Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 261 Guest Disciples And Personal Guards.

261 Guest Disciples And Personal Guards.

Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckle and took out a paper and started to draw, even their names are there.

Ouyang Chen couldn't help but be shocked, although it's merely silhouettes and names, it became like an easily readable name within an incest time!

Since Ouyang Chen and the others will be leaving today, he didn't wish to repeat the display again, although he also trusts Mo Xie's decisions, he didn't really wish to rely on them, but since they are already on the topic, he'll just see how many of those that he'd pick will s.h.i.+ne.

Well, he was just about to pick some random fellow, but since Mo Xie has some suggestions, then the latter's choice would be nothing but better.

As he read the description, he looked at the crowd: "Ahem, everyone, sorry for the slight delay, I was slightly muddleheaded earlier, now, I have the lists, I can't definitely be wrong now."

"Jue Yu! Ho Lee! Pak…"

He immediately named everyone and picked every expert even with the details. As the four disciples of alchemy dao were stated, everyone not mentioned felt a little depressed.

Ouyang Chen smiled and spoke: "Everyone, do not worry, what it to be a guest disciple of our Ouyang Clan is? It's merely a single additional step, with few more hard works; you can definitely match your peers with sufficient patience, especially if those peers of yours are lazy."

Still, being patience and being the guest disciple of the Ouyang Clan is definitely better than only being patience.

Next, are the martial arts.

Everyone became shocked at the first name that Ouyang Chen spoke off.

"Fu Tang!"

Everyone looked at the person called Fu Tang, his immense body full of muscles sends others in great awe, but his cultivation though… there's really none.

Fu Tang himself remained skeptical about it, why was he picked? He thought for sure that he'll be ignored; Fu Tang is the son of a lumberjack, although he's full of muscles, his height destroyed his awe-inspiring build, he's also fourteen years old, but he looked like a thirty-year-old man.

He then looked at himself: "Maybe I really am a genius?"

Everyone snicker, they wanted to laugh, but that would be slapping Ouyang Chen's face, hence, they merely held it in.

After a while, one of Ouyang Chen's followers guided Fu Tang to the waiting room.

"Xiahou Fan!"

Ouyang Chen's next picked sounded, everyone looked at Xiahou Fan, this time, a silver ranked cultivator? Had the world gone crazy? Why are weaklings being picked by an eminent figure like Young Master Chen!?

The thin man with scholarly dress looked shaken, still, he puffs out his chest and starts walking towards one of Ouyang Chen's followers.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Xiahou full of envy, even an orphan can have such luck as to be picked?

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Some felt that it's a completely unfair thing, but some still held some hopes, if someone like Fu Tang and Xiahou Fan can be recruited, why can't they be?

But then, the two following names were spoken, geniuses were recruited; the two were from each the Liu and the Bei factions, possessing the cultivation level of Heaven Encompa.s.sing rank.

As Ouyang Chen's words descend, those that still held hopes felt dejected, but then again, all of them couldn't really blame it, luck is part of one's way in life.

All of them felt dejected, but soon, the eight picked guest disciples were lined up, everyone cheered, they clapped their hands in congratulating the fortunate ones.

"Good luck brothers!"

"Do your best!"

Cheers and supports sounded as they cupped their hands

In the midst of the cheering, there are those hopeful souls that still couldn't get over the chance that didn't come into being. The four identical twins are one of the groups.

"Brother, none of us pa.s.sed…" The youngest by a second spoke aggrieved, they had done everything they could, they had no resources and merely broke through one day.

They have no cultivation art to increase their pace nor any outside a.s.sistance.

The eldest amongst them smiled wryly: "Brothers, we might not have pa.s.sed, but that's not our only chance."

The other three nods their heads, but clear dejection is written all over their faces.

One of them then spoke: "We've done everything we can, we worked many times harder than others… but why… brother, tell me why isn't heaven favoring us?!"

The four of them wept silently, the crowd's cheers buried their shame completely.

But then, Ouyang Chen added: "Everyone, I have four additional picks to become my direct subordinates! They also have the chance to become my four personal guards, I would like to welcome them, well, if they wish so."

When everyone heard of this, their faces became quite shocked.

Everyone grew expectant.

Ouyang Chen chuckles as he spoke: "Everyone, the place has already been decided, so I would be calling them out, I hope that they are still here."

But then, Ouyang Chen grew timid seeing the names written by Mo Xie, no matter how thick his face is, he definitely wouldn't say it; 'Egg one… egg two… egg three…'

Chen sighs as he shook his head; he looked at the distinct features of the four egg and spoke: "I'd like to ask if the four of you brothers will be willing to follow me as my personal guards."

The four equally shocked as the spectators and other partic.i.p.ants had their tongues tied.

Personal guards? More like someone to feed.

What kind of future even awaits these four b.u.mpkins?

Still, with everyone waiting including the higher-ups of the Alchemy a.s.sociation and the Ouyang siblings, they couldn't dally further.

All four of them kneeled on the ground.

"We may be lacking in talent, but we will do our hardest to serve Young Master Chen!"

"We brothers can never boast of anything, but if it is hard work, then, n.o.body can deny our experience!"

"Please accept these four brothers, we may be weak now, but we will strive with no failing efforts!"

"We will be blind if we do not accept such a kind and a great opportunity."

They then looked at Ouyang Chen, they cupped their hands in respect as they simultaneously spoke: "We, the Feng brothers sweat to the great heavens above our utter loyalty and life to serve with never wavering resolution for the master!"

Each of the words resolute as the other, they even have tears on their eyes. They have a monthly salary of twenty gold tael combined, their father is a farmer, the mother a housewife, they have three other siblings, and their own living is pretty comfortable.

But then, scavenging for food every day isn't really very stable, if one of them goes and become sick, their comfortable lifestyle would be ruined immediately, they will return to a struggling life.

Ouyang Chen smiled at the four, clear determination can be seen from the four's eyes, he finds it acceptable, he nods his head and spoke: "Now, stand up and come with us."

The four stood up and followed Ouyang Chen's side.

Ouyang Chen started to talk to Bei Ming and the rest since the event has ended, there's no more room for the others and would be leaving sooner or later.

Mo Xie found it a little too unaccommodating for these people, shouldn't they at least give them something to ease their mood of being rejected?

Bei Ming immediately made his way towards the front: "Everyone, this concludes today's gathering, there definitely will be more opportunities in the future, I hope that some of you will be picked again."

'Just that?' Mo Xie thought, he then tugged on Bei Ming's sleeves and spoke: "Elder Ming, I will be hosting a farewell party for all of those that had gathered, sadly, we'll be leaving immediately, I would like to trust the event's proceeding to you."

Bei Ming was quite a little speechless; 'Why? You don't really have any attachments here…' His gaze then moved towards Yan Meng and Fei Lin, he heaved a sigh as he spoke: "Then, what do you think should be done?"

Mo Xie smiled as he handed a storage ring; "There are three million spirit stones inside this ring, kindly throw in the farewell feast in our stead."

Bei Ming's eyes opened, he didn't expect Mo Xie to be this magnanimous even to a stranger's territory, he couldn't help but smile wryly and spoke: "Okay, I will let both Palace Master Yan Meng and Hall Master Fei Lin handle this affair."

Mo Xie cupped his hands in salute: "Then, I will leave everything to you all."