Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 263 Solar Blaze Kingdom

263 Solar Blaze Kingdom

"Sundering Stones!"

"Hero, please have mercy!"

Ouyang Chen flutters his sleeves, he glared at four bandit looking guys and shouted: "Scram! If I ever see your group hara.s.sing others again, none of you will walk out alive!"

Mo Xie couldn't help but sigh, Ouyang Chen's determination to uphold justice is too deep, and there's one other thing…

Mo Xie would've never guessed that Ouyang Chen also has this side at him.

"Yes, yes! Definitely, thank you for sparing our useless lives!" As the leader of the bandit group finished speaking, he immediately made a run for it.

Ouyang Chen folded his brush and stored it inside his ring, he then helped the old folks stand up: "Are you both okay? You shouldn't wander the plains without any escorts, it's dangerous."

The two old folks smiled, they thanked Ouyang Chen even inviting them to the village but the latter rejected.

Ouyang Chen immediately returned to the group, well, this is where Mo Xie find it quite shocking.

Chen looked at his sister and spoke: "How was it little sister?"

Bingyun smiled, she nodded repeatedly and replied: "Brother, you're as valiant as ever! You're definitely the best!"

Ouyang Chen smiled in full satisfaction as he returned to his mouth, he then looked at Mo Xie and spoke: "See that brother? My sister really loves this big brother of hers, she'll definitely idolize me!"

Mo Xie couldn't help but look at the latter, they were delayed by a month's time just so he could receive a few praises from her sister every time he held justice for the mundane world.

Still, Mo Xie smiled at Ouyang Chen and spoke: "Yes, definitely, well, I don't really need to say any compliments since your sister already said everything."

Ouyang Chen smiled profusely, he couldn't help but agree: "You know, brother, I treasure my sister extremely, even if the two of us are brothers, I won't hand her to you just like that."

Mo Xie couldn't help but shake his head: "Brother Chen, I wouldn't even take her if you offer her to me together with your parents."

"Ha?!" Ouyang Chen's mood darkened jokingly: "You think my sister isn't that great, that's why you think that she's not worthy of you?!"

Mo Xie felt speechless, he looked at Chen: "So, which is it, you want to hand over your sister or not?"

Ouyang Chen felt a little speechless too: "Wait… I had my point earlier…"

Mo Xie smiled, he then spoke: "Brother Chen, it's not that I don't like your sister, but I am a married man already." As Mo Xie finished speaking, he smiled nonchalantly. He saw little point in arguing with Ouyang Chen especially after he's drunk from Bingyun's praises.

Ouyang Chen immediately understood: "Isn't that right, I wonder when will I meet sister-in-law."

Mo Xie chuckles: "You're free to visit anytime, brother."

Ouyang Chen nods his head: "Then, before I head home, I'll visit your family."

Mo Xie smiled: "I will wait."

Another month pa.s.sed, Ouyang Chen acted in the name of justice in order to get a compliment or two out of his beloved sister.

Mo Xie got used to Ouyang Chen's antics immediately, like the rest of the followers, he didn't make a fuss about it.

Soon, they arrived at their destination. The travel distance is almost three million miles, luckily, their mounts can travel fifty thousand miles per day. But with Ouyang Chen saving a couple of misfortune souls, their travel time doubled.

It's already evening, but as they arrived at their destination, it felt like it's still the morning's dawn, the closer they come, the more it felt like daylight, as their group comes closer, they saw the Solar Blaze Kingdom's royal capital.

There's a single palace that's as tall and wide as a mountain, on the top of it, there's some sort of thing, blazing so bright that it can be said that it's part of a Sun.

Mo Xie couldn't help but make a few theory; 'Fiery Phoenix Sun Rune? Planetary Blazing Core?'

There's many more things that can create such outstanding glow, but the two things he thought of are closest to it.

Mo Xie couldn't help but felt a little awe at the Solar Blaze Kingdom's accomplishment, if it were him, he'd need to be at least at the Celestial Phenomenon rank in order to get any of these two things, even then, he'll be hard-pressed.

Their group entered the Solar Blaze Kingdom without much of a blockade, the guards didn't even dare stood in front of the Ouyang sibling's mounts.

