Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 325 Ambush 1

325 Ambush 1

He also didn't expect that the generals would be extremely fast, their pace is actually as fast as Mo Xie when flying, hence, Mo Xie decided to get a free lift. Kara lifted him up halfway through the travel, increasing their travel time.

Arriving at the destination, Mo Xie looked back, he flew up and saw never-ending trails of holes made by the generals' legs.

Mo Xie looked at Kara: "Update me about the situation of the Void Creatures at the border, the Elaznarum and Falzakari, and the Headless Void."

Kara nods her head: "Master, the Void creatures stationed at the border are staying still, casually hunting some food while waiting still, the Elaznarum and Falzakari are still two days away."

"But the Headless Void halts from his advance and seemed to have stayed there for a couple of hours already."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Good, tell me if they made any sudden change movements or any weird events occurs."

"Yes, Master." Kara replied and started to order the generals to go into position.

Meanwhile, Mo Xie started to make some of his own arrangements, he searched for good places and started to tinker some runes, the ones he used from before, the mind messing runes, this time, he's upgrading it.

"If what I think is correct, then, they will definitely be much more useful than any of my weapons against the Elaznarum." Mo Xie hoped, he really hoped that this will definitely do ma.s.sive damage.

If they are using their mind, the best course of action is disrupting them, Mo Xie also decided to start to crafting some more runes.

The mild mind messing rune started to change in color as Mo Xie started to add gold ore on the runes, it would've been better if he had many low-grade spiritual stones, but now isn't the time to be picky, all of the spirit stones in Mo Xie's ring suddenly was summoned out, forming a mountain of red stones stacked messily.

Mo Xie drew a formation diagram and placed all of the mild minds messing runes in the middle of it, after that, placing tons of spirit stones on each end of the formation diagram as he started chanting some words.

When the formation diagrams activated, all of the spirit stones shone as the spiritual energy within it surges out and directly started pouring inside the formation diagram, the formation diagram then started to supply the runes with the needed inscriptions.

It took Mo Xie a whole lot of time to complete this process repeatedly. spending all of his spirit stones dry.

But right now, the runes with only an inscription each has a mild purple glow on it, Mo Xie couldn't help but sigh: "Well, I just hope their bodies are useful to exchange with all of these stones."

"Mind Disrupting Runes, yes, let's call you that." Mo Xie sighed, the five thousand runes were immediately ready for use, it took more than a day to complete, but at least, the preparation is almost complete.

"If all things proceed as plan, then, the only problem is dealing with the Falzakaris."

He then looked for Kara: "Kara."

The little centipede queen immediately appeared: "Yes, master?"

"Scatter all of these runes in those three places, station one of your Immortal Foundation ranked centipedes in each of these runes, when I give the signal, the ambush will begin, at the same time, each of your children will crack these runes depending on which place the enemies arrived at."

"Yes." Kara nods her head.

"But order them to not leave their position if the runes aren't used, only attack if they have nothing else to do. Until the runes are used, do not engage, okay?" Mo Xie instructed strictly.

"Yes, Master." Kara immediately ordered a lot of her children to pick a rune each and hid behind the canyon's three ambush points,

Each of the Immortal Foundation ranked centipedes only having their head out, a rune in between their mouth, ready to crack it open anytime.

As Mo Xie awaits for the Void Creatures to arrive, a screeching noise sounded.

KAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Mo Xie looked up, it's the crow.

The crow descends on to the ground, looking at Mo Xie with its three eyes: "Master, I've come with your summon."

"Good, all of the pieces are here, now then." He looked at Kara: "We'll start with the plan."

"Yes, Master."

Since the crow had arrived, she'll also need to be briefed: "As I send my signal, Kara, you, a hundred of your generals will attack the Elaznarum, but you'll need to do it quit, a single second late will definitely be a huge demerit with our ambush."

"I can't sense you within the forest, you must be using some sort of special cloaking skill?" Mo Xie asked, he's quite curious about it too.

Kara nods her head: "Yes, master, but I can only use it with my children of the centipede race, it's a special bloodline skill inherited from my ancestral memory."

Mo Xie nods his head: "That's good enough, I don't need to be cloaked, just you successfully ambus.h.i.+ng the enemies will be the best."

Kara nods her head: "Yes, master."

"It will be only a single second, I don't know how long the rune's effect will last, but you'll have to make use of it, if it isn't effective, then, proceed with just ambus.h.i.+ng them... Kara... The sooner you deal with the Elaznarum, the better."

"Yes, Master."

"Only focus on the Elaznarum, no matter what you see my situation is, never go out, never start, or all of this will fail." Mo Xie continuously warned, because, not only his life but the lives of those he know outside will also be in grave danger.

Kara nods her head: "I will do as you say, master."

Mo Xie nods his head: "I have fate in you."

He then looked up in the sky: "Based on the characteristics of the Falkazari, they will most likely be vanguards, I will attract their attention, and if I think the situation is right, then, I will give the signal." As Mo Xie spoke, the ground started to tremble. Mo Xie looked at the far north: "They've come."

He looked at the approaching void creatures, more than three million of them are approaching, Mo Xie immediately saw their characteristics and know which is which merely based on Kara's description.

Mo Xie looked at Kara then back to the Void Creatures: "Let's begin."

"Yes." Kara and the Crow replied. The crow carried Mo Xie as they soared unto the air, a smile formed on Mo Xie's face: "Come, oh beings with their fate sealed!"