Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 191 Pagoda?

191 Pagoda?

The two of them made their way to the castle hand in hand.

The worm looked at Mo Xie, still a little doubtful of his appearance. Still, after a while, it shooks its small head; 'Master is a great being, he definitely would've found some great techniques!'

As the three of them made their way to the center of the castle's front courtyard, Mo Xie and Shang Ting stepped on a round rock formation, it started to tremble and hover in the sky.

Shang Ting's feet slightly shook, making her lose her balance, but Mo Xie caught her and spoke: "Don't worry, I will let you see a word that's beyond your wildest imagination."

Shang Ting smiled, although she had some expectation, she thought it wouldn't surpa.s.s anything that she had seen when the ground started to fly and created the Mo Family's own fortress.

After a while, they arrived at the top of the castle, there, it's purely a plain hundred meters wide s.p.a.ce.

The round stone descends in the middle of it.

"Husband, what will we be doing here?" Shang Ting didn't think they would arrive at a place that's deserted with things.

Mo Xie smiled, the word felt excited: "This, I missed this so much, I... I didn't think that I would be able to see it once more with my life!"

As the worm spoke, it hopped towards Mo Xie's shoulder: "Master, I'm excited."

Mo Xie nods his head, he then formed a few hand seals and spoke: "Arise!"

As he spoke these words, twenty-three mirrors slowly crept out of the ground placing itself at the edge of the ground, in front of each mirror, a miniature version of the round stone can be seen.

The worm grew excited: "Clearly, you are my master!"

Mo Xie smirks: "Your doubt is useless."

"YES!" The worm cheerfully replied.

But then, Mo Xie and the worm noticed something. the 5th mirror is trembling and this made Mo Xie frown.

Mo Xie pointed at the mirror, he then made a pulling motion, it immediately made its way in front of Mo Xie.


The mirror's size grew at least ten times, but that didn't end there as it laid flat in front of Mo Xie, then the thing Shang Ting didn't expect appeared in front of her.

The whole of the 5th floor was immediately displayed. It contains every detail from the ma.s.sive mountains to the smallest creatures. Demonic beasts running with their group, hunting and killing other beasts.

But there's something that caught Mo Xie and the Worm's gaze. As Shang Ting looked at the great details of the miniature map, the two looked at a part where there is something that's causing a disturbance.

Mo Xie then made a few hand signs again, after that, he spoke: "Enlarge."

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The place that's causing the disturbance zoomed-in, Mo Xie and the worm opened their eyes widely.

"That's an Immortal Ascension plebian! What's that kind of piece of trash doing in my master's territory?!~" The worm, Lu Wen spoke before Mo Xie could even react.

Mo Xie frowns: "Clearly it is because a certain guardian spirit isn't doing her job properly."

"Hehehe." Lu Wen chuckles as he looked at the ground.

Mo Xie then looked at the two confronting this figure and his shock grew bigger.

He frowns, because of these two figures are of his Mo Family, Mo Tian, and Mo Duan.

Their bodies are full of injures while they are facing someone stronger than both of them combined.

Mo Xie then sighs; "They are too bold, to actually challenge an individual that already surpa.s.sed Mortality."

He smiled, but the rage in his eyes can be seen.

"Husband... The twins." Shang Ting spoke with worry.

Mo Xie woke up, for just a short time, he had already thought of hundred of ways to torture Lu Yue Song.

Mo Xie looked at Shang Ting and spoke: "I will let you see, the power of this place."

"The paG.o.da?"

"PaG.o.da?" Mo Xie smirked: "I don't know who thought of this place as a PaG.o.da, although it looks like it, it definitely isn't one."

As Mo Xie spoke of this, he started to walk towards the mirror: "Lu Wen, Soul Synergy!"

"Yes!" Lu Wen felt excited, he then jumped behind Mo Xie's neck and spoke: "Master, I'm ready."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Go."

Lu Wen cute appearance shone, but as it stuck its one centimeter long legs on Mo Xie's skin, it started to turn black, it still continued towards its white body until the very tip of its wings.

Lu Wen changed, although it still looked cute, it held some ferociousness in it.

Meanwhile, Mo Xie's body started to evolve, there are some places that grew some thick white fur, instead of four wings, there are two round objects floating behind Mo Xie, he's walking but slowly started to float in the air.

It's like Mo Xie is air gliding himself.

"Husband..." Shang Ting looked at Mo Xie in shock.

Mo Xie turns back, he then smiled and spoke: "Shang Ting, although I am powerless against a lot of experts above my cultivation, although Lu Wen is a weak being, then, the both of us combined inside this 'PaG.o.da?', we are definitely unmatched by the experts of this continent."


Shang Ting asked in confusion.

Mo Xie chuckles: "Lu Wen is so weak outside the PaG.o.da, that if it sat on top of a hill of normal ants, he will immediately be devoured."

"But inside the PaG.o.da built by its ancestral home, he's definitely unmatched against experts at Immortal Saint and below."

As Mo Xie finished speaking, he slowly stood above the mirror and spoke: "Wait for me here, I will save the twins."

"Un." Shang Ting nods her head worriedly, still, she only hoped that Mo Xie will survive

Mo Xie entered the mirror vanis.h.i.+ng from Shang Ting's sight.

"Take care." She could only pray that Mo Xie will be safe.