Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 188 Owner Of The Pagoda

188 Owner Of The Pagoda

It had been a full day since the twin fought Lu Yue Song.


The twins used everything they had, but they couldn't even scratch Lu Yue Song's clothes.

"Brother, this is harder than expected." Mo Duan spoke.

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Mo Tian sighs; "You wouldn't be in that much of a rigid state if you could've just shut your mouth as we fought."

"Haaa." Mo Duan breathed out, Lu Yue Song in front of them is extremely strong.

They fought Lu Yue Song with everything they had, yet, Lu Yue Song hasn't moved from his spot since the start.

Lu Yue Song stood tall, he looked at the two panting brothers: "Is that all?"

Mo Tian smiled: "Is that all? You couldn't even inflict us any harm, even if you tried."

Lu Yue Song smiled, he nods his head and accepted: "Yes, I couldn't harm the both of you, It's hard to believe that other than the Sword Emperor, the is also two other people that wouldn't lose to me in pure strength and martial arts."

Mo Duan chuckles: "That's to be expected, We are stronger than you after all."

For the one that's been exhausted the most to say that, he must definitely be insane.

But still, although Lu Yue Song wasn't injured by them, the same could be said to him too.

Sadly, they had exhausted their stamina and couldn't advance any further.

Lu Yue Song nods his head, right now, he felt extremely fond of the twins.

At such a young age, they could actually fight him with pure raw strength: "That is some qualification for you two to become my disciples."

The twin chuckles: "Who wants to be your disciple?!"

As they spoke of this, they immediately charge at Lu Yue Song again.

Lu Yue Song smiled: "Soon enough, you will know that following me is better than your so-called master."

Lu Yue song then chuckles as he added: "I will tame the both of you in no time."

Fortunately for the twin, Lu Yue Song wanted to know the extent of their power, and after witnessing their display, Lu Yue Song had nothing but praises for the twins.

But the twin didn't expect what Lu Yue Song's next move is.

Lu Yue Song canceled his domain, the twin's vision became light as they looked at Lu Yue Song: "You made the wrong choice."

Lu Yue Song smiled and spoke: "Let's see."

As he spoke of these words, Lu Yue Song unleashed his full power, the power of the peak-stage Immortal Ascension stage!

20th floor, PaG.o.da.

"The both of you will die if your excuses into coming here is a lie."

Shang Ting and even Mo Xie felt the pressure, they couldn't even ama.s.s their Spiritual Energy to stand up. In the end, both of them fell on the ground with all fours.

The monkey then stopped the pressure, he looked at Mo Xie and Shang Ting sternly and spoke: "Explain yourself."

Mo Xie frowns, he then spoke: "I'd need to go to the 21st floor, there will be no harm with your kin so long as you let us pa.s.s."

"Huh?" Hearing Mo Xie's words, the heavenly blessed Monkey felt like he's heard something ridiculous and laughs: "Hahaha, to think that a mere human like you wishes to enter the 21st floor?"

The Heavenly Blessed Monkey laughs, but as soon as he stopped, his face became serious: "That is the founder's property, if you wish to enter, you need to go through me first."

The Heavenly Blessed Monkey then made his aura surged.

Mo Xie frowns: "This is my PaG.o.da, and you will leave that spot whether you like it or not, let me enter!"

The Heavenly Blessed Monkey chuckles: "Human, if you wish to enter, the least qualification you'd need to have is at Immortal Ascension rank, that is the founder's words that he had directly spoken to me!"

Mo Xie frowns, he tilts his head and asked: "I said that?"

The monkey didn't like Mo Xie's words: "Hmmp! Daring to even pretend that you are the founder? You have angered me so!"

Mo Xie frowns: "I really didn't say something ridiculous as that..."

But then, he remembered something, the time that he placed the monkey here, he then remembered that he had spoken a few things.

[There will be a time, the new owner of the PaG.o.da will come, but he'll need to at least have the cultivation rank of Immortal Ascension rank, else, he'll never be qualified, hahaha!]

Mo Xie slammed his palm on his face; "Me and my mouth..."

He then thought of something and remembered the monkey's words; 'The founder's words that he had directly spoken to me!'

"You... You're still alive?! How?" Mo Xie pointed at the heavenly blessed monkey in shock.

The heavenly blessed monkey frowns: "You're cursing me to die?! Hmmp, you will die first!"

As the Heavenly Blessed Monkey spoke, he ordered his minions to attack, but then something happened.

"Ancestral Land Kong, this is the day that you will die." A voice resounded through the heavens.

Mo Xie, Shang Ting, and the Heavenly Blessed Monkeys looked at the sky.

The one that was called 'Ancestral Land Kong is the one sitting on the mountain.

"Void Devouring Snake, it is not your place to order me, I am the blessed Kong that the founder had left on this floor to be the trial! You shall not pa.s.s here!"

The Ancestral Land Kong spoke to the long dragon, it has black and violet scales, has a fierce head with at least ten sharp horns on its head, it has four tiny limbs on its upper and lower body.

"Void Devouring Dragon! I'm a dragon, not a snake!" The dragon howls in rage.

The Ancestral Land Kong smirks, he stood up and looked at the dragon.

The mere size of the dragon is the same as the kong, it has the same length, but the sheer ma.s.s of the Dragon's body is thinner than even the kong's arms.

Void Devouring Dragon then calmed down and spoke: "You will die today, you've escaped me before, but all of your kin together with you will peris.h.!.+ You will be placed in history as the vanquished!"

"You can try." The Ancestral Land Kong then slammed his hands on his chest and growls: "Kill them all!"


The Ancestral Land Kong then fired a humongous white beam from its mouth.

"You injured my wife, but that doesn't mean you've won! Kill the detestable animals!" The void devouring dragon howls, thousands and thousands of dragons emerged from the trees.


The Void Devouring Dragon retaliates with its own black beam of energy.

The two groups fought, the monkeys waited for the Dragons to come closer to their range limit, while the dragons launch their own skills and devoured the weaker monkeys.

Mo Xie and Shang Ting looked at the fight, there are thousands and thousands of Immortal Foundation ranked demonic and draconic beast fighting.

Although there are monkeys that are still in the bronze rank, every one of them fought to the bitter end, although they got caught by the dragon's mouth, they howled in rage as they continuously pounded on the dragon's eyes.

Mo Xie couldn't help but speak: "That's some huge enmity between them, this is the first time I saw Heavenly Blessed Monkeys fighting to the end."

Shang Ting felt worried: "Husband, if the Monkeys are the guardians, then the dragons are the ones that invaded your PaG.o.da?"

Hearing Shang Ting's words, Mo Xie felt enlightened: "Someone must've placed the dragons in the PaG.o.da, they must've not been able to break through and placed the dragon here to weaken the Monkeys..."

Then, that could only mean one thing, there is a force that's trying to devour the PaG.o.da for themselves.

Shang Ting then spoke: "That... Should we help those monkeys?"

Mo Xie sighed: "No, we wouldn't be able to do anything with this kind of scale, we'll sneak into the entrance, if I reached the 21st floor, we can directly go to the 24th floor without a problem."

Shang Ting nods her head: "Okay."

The two of them then rushed and hid behind the large trees to hide from the Kong's and the dragon's sight, if Mo Xie and Shang Ting want to help this monkeys, they can only do so after Mo Xie re-establish the owners.h.i.+p of the PaG.o.da.