Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 22 Home

22 Home

He looked at everyone as he approaches them and spoke.

"Have you all made your decision?"

All of them still felt hesitation, an average minor Clan would at least have gold ranked pract.i.tioners numbering more than a hundred, what more to the major and great clans? at least there would be thousands, if they join them, most likely, they will only be accepted by a minor clan, and in there, they will only be treated like ants until they claw their way up to a position.

But if they joined now, they will immediately have a great position, but it is not tempting the least, a new Clan? what is there to seek?

Then, one of the bronze ranked pract.i.tioner spoke: "Master, can we go first?"

Mo Xie looked at the location of the voice and saw a young lady at the age of 12 in the 1-star bronze ranked pract.i.tioner.


"Thank you, Master." As the lady spoke, everyone from the bronze ranked pract.i.tioner started to disperse their cultivations,

All of the two hundred bronze ranked pract.i.tioners started to disperse their cultivation, seeing the silver and gold ranked pract.i.tioners felt enticed, in their mind is a particular feeling.

'Will they become stronger than us if we refuse?'

'If we see them walking in the streets possessing power equal or even stronger than us...'

They started to think of the future, will they regret it? or not?

"Great, since all of you had decided to disperse your cultivations, you are now all official members of the Mo Family, Heaven Suppressing Clan!"

"Thank you, Master." All of the bronze ranked pract.i.tioner bowed as they looked at Mo Xie.

Mo Xie nodded his head as he looked at the silver and gold ranked pract.i.tioners: "Have you all decided already? My time is limited."

As Mo Xie's words finished, five gold ranked pract.i.tioners walk off and spoke: "Master, It seemed that we are not destined to serve under the Mo Family's banner, forgive me."

"Us brothers too."

"And me."

The five of them bowed their head respectfully as they started to depart.

Mo Xie smiled as he waved his hands: "No worries, take care along the way."

The remaining four sighed as they walk in front of Mo Xie: "Master, we will start now."

"Good." Mo Xie replied as the other four started to disperse their cultivation.


The wind slightly flutters as their cultivation arts disperse from their body.

"All four of you will be Guardian Elders starting from today." Mo Xie spoke calmly as he looked at the four.

"Yes, Master." All four bowed respectfully.

"You and you, what are your names?"

"Master, I am, Mo Yijun."

"Master, I am Mo Jiahao."

They replied alternately, Mo Xie smiled as he spoke: "The two of you will be responsible for protecting the Clan, the other two is in charge and responsible of troubles outside the Clan, state your names."

"Master, Mo Zedong."

"Master, Mo Lingxin."

"Good, now, go behind me." Mo Xie ordered.

"Yes!" All four then stood behind him as they observe the event unfold.

Mo Xie looked at the silver ranked pract.i.tioners and asked: "How about you guys?"

The process of it happened almost like the time with the Bronze ranked pract.i.tioners, the only difference is 30 of them back out.

The outcome is still satisfactory to Mo Xie's expectation.

Just as the recruiting finished, Wuhan came back.

"Master, It has been done," Wuhan reported.

"Good, now, I need the five of you to do something for me." Mo Xie spoke as he looked at the people behind him and Wuhan.

Mo Xie pulled out ten pieces of scroll as he handed it to the five of them.

"I need you to copy all of the information inside it, it will be the base cultivation art and skills that the Mo Family will use, make a copy for each of you Elders."

Pausing for a bit, Mo Xie looked at the bronze and silver ranked pract.i.tioners that are in front of him and spoke: "Each of you, take two disciples in, they will help you in copying, also, will be your direct disciples.

After you copy each and every part of the scrolls, you five will start to practice it, and as you get a hint of the cultivation art, you will then train with it together with the rest of the disciples."

"Yes, Master." All five of them replied.

Wuhan then opened the scroll that was given to him, in his shock, he opened his eyes widely, he looked at Mo Xie and asked: "Master, what is..."

"That's Earth Grade cultivation Arts, the Heavenly Cloud Art, you all will understand it later." Mo Xie explained half-heartedly.

"The other scrolls are skills from bronze grade to earth grade with different kinds of element affinities, be sure to study them together with the others after familiarizing yourselves with it."

Heavenly Cloud Art is a neutral type of Art that has no affinity with other elements, in short, they can cultivate any elements they want to, and the best part of it is, after they broke through to the Earth ranked pract.i.tioner, they can cultivate another art!

Mo Xie spoke of it casually, like a normal trash he can casually dispose of, he then turned around and went to the mansion.

"Oh, and ask me if you have any problems with cultivating the art."

They all nodded speechless, an Earth grade cultivation art?! Even he, Wuhan, had only seen a Black Gold ranked cultivation Art, which is studied and were secretly guarded by the Ye Family!

Casually taking out an Earth grade cultivation art on a whim? what kind of background does Mo Xie possess?

"Ahhh... those that left will definitely regret it..."


Everyone, from bronze to gold rank stared at the scroll like they are looking at a treasure.

"Hey, we need to go, I'm so excited! hahaha!" Wuhan exclaimed as he patted one of the Elder's back, they then chose a direct disciple for themselves.

Mo Xie arrived at the high seat for the patriarch and sat there, just a few minutes later, Shang Ting arrived.

"Husband, I've finished making the rounds for them, what do we do next?"

Mo Xie looked at Shang Ting as he smiled: "Come here for a bit."

"Un." Shang Ting nodded and walks to Mo Xie.

"Eh!?" As soon as she came close to Mo Xie, she was immediately dragged to sit on his lap.

"That's better, It is great to have a beautiful wife, after all, all of the exhaustion I had immediately vanished." Mo Xie teasingly said.

Although Mo Xie is teasing her, he is currently on the limit of a mortal body's mental capacity, with the continues making of inscriptions, he had finally reached his limits.

Shang Ting blushes as she replied: "But... someone might come in..."

"Husband... um..."

Shang Ting tried to speak with Mo Xie but waiting for a while, there was no response: "Husband?"

Shang Ting looked at Mo Xie and saw something unexpectable.

_Zzzz~ Zzzz~ Zzzz~_

Mo Xie fell asleep, Shang Ting looked at Mo Xie as a smile appeared on her gentle lips.

"You must have been really exhausted, husband, rest well."

_Mmm_ Shang Ting kissed Mo Xie's forehead as she stayed in the same, not planning to disturb him from his rest.

Seeing Mo Xie's face, Shang Ting couldn't help but think.

'His face had been getting better by the day? was he on a malnutrition before?'

Mo Xie's face is starting to gain its previous l.u.s.ter, although it is only at 50%, his face can already be said to be above average.

Shang Ting chuckles as she held Mo Xie's face on to her undeveloped chest, she's still 17, she will grow some later.

"It feels like... I'm already at home here, rather than my own Clan." Shang Ting didn't even miss her own place inside the Clan, although she had always been doted on by her Father, she couldn't feel any hint of family love inside the Clan.