Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 221 Taking Away The Ao Faction.

221 Taking Away The Ao Faction.

"Though..." Shang Mingzi looked at Mo Xie and sigh before returning her gaze to Ao Bai and spoke: "You should really decrease your goals in life... or you don't need to, if you really don't have the wish to marry me..."

Ao Bai felt speechless, was his goal really that big? He looked at Mo Xie before returning his gaze to Mingzi and spoke: "Okay..."

Later, he would feel that what he promised today is better than his earlier promise.

Mo Xie nods his head, at this moment, Hong Lee couldn't contain himself and lifts his head up: "W-"

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Not even a word escaped his mouth, yet, he saw an expert at the mid-stage Immortal Foundation rank glaring at him.

It's none other than Mo Tian, the quiet Mo Tian is actually filled with killing intent!

"What are you looking at? Stay looking at the ground!"

Hong Lee immediately looked at the ground, his face burning with shame, he couldn't even utter a single word, yet, he was already reprimanded, he felt ashamed, but more than that, he felt rage.

He grits his teeth, his hands clenched tightly into a fist, blood started to ooze out from his skin.

"What? Got anything to say?" Mo Tian added.

Hong Lee grits his teeth, his bowed head shook and he replied: "I have none."

"Hmmp!" Mo Tian snorted.

Mo Duan chuckles as he looked at Hong Lee playfully and added: "Yes, that's a very good boy, now just listen there and watch."

As he spoke of this, Mo Duan didn't pay any more attention as he looked at Shang Ting before returning his gaze to his twin brother, Mo Tian and asked: "Brother, what would you do if somebody called me a 'wench'?"

When Mo Duan asked this question, all the elders and Hong Lee s.h.i.+vered.

Mo Tian pondered for a bit before speaking: "He'd definitely not be able to live to see the sun rise the next day."

Everyone from the Mourning Sun Sect s.h.i.+vered at the thought of it, they couldn't help but look at Hong Lee... Hong Lee who's trembling so much that one could see his soul coming out of his body.

Right, due to his shock earlier, he had already forgotten that he had said those words earlier, but now that he remembered, there be no more traces of hatred nor anger, but mere dread and terror can be seen written on his face.

Mo Duan nods his head: "Oh, to think that the Sect Misstress, the Mo Family's Matriarch actually endured it until now, such blessed people can really live well, no?"

Mo Duan then looked at Hong Lee and sneered: "If you still have a brain inside that useless head of yours, I'd rather be quiet, stop clenching your fist like somebody had actually done you wrong... It's really f*ck*ng annoying."

Hong Lee hearing this didn't even dare breath loudly.

All of the elders didn't even dare speak on behalf of their sect master, but what can they do? The disparity between the two powers is just too vast, like heaven and earth!

Hong Lee then remembered something, he still has one more rope to hold on to; 'They will arrive today too! Ha! I just wish that they arrive here sooner...'

Shang Ting finished teasing her sister as she looked at Mo Xie and spoke: "Husband... It might be a problem, but please take care of the problems here, I have not grasped the story about it yet."

Mo Xie smiled: "Don't worry, It's not really that much of a problem, I'll take care of it immediately."

Shang Ting smiled: "Thank you..."

Mo Xie chuckles: "What are you thanking me for?"

Shang Ting immediately made her way back to Zhuding.

Ao Bai felt fidgety at this moment as he looked at his sect members that still sided with his faction. He clearly wants to bring them along too, but it will be presumptuous of him to do so, after all, he's merely being carried like a dead weight.

Both Shang Ting and Mo Xie noticed it, then, the latter spoke: "How about those people that you still think worthy, bring them along, it will help us in the long run too."

Hearing Mo Xie's reply, Ao Bai couldn't help but be smitten with joy, yet, it merely lasted for a few seconds before he shook his head: "Bringing me and my sisters along is already too much."

Mo Xie then looked at Shang Ting as the latter nods her head, Mo Xie nods in confirmation and took something out of his storage ring.

It's the same thing he used to announce in front of hundreds of thousands of people.

