Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 259 What's A Genius?

259 What's A Genius?

"Who the f*ck is Mo Fei Lin?" Someone uttered from the crowd.

Everyone looked at that person and couldn't help but sigh.

Still, Mo Fei Lin smiled, her hair flutters with the air: "Hmmp, I am the Auction Hall's master, though some of you might think that the rumor about me being a man is true, that's merely a baseless one, I am a woman through and through, but since we and my dear Yan Meng became reunited with long lost master, we didn't have to hide anymore and show ourselves."

Fei Mang… Fei Lin then chuckles as she added: "Apologies to everyone, I merely wanted to hide my own gorgeous and heaven defying appearance, hence, I needed to fool everyone in order to not attract any nuisance."

"After all, who could resist the allure of such a beautiful, refined, and humble lady like me. Fufufu." As she finished speaking, she opened her fan and blocked the lower part of her face.

Everyone looked at Fei Lin speechlessly.

All of the palace masters and hall masters couldn't help but look at Fei Lin speechlessly too.

'Shame! You should be embarra.s.sed about yourself!' Xue Gang wanted to shout, but with Mei Lin continuously pinching his side, he couldn't help but stay silent.

Meanwhile, Bei Fan and Liu Bu looked at Fei Lin in shock; 'Truly?'

The two of them couldn't help but shake their heads; 'You've been a lady since birth and only hid it?'

'Then tell us who was it that's wagging his little peepee when we were six years old as we bathe together?! Who was that then!?' Both Liu Bu and Bei Fan wanted to shout this in question, but then, knew that Fei Ling would most likely be doing it for a reason.

But all of the observers had a single thought in common as they heard Fei Lin's declaration.

She was always a self-centered person to everyone other than Yan Meng, and soon as he became a she…

'The greatest narcissist has been born!'

Who would even call themselves humble after bragging so much?

Bei Fan and Liu Bu couldn't help but shake their head; 'Sister Fei, you'll garner hatred if you speak like that.'

Or so they thought.

"We fully understand, Fairy Fei!" One wandering cultivator spoke.

"Yes, the world of martial dao is fraught with danger, possessing your kind of demeanor and heaven-defying beauty is clearly one that will attract endless troubles." Another one added.

Then, soon came the third one: "Yes, if you didn't hide your true appearance and gender, you would most likely be taken advantage of!"

All of them fueled Fei Lin's pride to the brim: "Oh, you all flatter me, but since my master has come back, I wouldn't even be afraid even if a dragon descends through our plains."

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Her words might sound a little casual, but all of it spoke of one thing, Mo Xie, their master is a really strong expert, but then, they couldn't help but look at Mo Xie differently.

'Sky Shattering rank… shouldn't you be the one that will be protecting your master? Not the other way around?'

Truth be told, Immortal Ascension rank is the peak expert of their domain, who would even be so bold as to provoke such existence? What's more, there are two disciples of such rank!

They couldn't help but think that Mo Xie is hiding his true strength; his cultivation level would be in a remarkable state if that were true.

Praises and cheers came pouring down like heavy rain from a ma.s.sive storm.

Bei Ming sighs, the topic is being carried by a different force of the wind, and hence, he couldn't help but intervene: "Everyone, I hope that all of you are ready, we will immediately start the martial and alchemy talent display."

With Bei Ming's words, everyone started to calm down, Fei Lin also felt satisfied from the cheering and compliments of the crowd, hence, she immediately made her way to the folds of the palace masters and hall masters.

Everyone was briefed by the rules; hence, each dao ring can fill in one hundred people at a time. They each have an incent stick's full time to show everything they have.

Immediately, soon as it comes, each ring was filled with talented individuals, well, there are also those that are not so much talented, but they signed up, hence, they were given a way by the organizers.

Some wandering cultivators also joined in, after all, for a wandering cultivator, they could only rely on themselves, their lack of background pushes them greatly to rely on themselves, they merely rely on their own resourcefulness and luck to cultivate. These people that came to join had already reached the end of their limits on being a wandering cultivator, they have limited wealth, and if they can't even support their living expenses, how much can they really grow?

