guys aren't afraid of death, right? But what you are most afraid of, is those that are close to you dying, your family, your friends, your tribe."

They all nodded in response.

Mo Xie chuckles: "Well, just think of your ancestor, why you were all cursed to live your days within this divine land in order to atone for your sins, this is an extremely similar scenario." As he finished speaking, Mo Xie smiled at them.

Realization immediately dawned on all of them, 'Right, wasn't our ancestor afraid of his empire's people dying? Their ancestor wasn't afraid, in fact, he would've fought alone if he could, yet, he chose to stay and protect his empire's people and was punished together with the empire for his action, Isn't it the same as that time?'

It was a history every member of the Solar Blaze Tribe knew of, hence, they couldn't help but tremble in the realization of it.

Mo Xie chuckles: "I can't blame you all, your compa.s.sion is great... really, apples do not fall far from the tree."

Hearing Mo Xie's words, instead of pride, all of them felt ashamed, they were seriously thinking of saving those dear to them, there were even those that started to think about hiding until everything has been settled.

Immediately, all of them had something burning inside of them, True Sun Monarch smiled: "The mistake of the past will never resurface again."

He looked at all of his tribesmen and smiled: "What are we afraid of? All of us are prepared to fight since the time that we were trapped here, we will live unhindered, and die gloriously!"

They all became heated, their morale surged through the roof as their fist clenched tightly.

Mo Xie smiled at them and spoke: "Your mentality isn't flawed, your ancestor was right."

Hearing his words, everyone looked at him in a questioning manner.

Mo Xie chuckles at them, he sighed and continued: "His conduct and way of life aren't wrong, but the way he did it was the thing that was at fault."

Pausing for a bit, he continued: "Instead of hiding, defending with all of your might, why not think of it as protecting your own comrades within the middle of a war?

You all treat each other dearly, but wishes for them to come to no harm, why not protect each other, trusting your backs to your friends, family, and tribesmen, that will fight with you to the bitter end."

For some reason, Mo Xie's words caused them to be speechless, a while after digesting his words, all of them suddenly felt a burning sensation from their backs, a glowing red sun mark shone brightly as it became extremely hot.

Mo Xie was quite speechless, one, three, ten, a hundred, thousand, until all of them finished digesting his words as they showed the same symptoms.

They were all flabbergasted as power surged forth from an unknown source, speechless of what's happening, they could only look at their own hands in shock.

True Sun Monarch was the first to wake up as he looked at Mo Xie seriously, his eyes a little moist as he spoke: "The Solar Blaze Empyrean Blood has awakened..."

Tears started to roll down from his face as he hugged his precious daughter and spoke: "The Bloodline long been slumbering has finally woken up!"

As he spoke of this, everyone felt elated as their newfound unsealed powers bloomed ferociously, like the blazing sun, all of them burst forth with power.

Mo Xie couldn't help but believe it, their power increased by more than half, especially the monarchs and their heirs.

"Now, we really have a chance."