Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 236 Cursed Void Prison Table

236 Cursed Void Prison Table

His first destination is the West Palace, Yan Meng's mission of identifying a treasure, the description also involves teaching the uses of this treasure, it could be easy or hard depending on what kind of treasure it is.

Like before, Mo Xie asked for direction, this time, with him tossing the token up, n.o.body even dared to jeer at him.

It only took a few minutes for him to arrive at his destination.

Mo Xie looked at the palace, clearly, the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom's capital is many times inferior to this place.

Mo Xie was welcomed and immediately escorted to the middle part of the palace, the guest room.

"Hahaha, to think that this token is more useful than I thought." Mo Xie chuckles as he entered the guest's room.

As Mo Xie entered the room, he frowns; "This smell..."

"Oh, so the one that wishes to help me with my problem is actually such a young gentleman." A voice sounded.

Mo Xie looked at the direction of the voice and saw two experts side by side. He cupped his hand and spoke: "Good afternoon to the both of you, may I know who Yan Meng is?"

The one with purple hair smiled as he answered: "It is me."

"Ay- truly, the old will be replaced by the younger generation."

Mo Xie nods his head and started to walk towards them: "I am but an inexperienced youth, I would like to see the item first."

Mo Xie didn't even exchange pleasantries as he immediately went to the topic.

Yan Meng nods his head: "Oh, in a rush I see."

Mo Xie shook his head: "I am merely visiting this place for a limited time, hence, I wish to finish as many missions as I can."

Hearing his words, Yan Meng chuckles as he nods his head, the one sitting beside him also smiled: "To think that someone really took the SSS grade mission book from the mission hall is really true, it seemed that I didn't waste my time."

Mo Xie looked at the other one and asked: "You are?"

With Mo Xie's tone, the one that spoke clearly became slightly annoyed, yet, he tried to calm down; 'So long as you can really offer some help, I'll let you off the hook, but if not...'

A mild killing intent escaped the other person's eyes before it vanishes completely and introduced himself: "I am the East Palace Master, Xue Gang."

Of course, Mo Xie detected that tiny bit of killing intent, he snorted deep inside him and spoke: "Ah, to think that it was the only mission I have no answer for within the a.s.sociation, truly a shame."

Hearing Mo Xie's words, Xue Gang's expression twisted before trying to calm down: "So it seemed that you won't be able to help me with my request."

Mo Xie smiled as he nods his head: "Yes, it truly is a shame, I was completely allured by the rewards, yet, my skills are useless."

Xue Gang smiled as he nods his head, he couldn't figure out what Mo Xie's intentions are.

Yan Meng arrives this time carrying a wooden box two meters long, he placed it in front of Mo Xie and spoke: "This is something I found near the demon race's territory when I was searching for a ruined ground, It's all the things I could get in panic due to hundreds of those unknown being chasing after me."

Mo Xie felt it, as soon as Yan Meng arrived, the smell grew thicker, he couldn't help but block his nose.

"Oh?" Yan Meng became shocked: "Was there something wrong?"

Mo Xie felt astounded, these people are already at the Immortal Ascension rank yet they couldn't even sense nor smell it? He couldn't help but sigh: "Please open the box."

Yan Meng nodded his head and opened the box, as soon as he did, Mo Xie's frown grew deeper as he started to move a few steps back. Right now, the smell grew fiercer as an aura started to surge out of the box, not only that, Mo Xie can feel something extremely vile.

Yan Meng and Xue Gang both looked at each other, they couldn't see nor feel what Mo Xie's reaction is all about.

Yan Meng looked at Xue Gang and asked in a low tone: "Are you feeling anything?"

Xue Gang chuckles as he shook his head: "No."

He paused for a bit before looking at Mo Xie and adding: "I think that this one is merely a fraud, he's acting like that to make it more believable to whatever things he'll say later on."

Hearing Palace Master Xue Gang's words, Yan Meng felt it quite possible to happen, after all, cons used a lot of things to sell their items or look like a real and legit seller. His excitement from having a ray of hope to know what his treasure has immediately vanished.

Mo Xie's frown grew deeper, his gaze immediately focused on the box as the fog slowly diminishes.

Yan Meng still held a sliver of hope and asked: "Is something the matter?"

Yet, it seemed that Mo Xie didn't hear his words as he looked at the wooden box, his lips slowly parting from each other as he softly muttered: "Cursed Void Prison Tablet..."

Inside the box is something like that of a stone slab, about two feet long and wide, three inches thick, there's some sort of two scrolls on each of its sides.

"Cursed what?" Yan Meng heard Mo Xie's words unclearly: "What do you mean by that?"

Mo Xie finally knew what he's smelling, it's the smell rotten flesh and blood, the vile aura came from something that Mo Xie's extremely familiar to, bloodl.u.s.t!

Mo Xie then looked at Yan Meng: "I advise you not to use and seal this tome completely else you create further chaos and might be an unsolvable problem for this plain."

Yan Meng's brows shot up: "What do you mean? Do you know how many times had I braved the demon territory and only able to salvage this one thing?"

Mo Xie smiled: "I won't explain things to you further if you're so persistent, but if you wish to learn how to open it, I will teach you but there's one thing you need to know first."

Yan Meng didn't answer but waited for Mo Xie's following words.

Mo Xie was about to say something but then, remembered that Xue gang was watching from the sidelines: "I need to talk to you in private."

Yan Meng nods his head: "Okay."

Xue Gang snorted: "Afraid that your scam will be seen by me eh? Hahaha"

Mo Xie snorted but ignored Xue Gang's useless words, Yan Meng sighed as he led Mo Xie inside a private room.

Yan Meng looked at Mo Xie and spoke: "This is safe now, there's n.o.body around this place."

Mo Xie looked at Yan Meng and immediately explained: "A cursed void prison tablet is an item that can seal certain individuals, the greater the materials of the tablet is, the stronger it can imprison an individual.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

But a single tablet can only store one being, they will live forever trapped in time until someone opens the tablet."

Yan Meng looked at the tablet, there's some sort of word scribbled on it: "What's the meaning of this?"

Mo Xie sighs deeply: "That's an ancient word from unknown origin, it's an indication of how many lives the one imprisoned inside had killed."

Yan Meng couldn't help but admire Mo Xie. If what he says are all nothing but fake, then that would mean the latter's ability is already way above his, because, right now, Yan Meng couldn't help but believe every word that Mo Xie had spoken of.

Yan Meng nods his head, based on the number of scribbles on top of the tome, it shouldn't exceed ten thousand lives, still, that's a lot compared to the criminals of this land.

But what he didn't expect is Mo Xie's following words: "LVMMD"

The LV has a = above it while the MMD has a - instead.

Yan Meng couldn't understand the words that came out of Mo Xie's mouth. But the following words that came out of Mo Xie made Yan Meng shock.

"57,500,000 Lives were taken by the imprisoned soul within this tablet."

(It's a Roman numeral.)