Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 29 Immortal Bridging Pill

29 Immortal Bridging Pill

They couldn't help but feel inspired.

Mo Xie nodded as he spoke: "Now, we need to wait for the cauldron to have the right temperature."

Mu Ye nodded, he's feeling the most excited amongst his peers, becoming a tier 3 alchemist? there's not a single one in Gangting City! He will be the first one!

After a while, Mo Xie nodded as he felt the heat brus.h.i.+ng in his skin.

He withdrew three herbs, two types of roots, and a paste-like substance secretly.

He threw all of them all together, this shocked everyone.

Wasn't it suppose to be a one by one process? how come he threw everything in?

"First, focus your attention on getting the essence of the two roots, after that, the herbs!" Mo Xie ordered.

Mu Ye didn't have time to reply, he immediately did as he was instructed, beads of sweats started to appear all over his body as his concentration focused solely on the medicines inside as his eyes constricted into two tiny slits.


_Bwoom!_ A loud cry echoed inside the cauldron as Mu Ye completely separated the essence of the herbs and roots.

"Now, combine the herb essence with the liquid paste while you lift up the root essence, preventing it on losing its quality!" Mo Xie yelled.

Mu Ye nodded as he did as we was instructed, his two hands started to tremble as his left hand slowly pulled up the root essence and his right hand clenching, trying to merge the herb essence into one.

_Waaang Waaaang!_ A wanning sound started to be heard as the liquid paste merged with the herb essence, immediately, a pleasing aroma spreads out from the cauldron.

"Waaa... This smell!"

"Just smelling it makes me calm!"

"I can't believe it... concocting a pill can produce such appealing smell?"

Everyone nodded, such an outcome, they couldn't help but feel lacking and inspired at the same time, the president even sighed, it feels like all of the years he had been training were a just a waste in front of Mo Xie.

But who would not feel as such, for 30 years, he had been trying to break through to the tier 3 alchemist rank, yet, all of his efforts were in vain, but a casual word from Mo Xie actually made one of his peers, have one of his foot set in the tier 3 alchemy rank!

He then look again at Mo Xie, but was astounded, Mo Xie is looking at him at the same time.

A smile formed in his lips as he spoke to Mu Ye while looking at the president.

"Open up your heart, calm your mind, and let all of your troubles vanish, like a flowing water in the river, try to go with its path, like the wind so free, do not let your eyes be blurred by desire, everything will come and go, that is the natural way of the world.

That is, if you have not the strength to oppose it." Mo Xie's words were slowly spoken, yet, everyone felt the depth of it, the profoundness couldn't help but shook their cores.

'Ah! I will digest it first.'

Everyone had the same thought, they closed their eyes as they repeatedly spoke of it inside their heads, even turning into a chance.

Mo Xie chuckles as he nodded and focused on Mu Ye again, he established a Clan inside the Gangting City, the least he would want are incompetent alchemist, helping them once in a while would do good too.

But if what Mo Xie had spoke of didn't help them increase their progress, that would be their our fault.

As he practised alchemist before, the most important thing to have is a calm heart. He just wishes that their calm heart wouldn't brew too much confidence that it turned into arrogance in the future.

"Now, the root essence, combine it with the concocted mixture!" Mo Xie spoke as he looked at Mu Ye.

Mu Ye nodded as he did what he instructed.

"If you feel that the mixture is ready, form it into a pill! Do not be agitated or too excited, calm your heart!

Feel the things inside the cauldron, and you will feel it when the time comes."

Mu Ye nodded as he started to calm himself and looked at the details of the mixture inside the cauldron, feeling every ounce of change within it.

After a few more minutes, Mu Ye felt something incredible inside his body, he opened his eyes as he clenched his two hands into a fist.


_Bam!_ A solem sound echoed after Mu Ye's shout, the steam inside the cauldron started to go out of it, emitting a very fragrant smell.

_Swoos.h.!.+_ Three pills flew upward as it imitted golden l.u.s.ter, Mu Ye looked at it like a treasure, like looking at his own new born son.

Hearing Mu Ye's shout, everyone opened their eyes too, in amazement, their mouths couldn't help but spasm, it is their first time witnessing the birth of a tier 3 pill.

Tears started to flow down from Mu Ye's eyes as he gladly smiled at Mo Xie.

"Not bad, not bad, at two pills at rare and one with perfect quality." Mo Xie smiled, he is fairly satisfied with such a result.

"Immortal Bridging Pill, a pill that can fix a person's disabled soul sea, also cleansing the cultivation and meridian cycles, just exactly what I need!" Mo Xie exclaimed, a faint smile can be seen in his face.

Shang Ting also smiled, finally, her husband can cultivate again... but... something inside her is feeling extremely bothered by it; 'I have not help him with anything... I already knew he picked me up for my Family's background at first... He had not needed me when he was a mortal... will he need me now that he can start cultivating again?'

Shang Ting's heart couldn't help but beat faster and faster, every thought kept piercing right through to her heart, making her chest feel tighter and tighter; will she be abandoned? they only had a year to spend together, what will happen after ward?

Hearing Mo Xie's words, everyone was astounded; 'Perfect Quality?! Able to cure cripled and disabled cultivator's body?!'

They only heard of such a thing from the legends, yet, they witnessed it first hand, it even came from one of their own! Mu Ye's work!

Mo Xie saw their expression, he was about to speak about how to concoct a higher grade tier, but that might ruin their confidence in the end and decided to not speak of it at the end.

Mu Ye flicked his hands as the pill started to flew towards him, grabbing it, he immediately went to Mo Xie and bowed.

"Grandmaster, the pills."

Mo Xie smiled as he took the pills and hid it inside his storage ring silently, and also withdrew a piece of paper.

"Take this, a gift from me, don't worry, that is just a low-level tier 3 poison detoxifying pill recipe, able to neutralize poison from Earth Grade ranked demon beast and below."

Everyone felt elated, a poison detoxifying pill?! That will be heavily needed too!

Mo Xie smiled as he started to walk off: "Don't bother to send me off, I will be going to the City Lord's clan now."

"Oh! and send the money from the pills to the Mo Family, Heaven Suppressing Clan."

Hearing this, everyone opened their eyes widely, that new established Clan is his property?!

All of them immediately felt waves in their heart; a new power that will surpa.s.s even the City Lord's strength will rise!

All sorts of thoughts popped up in their head, how to have ties with the Mo Family, Heaven Suppresing Clan!

"Oh, and please keep this meeting a secret from the public." Mo Xie spoke and continued heading to the exit.

"YES GRANDMASTER!" All of them saluted as they replied in a respectful manner.

Meanwhile, someone amongst them has a sinister smile; 'Keeping it a secret from the public? hahaha.' w.a.n.g Chenqing thought as she made her own plans.

Mu Ye made his way back, and saw w.a.n.g Chenqing, but what he saw is a smiling face of her disciple that is pure; "Master, congratulations in breaking through and becoming a tier 3 Alchemist!"

Mu Ye smiled as he nodded and replied: "Then, you will have more prestige inside your Clan, hahaha, let us go back to the a.s.sociation, we will be practicing a lot for a while."

"Yes Master!" w.a.n.g Chenqing replied, she's now thinking of a way to go back to her clan and report the event, she couldn't help but have a smile on her face.

Everyone started to leave immediately, still remembering the events earlier, feeling extremely satisfied, they too, had gained insights themselves.