Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 251 Lee Fei Mang's Worry

251 Lee Fei Mang's Worry

Bei Ming noticed his error and immediately sat on his chair, coughing a few times as he spoke: "Three million spirit stones."

Elder Zi chuckles, after all, he was in a similar position earlier, he stood frozen for an entire hour looking at the pill without moving an inch.

One of the merchants with great achievements bids: "Four million!"


"Five million five hundred thousand spirit stones!"

"Five million and three pieces of immortal grade herbs!"

One Immortal grade herbs would cost around one million to five million spirit stones depending on their effect.

Mo Xie couldn't help but be a shock; 'These crazy people!'

He had only used resources that could be purchased with a hundred spirit stones, but now, it's being fought over like some sort of treasure.

The bid ended with Bei Ming winning the bid, although all of his Immortal grade herbs were taken by Mo Xie already, he has a pocket as deep as even the Emperor himself.

A full twenty million spirit stones!

Mo Xie sighed, to think that his talent is awe so inspiring, he couldn't help but copy one of those self-centered young masters, brus.h.i.+ng his hair and flung his sleeves, with a shake of his head he spoke; "It's a little lonely to be at the peakā€¦"

"ā€¦" Yan Meng is beside him and felt speechless; 'Master might really be affected by some sort of deceaseā€¦'

Mo Xie's pills were divided into segments, first, middle, and last to be auctioned, after all, it's something that happened the first time within the alchemy a.s.sociation.

Although the effect of the pill is useless to them, but then, as research material, a lot of alchemists would do everything to get at least one.

Mo Xie seeing this had the sudden urge to make his own shop and sell stupidly useless pills with pinnacle grade at skyrocket price.

But then, he forced himself down, after all, the more materials for research, the greater for the alchemists, and one day, it will definitely be a common thing.

Still, Mo Xie felt that the level of alchemy within this plain is too low, although the martial prowess of the experts is good, the alchemy is just too sad to the point that Mo Xie wanted to give it an annual flower burial gift.

Mo Xie then had another thought, if alchemists can produce a pinnacle grade pill, maybe, this plain will start to soar, for some reasons, Immortal grade herbs are worth nothing but s.h.i.+t here. It's like, it became another form of currency.

Another item was immediately displayed at the stage, Mo Xie found no interest in it, hence, he looked at Yan Meng.

"How far had the alchemist within the Myriad Earth Abyss come in refining Immortal grade herbs?"

Yan Meng nodded and started: "Master, the time I was there, there were five experts within the Alchemy Dao that can refine Immortal grade pills."

"Why is that?" Mo Xie asked with a frown.

Yan Meng smiled: "Master, pill recipes with Immortal ranked herbs are extremely rare, only those five Alchemy Pill kings possess them."

Mo Xie faced palm himself, he opened one of his eyes: "How about smiths?"

Yan Meng nods his head: "There are eight 10-star soul smiths that can create 10-star soul weapons."

At least, for the smiths, it's many folds better: "How about beast tamers and potion crafters?"

Yan Meng tilts his head: "Master, what are those?"

Mo Xie looked at the ceiling (since there are no skies to look at) as he heaved a long sigh: "Ah, why hereā€¦"

Yan Meng felt bewildered at Mo Xie's words, but somehow, had come to terms in accepting such actions.

But as he's feeling peaceful, someone sent him a message through a flying paper, he caught it and spread it wide open.

As he read these words, he felt complicated.

Mo Xie noticed it and spoke: "If someone wishes to talk to you, you can just say so. Go on, go to your lovely woman."

Yan Meng felt ashamed, he didn't know what to do since the letter stated; [Meet me, don't tell your master. Fei.]

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Yan Meng smiled at Mo Xie: "Master, thank you, I will be back immediately."

Mo Xie nods his head and waved his sleeves: "Go."

Yan Meng immediately vanished.

Mo Xie then looked at the stage and saw an item, his eyes glowed gold and spoke: "Oh, another useless item! I should bid!

"1,000 spirit stones!"

Since Mo Xie had nothing else to do other than playing with the bids once in a while, he sat crossed legged and started to pick some techniques to train into. After all, he had only decided to pick elemental attributes of fire and lightning, now, he's adding water and wind, completing his soul sea's capacity for elements.

Back to Yan Meng, he made his way to Fei Mang's quarters.

"Meng'er, come and sit with me." Lee Fei Mang patted the s.p.a.ce of the bed beside her.

Yan Meng felt nervous but still complied: "Sis Fei, is there something that's troubling you?"

Fei Mang nods her head: "Something extremely terrifying has pa.s.sed my mind."

Yan Meng became serious as he nodded; he wants to attentively listen to his woman after all.

Lee Fei Mang smiled, but her question struck Yan Meng greatly: "How much do you trust your new master?"

Yan Meng's eyes opened wide as he looked at Fei Mang, but a smile formed on his lips: "I trust him to the point that I'll give up my life form him! Whether it be up or down, I'll never betray the favor he had bestowed upon me!"

His confidence and proud expression can be seen together with his chest puffed up.

Fei Mang chuckled, she couldn't help but look at Yan Meng with alluring eyes, she then asked: "How much will you go to fight for me?"

Yan Meng smiled: "Then, my life's death will only be the time that I will stop fighting for you."

The atmosphere between the two of them grew lovely. But then, Fei Mang's next word struck Yan Meng deeply.

Fei Mang then smiled as she asked again: "What if, there's a time that I'll need to fight your master to the death, what will you do?"

This time, Yan Meng couldn't respond, he looked at Fei Mang speechlessly for a while.

Yan Meng trembled: "What happened, had master done something? Had he said something to you? Why? Why are you making me choose? I'd rather die than to see the both of you fight to the death!"

Fei Mang smiled wryly: "Then, to me, I'd rather die than to see you go."

Yan Meng: "Areā€¦ do you mean when Master will take me away from the Alchemy a.s.sociation?!"

Fei Mang shook her head: "I'm just worried, how about you return to your master's side for now?"

Yan Meng shook his head repeatedly: "No, you must tell me now."

His determination can be seen from his eyes as he stared at Fei Mang seriously.

"You brat, since when had you started to be that brave." Fei Mang chuckles, she then turned serious and spoke: "Your master might be part of the evil faction."

Yan Meng's worry became worst, he couldn't believe what Fei Mang's word's meant, his own master is part of the evil faction? Although he hadn't spent a single day together with Mo Xie, he couldn't make amends between Mo Xie and the Dark Guild, it's just too ridiculous, but then, it came from Fei Mang, he couldn't take things lightly.

He looked at Fei Mang: "Fei Mang, some words shouldn't be spoken lightly!"

Yan Meng felt extremely confused, he's been together with Fei Mang hence couldn't help but defend Mo Xie's integrity.