Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 255 Heaven Defying Pills

255 Heaven Defying Pills

He was also one of the disciples that were sent to Ouyang Clan, but sadly, his talent is lackl.u.s.ter, hence, he decided to go home. Although his achievement there was almost useless, as soon as he came back, he became one of the few young geniuses of the Alchemy a.s.sociation, peak even.

Liu Bu has two direct disciples, but his Martial Hall is full of talent, hence, he gathered all of the peak geniuses numbering no less than fifteen young boys and girls. There's an age limit of not exceeding 20 years of age, hence, this group is the maximum he can gather.

All of the disciples bowed simultaneously and spoke: "Yes, Palace Master Liu/ Yes, Master."

The same event is happening all over the Alchemy a.s.sociation.

Only the Western Palace and Auction Hall excluded, after all, their masters are still talking to Mo Xie.

All of the top disciples of these two groups waited for their master's arrival in excitement.

Meanwhile, at the auction house, Mo Xie held the two in a room for a little meeting.

"Master, is something the matter?" Yan Meng asked.

Mo Xie smiled, he looked at the two of them and spoke: "Well, I'll be leaving tomorrow and will head to the Solar Blaze Kingdom together with some acquaintances, I'll hand over some things to you and want you to gather as many resources as you can."

As Mo Xie finished speaking, he took out eight pill recipes and handed it to Yan Meng: "I'll trust you this task."

Lee Fei Mang smiled, she then stated what her intention: "Excuse me, but may I also enter your tutelage?"

Mo Xie was in the middle of handing Yan Meng a task, Lee Fei Mang's sudden request caused him to be slightly speechless. But he's not the only one, Yan Meng felt shocked as he looked at Fei Mang.

"What do you mean by this?"

Lee Fei Mang smiled as she looked at Yan Meng: "I want to be with you, is that reason enough?"

Yan Meng couldn't believe what he's hearing, but then, if he's the one in Fei Mang's shoes, he'd also do the same.

Lee Fei Mang looked at Mo Xie and asked: "Master, I hope that you can take this one as your disciple."

Yan Meng also bowed and pleads: "Master, I beg of you, please accept her."

Mo Xie smiled: "What are you both getting all sentimental about, of course, I wouldn't mind."

Lee Fei Mang and Yan Meng hearing this both looked at each other, they smiled and nodded.

Lee Fei Mang bowed: "This disciple greets master."

Yan Meng also bowed: "This disciple thanks, master."

Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckle, he took out another three pills, handing two to Lee Fei Mang and one to Yan Meng: "Take these pills, I'd be grateful if you two won't look too old as you call me master, it will destroy my image after all."

The two new disciples looked at each other, they are still digesting what Mo Xie had spoken, and after a while, they looked at the latter in shock.

Lee Fei Mang is the first to speak: "Master… are these pills…"

Mo Xie chuckles: "The green one is a youth regaining pill, you'd return back to at least what you guys look like when you were at the age in between 25 to 30, for the other pill… It's a happy pill."

Lee Fei Mang looked at the black eerie pill, there's a slight hesitation in her heart not to take such a disgusting looking pill; "Master… a happy pill? What kind of pill is that?"

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Mo Xie chuckles: "It's something that will give you happiness."

As he spoke of this, he started walking away, leaving a few words too: "I'll leave the two of you and will see you tomorrow before I leave… Ah right, the name Lee Fei Mang sounds weird, so you should go by the name of Mo Fei Lin, and for you, Mo Yan Meng would do. But if you find anything weird with my arrangements, you can just ignore."

"Master…" Yan Meng hasn't been clarified of what they are supposed to do, but then again, both of them looked at the green pill together.

Fei Mang hesitated and spoke: "This… is this pill really…"

Mo Xie's words are extremely hard to believe, especially since the Dao of Pill had sunk to an unimaginable level. Many histories of the great alchemy dao had been buried by the pa.s.sage of time.

Yan Meng smiled: "It is the duty of a disciple to trust one's master." As he finished speaking, he immediately swallowed the pill.

Fei Mang's hesitation vanished: "No matter what the outcome of my decision is, I'll be glad so long as I'll be with you." She also swallowed the pill the time she finished speaking.

After a while, both of them looked because nothing's happening.

"Maybe we did something wrong?" Fei Mang asked in confusion.

But when Yan Meng was about to reply, both of them were enveloped in a green light as they started to hover in the air.

"Meng'er…" Fei Mang was about to burst out with spiritual energy to defend, but Yan Meng immediately shouted.

"Don't retaliate!"

Fei Mang did as instructed and let the green light invade her meridians and physique.

The both of them are facing each other, they immediately saw some changes are all of Yan Meng's wrinkles slowly melds into his skin. His old grey hair started to return to its youthful hue of green.

