Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 184 Sudden

184 Sudden

Instead of relief, he felt nervous.

If all three of them left him, then, their only destination can be one place.

"Shang Ting!" Mo Xie gritted through gritted teeth.

But the current him couldn't do anything.

"Hmmp!" Mo Xie gathered every ounce of concentration he has and continuously gathered Spiritual Energy around him, he a.s.saulted his Soul Sea with bombardments: "Break now, break!!!"


Shang Ting wanted to defeat Meng Kou immediately to aid Mo Xie, but she couldn't do it fast enough and made the three others reinforce Meng Kou.

Meng Kou seeing the other three coming his way laugh: "See, hahaha, you will definitely fall prey to me today!"

Meng Kou is surrounded by Shang Ting's 6th and 7th step flame techniques, he had defused the 1st to the 5th, but he had started having troubles when Shang Ting reached the 6th step.

Shang Ting looked at the three approaching her and spoke: "I still have enough time!"

"5th step, Mountain Cleaving Flames!"

A cross-shaped flame shot towards Meng Kou, Shang Ting followed immediately;

"3rd step, Frozen Nova!"

As Shang Ting spoke of this, shards of ice that looked like explosion appeared, surrounding Meng Kou completely. But Shang Ting's following words caused him to despair further.

"Combination; 3rd step, Shallow Graveyard!"

Meng Kou panicked hearing her words, he didn't know nor had he heard these types of skill before, but it actually caused him to suffer heavy injuries.

Whenever Shang Ting would use a skill with the word 'Combination', he will break immediately and suffer grave injuries, he suffered from the combined attack of the 1st step Pandemonium and the 2nd step Overdrive, and right now, Shallow Grave, the 3rd combination will definitely be strong based on Shang Ting's process.

No matter what technique he used, he couldn't block the combined steps, hence, he feared this technique

Shang Ting is already forcing herself, the step techniques need to be done accordingly, else, the power will be decreased by more than half.

"It's enough to kill you, definitely!"

Shang Ting pushed, forward: "6th step; Phoenix Road!"

The figure of a phoenix came out of Shang Ting is it followed the 5th step, increasing the speedo f both skills aiming to make its way towards Meng Kou.

Seeing this, Meng Kou felt frightened: "This again!"

This is the move that made him suffer the most, although its power decreased by a lot, he couldn't ignore its sheer strength.


As the phoenix approach Meng Kou, he couldn't do anything but defend with all his might. But then, he was dumbfounded.

There are violet spheres rotating around him and is slowly increasing the injuries on his body: "This..."

This is the combination skill Shang ting used, the Shallow Graveyard.

The combination of water and fire technique is deadly, causing the blood from his injuries to leak out as the heat dissipates it immediately: "These techniques are unheard of!"

The phoenix was about to strike him, but before it could, three figures appeared in front of Meng Kou at the nick of time.

"Mountain Strength!"

"Poison Valley!"

"Deflecting Blades!"

Three skills blocked Shang Ting's attack, although it caused slight destruction, it immediately vanished, only leaving white clouds forming in the sky.

Shang Ting became exhausted, she had limited stamina and only a quarter of her Spiritual Energy left.

"Ha... Hahaha... Hahahahaha! You've pushed me too far, to think that the Matriarch of the Mo Family is actually a supreme genius, I'm lucky this time." Meng Kou spoke, his expression returning to that of a wicked person as he looked at Shang Ting's body lecherously.

Meng Kou then ordered: "Kill her, If I can't have her when she's alive, I'll play with her when she's dead!"

The three frowns; 'Sick!'

Such hobby, not even sparing the dead for his l.u.s.t, but they couldn't really help it, Meng Kou has a higher position than them inside the organization, every word he says to the organization will be a huge demerit to them, even their death is possible.

Shang Ting immediately prepared to fight again.

Lu Tang King felt pity towards Shang Ting: "I'm sorry..."

As he spoke these words, the three of them charged at Shang Ting.

"1st step: Flame pillars!"

"1st step: Water arc!"

"Combination: 1st step: Pandemonium!"

Shang Ting's skill immediately aimed at the three approaching her.

The three felt like they can handle the Flame Pillars and the Water Arcs, but as soon as the violet liquid, Pandemonium started to approach them, they felt huge danger is approaching them.

"Block that violet liquid!"

The three of them used their energy to remove the violet liquid from reaching them, then, the longer as it lasted the more their Spiritual Energy got depleted: "This..."

Pang Choo So felt shaken: "Use 25% of your Spiritual Energy, we need to destroy this as fast as possible!"

The other two nodded their head, they used 25% of their Spiritual Energy to completely suppress the violet liquid.

They succeeded but the rage in their eyes grew fiercer: "Kill her now!"

