Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 274 Entering The Cavern

274 Entering The Cavern

Mo Xie applied some first aid to w.a.n.g Guan's injuries: "Be sure to rest for now, we'll have our chance once we escaped to the Thousand Peaks Mysterious Cavern."

The odds really aren't on their side, the enemies have at least three thousand experts left while they only have less than a thousand, both in power and number, they are extremely outnumbered.

Chu Song Min felt helpless, he should be the one leading, his group consists of experts at Immortal Foundation rank and two at the Immortal Ascension, but to think that they are as helpless as any others.

As soon as he felt like this, he heaved a sigh and spoke his thought: "We should force our way out, after that, go to Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire to report the event, that way we can counter the enemy with force."

Mo Xie frowned at the sorry plan filled with holes: "And how are you planning to do that?"

Chu Song Min snorted: "Of course, we all will blitz our way out, we will kill everyone on our way and achieve greatness in doing so."

Mo Xie's frown grew deeper: "If you'll create a plan merely to save yourself, just sit in a corner and stay silent there."

"Y-you-" Chu Song Min pointed with rage.

The two experts beside him wanted to hold their prince back, after all, they themselves knew what the failure of the plan is, a hundred percent for sure!

Mo Xie deep inside wanted to scold Chu Song Min, he wanted to at least make say that as a prince of the strongest empire, he should be much calmer and think for the greater good, not just to sacrifice others for himself. Still, their circ.u.mstances aren't suitable to do so.

But Chu Song Min could continue, Mo Xie interrupted: "First off, are you suggesting the two sect masters block the three Immortal Saint ranked expert's so you can die at a few minutes longer?"

"There are more than three thousand experts at the enemy side, three times more than us, and that's a rough estimation, not to speak of, there might also be ambush outside this encirclement."

"Escape by blitzing out of here? Hahaha, just think for a bit, with the enemy three times of our number, can we? Each of us being guarded by three experts, can you even escape? Those at the weak side will die immediately, the number of people chasing us will increase and increase."

"Okay, so let's say, for example, for some miraculous occurrence, we escaped the encirclement, anyone of you can outrun an Immortal Saint ranked expert? If you can, or if you can speak of anyone here, I'd be one of the vanguards to lead the blitz, so?"

As Mo Xie finished speaking, he looked lazily at Chu Song Min before continue treating w.a.n.g Guan.

All of the strongest experts are there, Chu Song Min felt embarra.s.sed but had no way to retort.

He walked out and joined the groups that are defending the line.

One of the escorts cupped his hand at Mo Xie: "Thank you for saving our prince."

Mo Xie smiled: "Don't worry about it."

All of the strongest within the group nodded at Mo Xie's foresight, they all felt that following Mo Xie's orders, for now, wouldn't be bad either.

After all, even with their cultivation, none of them had been able to kill even a quarter of what Mo Xie had killed from a single ambush.

Even being able to escape after that is such an unbelievable feat.

Wu Shan Mei is the first to ask: "Other than escaping through the cavern, do we have any other option?"

Mo Xie smiled, he nods his head and spoke: "There are three more possibilities, but, well… It's almost an impossible feat."

Wu Shan Mei and the others nodded, they waited for these possibilities.

Mo Xie smiled wryly: "First off, if there's reinforcement, some people that can handle the three experts of Immortal Saint ranks and have brought many people to deal with the others, for that, we need to hold on for as much as we can… Well, in hopes that we had not died before that."

"Second, someone with a miraculously great treasure that can wipe out the enemies in one fell swoop or in many tries."

"Third, a catastrophe happened and we somehow stayed alive."

All of them smiled wryly, well, surely, if any of those happened, they'll definitely have a chance, but that's as close as to nothing at all.

The blind expert somehow remained calm again after the previous ambush, it killed many but… they can recoup if it's only that much, well, he'll definitely receive punishment later on, but that's the worst part.

Also, he eavesdrops at the conversation, if they will voluntarily go inside the cavern, they'll not need to sacrifice anymore.