A few hours later, although thousands had displayed their skills, she's not really into picking disciples, she felt bored.

Ouyang Chen had already found eight interesting individuals from the martial dao, but he'd need to pick four of the best in them, then, he hadn't seen any geniuses for the alchemy path that could touch his bottom-line.

This caused Bei Ming to sigh as he shook his head, to think that the Alchemy dao which the Alchemy a.s.sociation is most proud of is actually not garnering much interest to Ouyang Chen, clearly, it signified one thing, the geniuses they have is becoming lackl.u.s.ter compared to the previous generations.

Still, hopes are still there, after all, the alchemists that had shown their talents are all of the elders' disciples, there hasn't been anyone from the hall masters and palace masters' direct disciples.

Bei Ming antic.i.p.ated the results later, he looked forward to the outcoming performances.

Meanwhile, Mo Xie would time and again give some advice to Ouyang Chen, but the latter felt that Mo Xie's preferences are extremely weird.

Out of the eight he took note of, two were recommended by Mo Xie, but then, he felt it extremely stupid.

One showed nothing but martial arts, he looked like a bulk of meat built by pure muscles, a mere mortal at that, without a single cultivation grade, then, the other one is a silver rank expert, nothing noteworthy other than two bulk teeth, he showed how he handled water… well, more plainly, he showed how to throw b.a.l.l.s of water.

The cultivator had nothing else to show but mere basic skills, a water ball is clearly one of the most basic skills, but with merely that, how had even Mo Xie noticed this person. But never mind that, why would he take notice of a mortal that has nothing but muscles in the first place.

Ouyang Chen sighed, he didn't know why Mo Xie would pick such people, but since it's picked by the latter, he couldn't help but consider them too.

With Mo Xie's different taste, he felt extremely worried about what the Mo Family actually has; 'Maybe… Brother Mo picks ugly subordinates so he'll be the only handsome one.'

But as quick as it entered Ouyang Chen's mind, it vanished without a second thought, just looking at Mo Fei Lin and Mo Yan Meng's appearance, he became rendered speechlessly.

But then, Ouyang Chen felt a little question rise up inside him and couldn't help but ask.

"Brother, why do you pick these people?"

Mo Xie didn't even bother changing his expression as he casually spoke; "One's current cultivation has no ties with how good they are, merely, it can only be considered with luck, though I can't really condemn luck with one's cultivation, but since they have been brought up through a background much higher than others…

Can they truly be called geniuses?"

Mo Xie his head: "One's root yes, they can definitely soar like dragons, but then again, one's own background can either be the reason for one's soar or one's downfall."

"But talented geniuses are as many as the fishes in the seas, unsealing one's potential can also be counted on to luck, but a true genius, with proper nurturing can definitely soar above their peers."

He then looked at Ouyang Chen, he smiled and spoke: "Brother, true geniuses s.h.i.+ne not because they out due their peers, but they show something that others couldn't accomplish. A once in a million genius?"

Mo Xie shook his head, he then looked at the sky: "He's merely once in a million talent because he had the help of others, a background, for example, he has the comprehension talent, but without much help from a good family, would he really s.h.i.+ne brighter than the others? Luck? Yes, if one is birthed from a well-known family, that is his luck."

"But a once in a million genius is a term used for the lucky ones, because… in those millions, there could be hundreds of thousands of geniuses that's on par or even better than him, sadly, they have not the luck to possess what he had."

He then looked at the sky, he remembered his own path, the bodies he a.s.sembled to become his ladder to success.

Mo Xie's words struck Ouyang Chen, he felt enlightened at the former's words, couldn't even speak for a moment.

Mo Xie then added: "Roots and current power isn't the decisive part in picking talents, instead, you should view more in what they can attain in the future."

Mo Xie smiled as he continued to watch the martial display and the alchemy display.