Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 288 Meeting The Solar Tribe's Monarchs.

288 Meeting The Solar Tribe's Monarchs.

As he entered the tribe's gates, his first destination is to return to where his party members were placed.

When he arrived, he was greeted by a group of the low-spirited bunch: "What happened?"

"Ah, senior Mo, you're back." Wu Shanli spoke. As she did, the rest of the seven also looked up, they didn't know what to say and couldn't help but be silent instead.

Mo Xie nods his head: "What is it, why are you guys sulking?"

Wu Shanli explained: "Senior Mo, that… Princess Bingyun wasn't rescued, in fact, the rescue party returned with so many injured and three Immortal Paragons dead."

Mo Xie's expression didn't change to what they expected, he remained aloof and replied: "Well, that's bad then, since that is the case, I will rescue them once I finished cultivating, I just hope that they remained alive by then."

Hearing Mo Xie's reply, they couldn't help but be speechless, they looked at each other in shock, they all had the same look that seemingly asking; 'Is this the same person that we've been together for so many days?!'

"Oh, you're more heartless than I thought you were, I'm impressed." At this moment, a voice sounded.

Mo Xie didn't need to look back to know who this person is: "Princess Tanya, time is of the essence and I wish not to be disturbed."

As he finished speaking, he looked back at Tanya and added: "I merely wish to train, if you'd be so kind as to give me the location where many demonic beasts, draconic beasts, or even more powerful monsters are, I'd be in much appreciation."

Princess Tanya's first impression of Mo Xie was quite pa.s.sable, it also entered her mind to not have such a bad husband at some point, but after the great change, she couldn't help but view the latter in so much contempt that only a few levels more and she'd view him as an enemy not even worth slaying.

She ignored Mo Xie's question and spoke: "My father wishes to see you, you have no other say to this. You are this group of people's leader, I hope that you wouldn't mind doing something as simple as this."

Mo Xie sighed, he wanted to say; 'If he so wishes to see me, then let him come.' But after so much hards.h.i.+p, he resisted the urge and spoke: "I already said that I need to train, seeing your father will come at a later date."

But then, Mo Xie felt something and spoke: "Princess, you might think that my manner of speech is rude, but truth be told, this is how I usually speak, some problems had occurred and now I'm back."

"I cannot change who I am, but then again, I merely speak of what I think without a second's thought, so if I am being too disrespectful, I apologize in advance."

Mo Xie felt hurt, he really didn't mean it, and didn't also want to apologize; his pride is too huge for it ever since he had awakened.

But deep within him, there is something that's pus.h.i.+ng him to change, a picture of Aiqing and Shang Ting kept resurfacing in his mind whenever this feeling would happen.

His heart couldn't help but grow chaotic, and for a cultivator, this is something that's both dreadful and dire. He viewed everything beneath him in his previous life, and as a lonely expert, he didn't value others.

His heart and mind are struggling against each other, something a divine cultivator shouldn't have.

Then, there is another problem, Mo Xie had a single friend from his previous life, a real true friend, he had become a sworn brother to him, but the latter died prematurely.

But in this life, he has sworn brothers, Huotian is together with Aiqing, he can somehow manage to say he is safe, and since Chen has also escaped safely, then, the latter would definitely not be in danger.

He wanted to train fast, for one reason, and he didn't know that after thinking through carefully, Bingyun, Chen's sister is in grave danger.

He couldn't help but snort realizing this, yes, he had gone soft as a mortal, but his divine mind has been unsealed, now, he shouldn't have any concern for Bingyun, but his heart is telling him to save the girl.

He isn't a different person, but his mind had evolved greatly, still, his heart remained the same, and for some reason, his mind wants for his heart to remain the same: "Chen... You really should've dragged your sister away."

"What?" Tanya asked in confusion.

Mo Xie smiled, he looked at Tanya gently: "A friend of mine is in danger, I hope you wouldn't stop me from the needs of getting stronger."

Tanya chuckles: "What kind of delay can cause five minutes of talk with my father do to your 'getting stronger' actually do?"

Mo Xie smiled: "Every second count."

Tanya looked at Mo Xie in shock, she couldn't help but be speechless, the latter was so arrogant and haughty a few seconds ago, but now, he's actually calm, mature, and even genteel to the point that caused her heart to skip a beat.

But as she calmed herself, she sternly spoke: "It will only be for a few moments, my father merely wished to know about some news and information, maybe, after that, we'll help you with your troubles."

Mo Xie pondered for a while, contemplating before nodding his head: "Then, please lead the way."

Tanya couldn't help but sigh, but still, at least, she had solved the problem without using force, she was planning to drag the individual to her father after all.

The group looked at Mo Xie and Tanya's departing back.

Geng Yuxian is the first to break the silence: "Isn't senior Mo really different?"

Everyone nods, then Wu Shanli added: "But then, almost a quarter of his personality returned through those last minutes..."

Everyone nods again, they couldn't help but look at Mo Xie in a confused manner.

The Solar Tribe's empire is too vast, it's more like, eight times the size of the Solar Blaze Kingdom's whole territory.

It took three hours to get to the courtyard all the way to the castle, Mo Xie couldn't help but look at the castle in pure speculation, it looked like a pyramid with stairs, it has the size of a mountain with a hundred floor, each has a door where people are coming in and out continuously.

Mo Xie couldn't help but approve the architecture of the castle, Tanya continued and led Mo Xie up the castle, they used the outside stairs to climb to the peak.

"Datwani Tanya." As Tanya moved up the stairs, the servants would bow and greet, no exemptions.

Tanya smiled as she nods her head: "Continue with what you all are doing."

"Yes." The servants bowed and continued their work.

"Datwani?" Mo Xie asked.

Tanya casually replied with a cold expression: "It's what servants would call a princess,"

Mo Xie felt speechless, why make things troublesome when they can all just call a princess, a princess?

But he didn't pry further, a few moments it took as they reached the peak.

At the peak, it's an open-air floor, it is about fifty meters wide, there is also a roof made in stones supported by sixty strong pillars.

At the end of the path, there are eight thrones, but only three are currently occupied.

Mo Xie noticed it, but the three of them have the same cultivation ranks.

"So, you are that person that came from the outer world." A voice sounded, Mo Xie looked at the direction and saw the man in the middle looking at him in a stern manner.