Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 332 Rescuing True Sun Monarch 5

332 Rescuing True Sun Monarch 5

Kara floating above all of the Void Creature attracted their attention immediately, her ma.s.sive army of two hundred Celestial Phenomenon ranked generals, she ordered the other hundred so generals somewhere else.

Kara looked at the ma.s.sive number of Void Creature army and couldn't help but sigh: "I hope... it wouldn't hurt so much."

Behind her, the ma.s.sive number of Poison Fanged Centipedes started to make their way: "Lure them out!" She ordered with her hand pointed at the Void Creatures.

Zsaaaaaaa! The Generals shouted with their maws opened widely, a tenth of their body lifts up in the preparation for a huge battle.

Three Void Emperors approached together with their very own army, Kara snorts with her noseless face: "You garbages are underestimating me too much!"

As she spoke through the ancient beast language, she opened her claws, opening her mouth as black miasma spread out of it. Swhzhzhhhhhhh

Together with her charge, the generals and lowe ranked Centipedes had become frenzied, their fangs gnas.h.i.+ng, cras.h.i.+ng into one another as they release poisonous gas.

With Kara as the lead, the giant centipedes became an army of fear-inducing swarms.

Kara didn't even aim at the Void Emperors, the first she struck was their armies.

Bam! She smashed the ground making it vibrate for a little while before slas.h.i.+ng a few of them immediately, destroying a few dozens of Celestial Phenomenon ranked experts in a blink of an eye.

Following her lead, the generals immediately fought with their enemies too, sadly, one general can only hold down two to three Celestial Ranks without being injured heavily and it is in a battle that they are heavily outnumbered one to ten.

Still, the Immortal Paragon ranked climbs unto their generals and started aiding in the defense, they had their own team works.

The Void Emperors seeing it felt questioning, why is Kara facing their underlings instead of them?

But for Kara, killing as many as Celestial Phenomenon ranked void creatures will ensure a lighter fight for her generals, she pushed through before another army or more joins the fight.

Seeing her fight fiercely for her army, it isn't something they can understand, but to weaken their army further, that is something they will never tolerate.

"KWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" One of the Void Emperors howls and charged at Kara, the other two immediately followed, one has like two maces for its fist while the other two had a scythe and a chainsaw looking weapon.

Kara's eyes glowed fierce crimson red as she used her protective sh.e.l.l barriers and continued killing the Celestial Phenomenon ranked Void Creatures.

It took almost ten minutes as the three Void Emperors lost their patience, the sheer hardness of Kara's sh.e.l.l continuously hindered them from dealing any substantial damage, soon, two more armies approached together with their Void Emperors.

But out of the five of them, one which Kara viewed troublesomely showed up, it's the Kalaharz's Void Emperor, she can fight eight of it together and beat it, but its strategies is something Kara didn't wish to be entangled with.

And soon as it did join up, Kara's worst nightmare came true, it immediately started a.s.saulting the generals while the other Void Emperor blocked her path to rescue her children.

This immediately made Kara's situation grew dire.

"Arise my children! Arise!" Kara as soon as she shouted, the ground started to tremble, spikes after spikes after spikes started to emergy beneath the ground, piercing what was standing there, the generals hidden within the ground emerged bringing with them the Immortal Ascension ranked and above centipedes.

The fight immediately began as the Void Creatures and the Centipedes clashed amongst one another, a fierce fight unfolds without any restraints.

Mo Xie couldn't help but shake his head, he had continuously ordered not to go on a full-blown fight, but Kara became emotional as her instincts as a demonic beast kicked in, getting the better of her.

He increased his pace, das.h.i.+ng forth faster and faster under the shadows.

Three more Void Emperors were about to put an end to it, but the Trantul Void Emperor waved his hand: "[email protected]#* [email protected]#[email protected]# )#" (Something's making its way towards this place.)

(Starting now, you can understand the Void Creature's words, especially translated by the author himself! but they will not be able to understand each other until a certain chapter)

The Trantul Void Emperor looked at the location where the presence he felt had come from, directly at Mo Xie's location, the latter felt aggrieved, he needed to increase his pace or Kara will never be able to pull out of this supposed to be a minor clash.

The Trantul's Void Emperor waved his hand: "A few of you scan that place!"

A few of his subordinates nod their head and immediately went to where their leader pointed at.

"Kara! RETREAT!" Mo Xie shouted when he saw a centipede nearby, as he shouted, he dashed away, 

The Trantuls had spotted him.

Their long purple arm started to stretch out trying to grab at the shadow.

When they confirmed Mo Xie's presence, they immediately gave chase, the group of Celestial Phenomenon ranked continued to increase as Mo Xie dashed towards the red floating ball of light.

His speed is more than any of the Trantuls could ever chase, but that is, if it's only the Trantuls, soon, Mo Xie's path was blocked by a saber-like black energy,

"You guys must be the Swalroweis." Mo Xie spoke, he immediately tried to shake them off taking a detour, he opened up his osmium green dragon wing and used the Sugandium's shadows as his path, activating the Spectral Fiend Liger's core immediately, he could somehow finally get few inches away from the Swalroweis' pursuit!

"Monarchs, make your move!" Mo Xie shouted, the two monarchs a kilometer away from the dark part of the Divine land turned into a streak of light, their speed so fast that it made a ripping sound through cutting the wind.

The two of them charged straight towards the location of True Sun Monarch.

Trantul's Void Emperor frowns, he looked at the Swalrowei's void emperor and ordered: "Block them, kill them if possible, I will stay here to guard this location."

The Swalrowei's void emperor nods its head and immediately disappeared.

Red Sun Monarch and Yellow Sun Monarch didn't know where it disappeared to, but they separated and immediately before entering the dark part.

The Swalrowei appeared at the location where they split, looking from left to right, not knowing what to do for a while before chasing down Yellow Sun Monarch.

When Yellow Sun Monarch noticed the Swalrowei Emperor's chase, it immediately continued through the light part, within the light part, although the distance between him and the emperor closes, it's much more slower compared to when it was in the dark part...

Yellow Sun Monarch smiled wryly: "Two minutes..."

He could only hold that much before getting caught, the speed of the Swalrowei's emperor is too fast even within the light part of the divine land.

Red Sun Monarch dashed in, he's not trying to rescue True Sun Monarch, but to get as much attention as he could, with the Trantul and the Sugandium's emperor still there, Mo Xie can never have a chance. 

Three Void Emperors immediately gave chase to Red Sun Monarch, this caused Mo Xie to handle Trantul Emperor alone, will he be able to do it?

The Trantul Emperor paid attention to all of the events transpiring, especially to Kara, but he never let go of Mo Xie when he had caught sight of him, he had also locked his senses to him.

This caused Mo Xie further problems, Trantul continuously relays his position to its minions.

There are only two things left that Mo Xie could do, confront the inevitable or retreat.

From afar, he could see many corpses, dozens of them are Karas generals, slowly, they are retreating while being chased down by the Void Creatures and Emperors.

The least he could think of is... He looked at the giant ball of light and shouted: "True Sun Monarch! Get out now!"