Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 296 First Beast Core

296 First Beast Core

Type quickly pa.s.sed, the stone drum started to sink into the ground, Nya Poto couldn't help but smile; 'He's absorbing it quickly, his body is becoming harder and harder, heavier and heavier too...'

There are only a few drops of liquid left on the drum and as the last ones seep into Mo Xie's body, the latter couldn't help but smile, his trance immediately stopped as he slowly stood up.

Looking at the sky, Mo Xie smirks: "Now, this is a good body."

He s.h.i.+fts his gaze to the level 3 bone and towards Nya Poto: "Well, it's finally the bones."

Nya Poto snorted but didn't reply, but for some reason, she wants to watch what the child in front of her will do next.

Mo Xie smiled, he grabbed the bone and started pounding on it with a maze.

Nya Poto felt hurt deep inside, after all, it's still her bone before.

The tool Mo Xie used is a grade 6 soul weapon, yet, it's not leaving a single dent on the bone.

Nya Poto chuckles: "You know, that is still a bone from a level 3 Magical Beast, a divine's own bone. "

Mo Xie chuckles: "I know, I only need to know how tough it is."

There wasn't even a single scratch on the bone. Since that's smas.h.i.+ng wouldn't work on measuring the toughness, he went to sharp measuring.

He used a sword, he infused it with sword energy and slashed it a hundred times.

After finis.h.i.+ng it, he smiled, there's merely a tiny bit of dent the size of an ant, then, there's not much he could do with that.

The last thing he can try is the strongest melee piercing approach. A spear.

Mo Xie immediately took out a grade 7 soul spear, infusing it with spear energy, Mo Xie's expression drastically changed.

Nya Poto couldn't believe her own eyes: "Are you really just a boy?"

Mo Xie smirked, his surroundings started to heat up as his mastery of spear focused on the tip of the weapon, spiritual energy, spear energy, and his two incomplete physiques all combined into a single point.

Even Nya Poto couldn't believe it herself as she saw the technique, it wouldn't be this surprising if the person doing it in front of her is a Divine realm cultivator, but it's only a child at Sky Shattering rank!

Mo Xie did a simple motion, he sw.a.n.g his spear straight in a piercing attack directed at the bones.

Swoooosh~!!! Crkk~!!! Two sounds, one the launch of the spear attack and the second, something breaking.

Nya Poto couldn't believe it: "You..."

Mo Xie chuckles: "It's not surprising, after all, imagine a hundred level 2 Magical Beast at the Divine Origin rank struck you at the same time and at the same location, it will cause this effect too."

Nya Poto frowns; 'That's if those hundred struck together, but you're a single ent.i.ty, someone like you shouldn't have the power to even crack my Level 3 bone, no, someone like you shouldn't even exist!'

She immediately felt the danger of letting this person live and felt regretful, but then, she spoke: "You know, I've vowed to protect you within my territory, but as soon as you leave my territory, I can kill you immediately together with my children."

Mo Xie hearing this chuckles, he's looking at the bone that was has one part of it pierced with a lot of fragment yet it didn't break into two. He picked up a few fragments and placed it on his mouth before swallowing it.

"If you're going to do that, be sure not to let me live...

I pay grat.i.tude ten folds but I pay grudges a hundred or more times."

As he spoke of this, he looked at Nya Poto while trying to ingest the bone fragments: "My offer still stands, you can be my follower, share the glory of the future."

Nya Poto chuckles: "That's absurd, why would I follow you?"

"But then again, we can be partners, gaining from each other wouldn't be so bad now, isn't it?"

Mo Xie chuckles: "Just based on cultivation, I could never share any insight with you, but of knowledge and helpful guides, well, something humans had far surpa.s.sed your kind since the beginning, that, I can share a lot."

Nya Poto frowns and started to ponder for a bit before shaking her head: "That's still too shallow, I've lived for a million years already."

Mo Xie chuckles but didn't reply.

Nya Poto rolled her eyes before continuing: "I don't know what you can share with me, so, you should enlighten me to it...

But if I find it lacking, then, this partners.h.i.+p is voided."

Mo Xie smiled, he pondered for a bit before speaking: "How about this, I'll help you kill the other four level 4 Magical Beast in the shortest time possible, would that be of great enlightenment for you?"

Nya Poto hearing this had her eyes wide opened before a burst of laughter sounded: "Hahaha, human, I'm ranked 4th between the five of us, you think it will be easy?"

Mo Xie replied calmly: "Yes, it won't be easy, but it will be a sure-fire annihilation if I help you."

Nya Poto chuckles: "Sure brag away then."

Mo Xie shook his head: "Well, I can prove it to you... But, can you first give me a high-grade beast core of your race?"

Nya Poto frowns deeply as she looked at Mo Xie: "For what?"

Mo Xie chuckles: "To increase my strength of course."

Nya Poto pondered for a bit before nodding her head: "Just consider it as a gift to being my follower then."

Going to be a follower of somebody else? Mo Xie smiled wryly at the mere thought of it: "Then, a partners.h.i.+p between us."

Nya Poto chuckles, she waved her hand and a blue crystal-like core appeared on her hand: "Here, take it." As she spoke, she threw it at Mo Xie's direction.

Mo Xie smiled as he received the core, its blue color is kind of glowing wildly, there's also a red beating part inside of it: "Thanks, it will be used greatly."

Nya Poto's face was solemn as she looked at Mo Xie with the crystal before sighing: "Use it well, if you die, I'll definitely kill you."

As she finished speaking, she immediately turned back, a sad smile etched on her face as she looks into the sky. "I hope this isn't going to fail..."

Meanwhile, Mo Xie smiled full of hope: "This must be a level 3 Magical Beast's core!"

He couldn't contain his excitement as he placed it on his stomach, the energy wildly surging from the core started to enter Mo Xie's soul sea!