The more it lasts, the more they felt shocked at these two people's display. Mo Xie, a mere silver ranked pract.i.tioner actually managed to fight them when they were wasting their time, and now, Shang Ting, a Heaven Encompa.s.sing ranked expert is actually matching them after defeating Meng Kou alone?

Their pride was shattered.

But as they were about to attack again, they saw Shang Ting motionlessly looking at them.

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Shang Ting became serious as she jumped. As she landed, she moved one of her feet back a single step while her hands that lifted upward lowers, her clenched fist opened as one of her palms faced forward while the other at the back.

She closed her eyes and made a yin and yang motion on the ground before standing up again, all of it took only three breathes of time. She then opened her eyes and looked at them as she clapped her hand.


Her voice is clearly different from before, this sent the four experts in shock. Shang Ting's voice resembles that of a demonic woman, her red hair and eyes shone violet as she continued: "6th step; Purgatory flames."

Shang Ting only has 12% of her original Spiritual Energy, it isn't enough to use the 6th step of her combination technique! The power it will produce will be merely 3% of the original power, but still, she staked everything and dried up her soul sea to unleash this skill.

The four, Meng Kou, Pang Choo So, Lu Tang Ki, and Ei Sen were a shock, huge pressure started to surround them as violet flames emerged out of nowhere.

Meng Kou was shocked: "That... This is something similar- Similar to the master's domain! t.i.tanic Dark Flame domain!"

Although Meng Kou had said that, the Purgatory flames is merely a copy of a domain and is not similar to one in anyways, its mere purpose is to devour everything that's inside.

Shang Ting tried to gather Spiritual Energy in order to make her Purgatory Flames last longer, but then, Meng Kou shouted.



Meng Kou is the most knowledgable, hence, he is followed by the three no matter what he says without any hesitation.

The four of them exploded as Shang Ting tried to hold on as much as she can.

The Purgatory Flames started to get destroyed, Shang Ting pushed herself to hold it as much as she can.

After a few more minutes, the Purgatory Flames approaching Meng Kou and the trio stopped voluntarily.

"Hahaha, kill that wrenched wh*re!"

Blood escaped Shang Ting's mouth. She tried to block it, but her internal injuries got worse due to trying to prolong the duration of the Purgatory Flames.

Still, Shang Ting smiled, she looked at the person she looked the most, Mo Xie had completely broken through to Gold rank and had his eyes opened, but what Mo Xie saw is extremely heartbreaking for him.

Shang Ting is smiling at him, she powerlessly opened her lips, she then moved her lips and Mo Xie read it carefully.

I love you, please escape, I know you will avenge me...

The three subordinates of Meng Kou rushed to kill the exhausted Shang Ting. Pang Choo So with his gauntlets, Lu Tang Ki with his dual dagger, and Ei Sen with his poisoned needles, they are only a few meters away from Shang Ting.

Mo Xie's eyes became teary, but then, it happened again.


A huge beat sounded inside his body, it came from his heart.


The whole environment turned black, white, and grey. Mo Xie looked around and felt happy.

But before anything else, he dashed at Shang Ting immediately, as soon as he touched Shang Ting's body, her colored returned and was a shock.

Mo Xie looked at her and spoke: "I'm sorry, I- I will definitely protect you from now on."

Shang Ting smiled, she nods her head and spoke: "No matter what happens, I will always be there with you."

Mo Xie took Shang Ting a few tens of meters away and placed her down: "Rest here, I will deal with them."

Shang Ting nods her head: "I will wait."

Mo Xie smiled, but as soon as he turned his back on Shang Ting, his eyes grew dark, his expression grew grim, and his aura changed.

"You all will die today."

Mo Xie took out three spears from his storage ring, he immediately wrote inscriptions on it.

"Spear Energy..." Mo Xie spoke, the spear immediately became wrapped around by sharp energy, sharper than his Spear Intent, he jumps high and aimed all three of it at the trio: "DIE!"




Mo Xie immediately threw an arrow towards Meng Kou's unguarded body afterward.


All four projectiles struck the targets simultaneously.

Mo Xie calmed his heart and as soon as he did, the color of the environment slowly returned to its original hue.




Lu Tang Ki and Ei Sen immediately died, but Pang Choo So with his strong body looked at Mo Xie and spoke: "W-what happened?!"

It's like something skipped and before he knew it, a spear has already been embedded through his body.

Mo Xie looked at him emotionlessly: "Your friends died, you will follow."

"N-no! Kuk!"

Mo Xie sliced his neck, taking his head cleanly off of his shoulder.


As Mo Xie took care of the three, a light noise sounded a few meters away, Mo Xie looked at the location of the noise and saw Meng Kou.

Meng Kou couldn't even blink his eyes, he's looking at Mo Xie as tears started to pour out of his eyes.

Mo Xie then spoke: "You're next."