Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 203 Starting The Idea

203 Starting The Idea

Mo Xie will be called 'Patriarch' while Shang Ting will be called 'Matriarch' by the Mo Family's direct members.

Mo Xie will be called 'Sect Master' while Shang Ting will be called 'Sect Mistress' (I seriously prefer 'Sect Miss because Mistress sounds like the second wife or the illegal wife, but, since you guys want her to be called Sect Mistress, she will be called as is) by the Sect Members.

This will be the way that they will be addressed in future chapters, thanks!


Mo Xie immediately made his way towards the blacksmithing area. He has the general idea of what to do, and right now, he'll need to create the body of such an object.

He immediately made a plan, sadly, the image of that time were a little blurry.

Still, the only thing he remembered is that, it was long and has two handles, yet, one of the handles weren't held and the only one in the last part of the gun was used.

"Maybe that other part was for decoration? But they are usually changing it after a few exchanges with their enemies... Maybe that's the place where they put the charges?" Mo Xie spoke.

He started imagining how to do something like that, and the first thing he thought of was a spear.

Mo Xie immediately thought of the style that he'll make.

"Sect Master!"

"Sect Master!"

As Mo Xie arrived, he was greeted by all of the blacksmiths.

Mo Xie nods his head and made his way towards a working station, he immediately pulled out an ordinary iron, he sat in place and started heating up the metal.

Mo Xie started to visualize the image of the spear: "Light for an ordinary human to use."

Mo Xie picks up a hammer and started hammering: "After I make this, I need to make something that can transfer the spiritual energy of the spirit stone towards the blade."

He kept something in mind, this weapon can be used both long and close range, a spirit stone's energy isn't infinite, hence, he would need to make it sharp too.

Mo Xie thought of a lot of possibilities, he'd like it to be something great and will last for generations.

The Blacksmiths watched Mo Xie hammered the iron vigorously, they were all waiting for some sort of amazing technique, but unfortunately, Mo Xie wanted to create something that ordinary blacksmiths can create.

Time flew by quickly, Mo Xie had been hammering for more than an hour already.

Tang~ Tang~ Ting~

He smiled after a few hours had pa.s.sed, he had created the necessary shape for the blade, but he thought of something as it finished.

The finished blade looked like a saber's blade, it's thick behind while sharp in front, all of this was made by merely hammering, hence, the crude appearance is unsightly, but the sharpness of its blade is absolute.

"Sect Master, are you creating a saber?" At this time, one of the senior blacksmiths asked.

Mo Xie looked at this person, he smiled and spoke: "I'm making a spear."

"A spear?" Everyone felt bewildered, a spear with its tip extremely broad?

Mo Xie smiled at them before turning his gaze back, he opened his palm as sharp energy started to gather on it.

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For blacksmiths, so long as one had created hundreds of weapons, they are extremely sensitive towards sharpness, and the energy in Mo Xie's hand is something they haven't seen before, the sheer sharpness is extremely dangers for them to approach.

And out of their expectation, Mo Xie aimed his hand in the center top of the blade and sliced down.


Everyone surrounding Mo Xie opened their eyes widely, someone then muttered: "What happened?"

The energy in Mo Xie's hand vanished as the saber started to fall on the ground, but then, there are two parts, it was sliced cleanly in the middle.

"Woah." The blacksmiths surrounding Mo Xie gasped in awe.

Well, if the supreme experts of the human territory were to know of this, they will definitely cry out in shock.

The sword energy was used to cut an ordinary metal?! The Sword Energy that was only heard from legends were used by Mo Xie to cut ordinary metals!

That didn't start there as Mo Xie used his sword intent to start carving the unneeded pieces from the rough blade.

A few minutes later, Mo Xie had finished the work, the blade's finished form looks like the upper part of a fish, but the engraving of the rear end is extremely delicate.

A blacksmith approached slightly and asked: "Sect Master... What are those details for? It feels so profound, something so amazing that I feel that it can unleash terrible might!"

Hearing his words, everyone frowns; 'This weasel, he's trying to get on the Sect Master's good side and immediately made his move! I should've done it first!'

Everyone thought so.

But then, Mo Xie spoke: "Oh? I didn't think it would look like that, I was just messing around as I think of things."



Everyone surrounding them held their breath as they didn't want to laugh in front of the Sect Master, hence, they tried to hold on as much as they can.


Hearing the held in voices of everyone, that blacksmith immediately backs away, and since Mo Xie had ignored him afterward, he moved to the back of the crowd looking on the ground. He could feel that everyone's gaze is on him, wanting to laugh at his failed attempt.

This is also the start of the day where n.o.body would try to be on Mo Xie's good side and just focused on doing their best. They will figure out later on that Mo Xie will treat all of them equally and will do everything they can and will push themselves and work harder.

But Mo Xie will never know that what he did today made a huge boost for the Mo Family, later on, hence, he didn't really care.

At this moment Shang Ting arrived.


Mo Xie woke up from his thinking as he smiled and looked behind him: "Yes?"

"I think I have an idea for that transfer thingy you were talking about." Shang Ting spoke.

Mo Xie stood up and started to walk away towards Shang Ting and made their way out.

"What is it? Can you think of something that will be like a transferring medium?"

Shang Ting pondered for a bit before speaking: "How about those extremely rainbow trees that we saw on the 20th floor of the PaG.o.da?"

Hearing her words, Mo Xie's eyes widened: "That... It's possible!"

Mo Xie held Shang Ting's hand and added: "Let's go immediately, we will try it."

Mo Xie looked at the blades he had done and waved his hand as it was swallowed inside his storage ring.

As soon as it happened, both Shang Ting and Mo Xie vanished.