Meanwhile, Fei Mang is also old, although she had tried to maintain her fair skin, but signs of old age are clear on the side of her mouth and eyes. But all of these started to vanish and started to be a return of her youthful skin.

The process only took half an incent stick to burn before they landed on the ground.

Yan Meng looked like someone at the age of 30 while Fei Mang looked to be someone at the age of 23, clearly, her physique and extreme yin energy caused the pill's effect to increase.

Yan Meng couldn't help but open his eyes in shock: "Si-sister Fei… You look as beautiful as the first day I saw you…"

After he finished speaking these words, he remained silent and couldn't utter anything else. Hearing Yan Meng's praise, Fei Mang felt embarra.s.sed; she couldn't even look the former in the eyes.

After a while of silence, they finally returned to normal, still, there's an air of awkwardness between the two of them.

Fei Mang then looked at the black pill as her mouth slightly opened; "Happiness Pill…"

Fei Mang hesitated for a while before she shook her head, she then took the pill. She opened her eyes wide in shock, as soon as the pill touched her tongue, it didn't even remain solid as it quickly melted into her mouth, the liquid is thick, it slowly slid on her tongue down to her throat.

She couldn't help but help the pill's residue to enter, and with a gulp, a few residues escape and came out of her lips, she cleaned it up with her tongue slowly letting it enter her mouth again as she slowly gulped it down again.


Yan Meng couldn't help but gulp down, ever since Fei Mang swallowed the pill, his point of view focused on the latter's lips, and the display Fei Mang did were extremely s.e.xy, even though he's already more than a hundred years old, he still had a reaction.

One had to say, Fei Mang really is a top beauty, if only… she's a woman.

Fei Mang felt the pill's effect slowly spreading all over her body, especially the lower part and her chest.

She couldn't help but frown but then didn't really try to resist it and let the pill do its job.

But then, slowly, she started to have pain in her head, a piercing pain. A few minutes later, she started to frown again as the pain slowly spread up from her head down to her chest, it continued until it reached all the way down to her toes.

She couldn't help but coil and lay down on the bed.

Seeing this, Yan Meng felt scared, the first thing he remembered is what Fei Mang spoke earlier; 'Evil Faction…'

These groups of experts always start in one way, they kill their most beloved person, it can either be friends, family, or their loved ones. Although they are a faction, seeing one in a group is rare, because, even they can backstab each other.

Yan Meng didn't know what to feel when he thought of it, but he immediately removed this thought; 'My master is far from them! He's definitely not one. Pills would usually have these kinds of effect, I don't need to think of anything negative!'

He tried to talk himself out of it, but couldn't completely shake it off.

Fei Mang felt extreme pain, she then grabbed her chest due to the ma.s.sive pain, but as soon as she did, she felt something.


She grabbed too tightly and caused an alluring moan to escape her mouth.

Yan Meng felt worried: "Fei!"

Fei Mang momentarily forgot the pain as she pulled the part of her robe on her chest and looked down.


She felt shocked, she pushed Yan Meng away and looked down on a much more deeper part; "It's gone!"

Yan Meng being pushed felt shocked: "Fei, what happened?! What's gone?!"

He immediately made his way back and asked: "Are you feeling pain?"

Fei Mang stood up immediately: "Pain? What's pain? I don't even know how to write something like that! HAHAHA! Bring it on, world, what is this little itch I'm feeling! It's too minuscule that I thought I was getting bitten by mosquitos! Is this it? That's it?!!"

Fei Mang immediately became too energetic, still, her eyes and mouth tell how much pain she's suffering from, her bone's structure started to change too, and her previous tall figure is mildly adjusting to the height of a woman.

It felt like her bones are being squished by two mountains, but she endured, she wanted to: "Haha, the h-harsher… the better!"

Blood started to gush out of her mouth, still, she felt like all of these pain are more of a reward than a punishment, after all, the exchange is…

Yan Meng couldn't help but have his mouth wide open, because, in front of her, Fei Mang is transforming, her previously flat as a board chest has now two ample hills, it's a woman's breast!

It's also a few levels above normal.

Fei Mang couldn't help but have tears flow from her eyes, remembering the time that he was bullied, teased about how a man should act like one.

All the years he spent trying to reach where she is now trying to prevent any of these bullies to say anything even behind her back, but no matter what, she could still hear it, those belittling words, but now…

Fei Mang's eyes couldn't help but weep, a smile formed on her lips, even though she has blood running down her mouth, she looked as beautiful as a fairy.

Although she looked like someone in the process of a battle, but her smile expressed how victory is certain. Yan Meng couldn't help but have his eyes moist as he thought; 'A heaven-defying pill!'

Fei Mang's sheer transformation is transparent in the naked eyes, Yan Meng could clearly see it and couldn't help but gulp down a mouthful of saliva, a pill that changed one's fate, a pill that challenged the heaven's will!

A complete and clear heaven-defying pill!