Mo Xie then opened his mouth and shouted: "People from the Ao Family Faction, come here and escape from this sect of yours together with your real Sect Master and rebuild your once great Sect!"

Mo Xie's words slapped Hong Lee and the other elder's faces who had sided with Hong Lee. More than half of these elders started to regret their decision, who wouldn't want to be a sect under such great experts?

Hong Lee's face fumed in anger, yet, he couldn't do anything, he's merely an ant in the eyes of this people, he could only swear vengeance deep inside his heart.

People started to gather one by one, Elder Peng and the other elders felt their hearts extremely excited, to think that their fortune will turn good, they started to get all of the disciples that still attached themselves to the Ao Family's side.

There are even disciples that were on Hong Family's side that deflected to join the Ao Family, but then, they were immediately rejected, who would accept such traitorous people.

As everything halts to an end, a whole thousand of people joined the Ao Family's departure and rode on back of the Mo Family's demon beast.

"Husband, take care." Shang Ting spoke to Mo Xie as she said her goodbye.

Mo Xie nods his head: "Don't worry, I'll finish everything up on my side quickly."

"Un." Shang Ting nods her head and looked at Mo Xie one more time before she started to back off, but at this moment, Mo Xie approached her and had a peck on her forehead.

"Take care of our child until I get back." Mo Xie smiled as he lets her go.

Shang Ting blushed, her face still hidden in her red veil, yet, her eyes became beautiful like that of a fairy.

She started walking towards Zhuding, displaying the grace and feminity.

Everyone was mesmerized, even Hong Lee and the elders were.

But then, as she walked by Hong Lee, her gentle expression vanished, her eyes turned cold as she looked at Hong Lee and opened her palm: "This is for calling my sister a wench."


"Koahk!" Hong Lee couldn't even react before he was thrown away from his original spot.


His body slammed on a stone wall, yet, it didn't stop there as he was sent to the other side, hitting a house and piercing it only to be embedded on the next house.

Hong Lee was about to lose consciousness, but he tried to keep his mind awake, but then, another water type kill made its way towards his face.


He was slammed down on the ground and was dragged a few meters away by the water current, making him lose his consciousness completely.

Shang Ting didn't even use a percent of her power, yet, it already rendered the sect master useless in mere seconds.

Shang Ting looked coldly at Hong Lee's body before snorting: "Hmp, that's for whatever you did to my sister."

As she spoke these words, she flew into the sky and rode Zhuding together with the elders and his sister.

They immediately set out back to the Mo Family.

When Shang Ting and the others were finally out of their vision, only then could the elder and disciples speak as they shouted: "Sect Master!"

They made their way towards their Sect Master's unconscious body and started to bring him inside his house.

Mo Xie saw everything happened and smiled, before vanis.h.i.+ng into the shadows of the night.





Somewhere in the middle of the Solar Blaze Kingdom's territory, a lone man lies in sleep as his body covered in sweat, his face frowning from despair as he clenched his heart tightly.

This is a person that Mo Xie had seen before, the Sword Emperor.-- He's having a nightmare that had continuously haunted him for ten years!

I wake up facing a mirror, darkness wraps everything, yet, his image can be seen...

He? Who's he? Isn't this my own imagination? he's looking at me expressionlessly.

I started to wonder... is that me? I tried taking a few steps closer, then, found out that it was all but a mirror.

A mirror? I couldn't imagine it, I was too scared, why was my imagine not copying my movements?!

Then, I realized something once more...

"Why is my heart not beating?"

I looked down, but then, I saw nothing but a hole in the middle of my chest, I was shocked.

"How was I able to stand up?"

Then, I returned my gaze to the mirror, I saw my image, holding a heart as it beat harder and harder.

The smile on my image in the mirror started to creep up, his eyelids started to open, yet, I see no eyes!


A man opened his eyes as his body drenched in cold sweat: "Lu Yue Song... Where are you!"

But then, at this time, a silhouette appeared from behind him and spoke: "Oh, my old friend, why are you trying to find me?"