He secretly ordered the members of the Blood Mist Shadow Sect to slowly retreat.

Meng Wanyu and the Dark Guild members noticed this, sadly, they couldn't say anything, but they can do something, they pulled their punches, only using 10% of their strength to push forward.

"Sly foxes." The blind man snorted, he who cannot see can feel more.

The fluctuation of spiritual energy decreased more than half, he could feel it better than see it, but he didn't say anything, after all, the more p.a.w.n, the better; 'Let's see you try that in front of Elder Su!'

Meanwhile, Mo Xie snorted himself, his plan worked, he could feel a probing sense earlier, he wanted to minimize the casualties on his side, and it just became less troublesome in doing so.

'The greater their senses, the better it is.'

Sadly, Mo Xie would really need to enter the cavern.

"Mo Xie…" At this moment, a lovely voice came in.

Mo Xie looked at the location of the voice and found Bingyun there. He smiled and asked: "What is it?"

"I…" Bingyun became embarra.s.sed, he wanted to apologize, but before she could, Mo Xie interrupted.

"Save it for later, we're in a very dangerous stage right now."

Bingyun nods her head: "Then, I will help them defend the line."

Mo Xie smiled: "I thank you for that."

As she heard Mo Xie's reply, she immediately made her way to the defense line.

Mo Xie sighed: "We should enter now."

Wu Shan Mei smiled: "I will stay here to defend to my last strength."

w.a.n.g Guan smiled, he also recovered quite a bit and is able to detonate his cultivation to bring as many as he can: "I… I will stay as well."

"The two of us can bring down as many as we can to h.e.l.l with us, it will be a great help."

"Great help?" Mo Xie sneered: "You're merely abstaining from your duties and wanted to die with a couple's death."

"You two may die, but your failure will live. Instead of rising from the ashes, you chose to release yourself of the burden, how great of you two."

The two felt speechless, although it sounded disrespectful, they couldn't come up with a rebuke.

"Do not give me the weight of carrying your members, who knows what danger lies within the cavern, you expect me to protect them?"

The two felt embarra.s.sed now, right, the land they are going is a mystery, who knows what lies ahead? Yet, the only thing they can think of is how to die a glorious battle for the human race.

Without any reply from them, Mo Xie ordered: "Slowly retreat, we enter the Thousand Peaks Mysterious Cavern!"

"Yes!" All of them replied in unison, instead of dying at the hands of the enemies, it will be beneficial if they can really come back alive to fight together with the others.

Bingyun came back at this moment: "Mo Xie, I have a treasure to defend this place for an incest's time."

Mo Xie nods his head: "I will be grateful if you could use that, I'll definitely repay you for it."

Bingyun smiled wryly and spoke: "No need, this fight should've stayed within the Myriad Earth Abyss continent, but we were too negligent and dragged the lower continents too."

As she spoke, she took out something like a grail with six small statues at the top of it, she poured her spiritual energy on it and immediately shone brightly.

After that, six statues stood mightily on the ground surrounding their group.

The blind man was shocked before he started to laugh: "Hahaha, a descendant of the Ouyang Clan is here? What great blessing!"

"Everyone, stop your attacks!"

The defensive statue cannot be destroyed by their current power, hence, it's better to conserve their power than to waste it: "Only experts at Celestial Phenomenon rank can destroy that, let it be for now."

He smiled as he felt that his enemies are starting to walk out on their own towards the cavern.

One by one, they are getting sucked inside the cavern.

Blind left sneered as he saw Mo Xie walking towards the cavern: "Kid, consider yourself lucky, an ant like you dare betray us? Hmmp, rejecting heaven's blessing only to eat in h.e.l.l's kitchen, how stupid."

Mo Xie hearing this sneered: "Oh how great your heaven's blessing is, h.e.l.l's kitchen? Don't worry, I will serve your head there sooner or later."

As he spoke of it, he also entered the cavern together with Bingyun.

Blind left sneered but didn't comment anymore, after all, n.o.body came back from the Thousand Peaks Mysterious cavern, neither dead nor alive.