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What can they mere sky shattering ranked guards accomplish in front of demonic beasts hundreds of times stronger than them?

A few elders from the Solar Blaze Kingdom made their way out to welcome the group.

"Guests, I wonder to whom do we owe your esteemed selves' arrival?"

Ouyang Chen smiled: "We're from the Ouyang Clan, we wish to stay for a few days."

"Oh…" The elders felt speechless, 'Who's the Ouyang Clan again?'

Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckle, the Ouyang Clan definitely is a top rank clan from somewhere, hence, a mundane kingdom like the Solar Blaze Kingdom not having any knowledge about them is no shocker.

Mo Xie smiled, since the Ouyang Clan's name isn't that much help, he'd need to present himself: "I was invited here a few months ago. Tell your king, the Medical saint's apprentice has arrived."

Hearing Mo Xie's words, the elders' eyes shone brilliantly: "Oh, if it isn't the medical saint's apprentice, we are blessed by your arrival!"

"To think that a young genius such as yourself will grace us with your presence, we're deeply gratified."

Pleasantries sounded immediately; still, Mo Xie ignored such things. He's grown accustomed to such things long ago.

Mo Xie merely nods his head, the elders immediately got the gist of it and didn't dally further: "Please come in, we old bones shall lead the way."

Mo Xie nods his head, he looked at Ouyang Chen and spoke: "Then brother, let's go."

Ouyang Chen couldn't help but smile, he really embarra.s.sed himself today, in front of his sworn brother even.

Their group was led by the elders, soon, they landed in a stable for demonic beast mounts.

Unlike the Alchemy a.s.sociation, the Solar Blaze Kingdom is a few levels below, their demonic beast stable is clearly something for land beasts and not for the flying ones.

The grand three demonic beasts entered the stable, with a snort, all the other demonic beasts that looked extremely strong immediately groveled in fear.

The elders couldn't help but smile wryly, how can their demonic beasts even stood tall in front of such strong ones.

Even a local snake will be fearful in front of a visiting dragon, especially if the dragon can squish them with a flick of a claw.

The three demonic beast mounts sat in full honor with their chests proudly puffed out.

Ouyang Chen felt sorry for the demonic beasts, but they immediately made their way and followed the elders.

The King heard of news immediately and a.s.sembled all of the elders and important figures within his kingdom to welcome the esteemed guests.

Mo Xie's group arrived at the castle's grand hall.

"Ah, to have your presence blesses our kingdom greatly, Patriarch Mo, I welcome you wholeheartedly." The King spoke, he didn't carry any air as he spoke to Mo Xie.

Mo Xie found it quite acceptable, there's neither pretense nor ill intentions hidden within the King's eyes.

Mo Xie smiled and returned his gesture: "I thank you for the warm greetings."

The King nodded his head repeatedly: "With your arrival, I would be an honor if you'll accept my invitation to a banquet."

Mo Xie didn't reject and accepted: "Then, I will trouble your majesty for it."

"No trouble, no trouble at all!" The King laughs, he then introduced himself: "You may already know me, but let me introduce myself, I am the King of the Solar Blaze Kingdom, Qian Wushan, this is my eldest daughter, Qian Wei'er."

Qian Wei'er is a beautiful lady, her demeanor is exuding gracefulness, but that didn't catch Mo Xie's attention at the least, her beauty is well above others, but not on par with Shang Ting or even Bingyun.

Qian Wei'er smiled, she bowed and spoke gracefully: "Wei'er greets the Mo Patriarch."

Mo Xie nods his head, he returned her greetings: "Likewise."

Mo Xie then felt a few privy gazes, this gaze contained a few hidden intents within it, he then saw a man a few meters away from Qian Wushan.

Qian Wushan noticed Mo Xie's gaze and introduced: "Ah, my old age, I forgot to introduce him, this is my prime minister, Bai Siwa."

Mo Xie merely nods his head, he somehow felt that these words are familiar, still, he didn't make any ruckus and spoke: "It's nice to meet you all."

Everyone nodded in compliance with Mo Xie's greetings, but the latter felt some sort of disdain, he followed his feelings and saw Bai Siwa's gaze.

It's filled with hidden intentions, Mo Xie didn't want to ruin the mood hence he ignored it with a thought; 'I remember you now…'