Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 18 Pain Worst Than Death?

18 Pain Worst Than Death?

As soon as he did, he also placed some notice in front of the manor's gates.

*Heaven Suppressing Clan, Mo Family recruiting notice.*

-Elders only above 9-star gold ranked pract.i.tioners, only people below the age of 50 are qualified.

-Disciples below silver ranked pract.i.tioners, only people below the age of 20 are qualified.

-10 star and below bronze ranked pract.i.tioners are welcome to study and be an outer disciple, only people at the age of 14 are qualified.

-Warning: will have to swear an oath of Loyalty to the Clan of at least 50 years (Different Treatment depending on the amount of time that was pledged by the person.)

-Maids and Servants are welcome, people at the age of 14 to 25 only, a salary of 30 to 50 silvers a month.

-Warning: Will have to swear an oath of loyalty and servitude until dismissed.

-Recruitment only for a month, everyone after that will have to go to a much harsher rule.

All of the requirements are absolutely ridiculous, with those requirements, the eight great clans will even accept them, who would even want to go to a nameless clan? especially one that only started today?

But what's catching a lot of cultivator's attention is especially the name, Heaven Suppressing Clan? such a tough name, a lot of these people wanted to look, does he have enough background to back it up?

All of this made a lot of people chuckle, but the maid and servants recruitment notice took a huge role, the usual salary for a maid or servant only goes for 5 to 8 silver coins a month, yet, they are paying the price of almost ten folds? although there is an oath until they were dismissed, who in their right mind would even retire from such a great treatment.

These piece of news immediately reached others extremely fast, it might only take a day or two for the whole of Gangting City to be informed.

In the meantime, Mo Xie had been busy for a few hours grinding the herbs further while adding some other materials he bought in the market as he goes back to the clan., placing all of it to an empty bottle.

4:00 PM.

"Ting'er, come to the bedroom." Mo Xie called.

Seems like the things he needed had been finally completed.

Shang Ting hearing his words nodded as she made her way to the bedroom, she was watering the flowers for a while and also fixing the garden.

Mo Xie heard something as he went to the market earlier, about a one every three years young generation compet.i.tion.

This is a tournament for the younger generations to fight and will happen three months from now, pract.i.tioners, young men, and women at the age of below 18 can only partic.i.p.ate, the Northern Star Gangting Tournament, the rankers within the top 10 will have a chance to join the Northern Star Sect as an outer sect disciple!

The Northern Star Sect is the overlord of seven Cities, one of them is the Gangting City, its rank is at the 5th, clearly not much.

After that, there is also another tournament, the Northern Star Seven City Tournament, where after you win, there is a chance for the rankers of 1st place to 3rd place to be an inner sect disciple!

Enjoying the benefits and would have the same authority as a head clan in a City! but once you become a core disciple, you will have an equal authority or even higher than a City Lord!

Mo Xie had an idea after hearing this.

As soon as Shang Ting stepped into their bedroom, she saw Mo Xie sitting in a cross-legged position on the foot of the bed with three white ceramic bottles and a boiling pot at the floor.

'What is he planning?'

Shang Ting walks closer and spoke: "Husband, I am here."

Mo Xie smiled as he spoke: "Come to the bed and face your back to me and take off your clothes."

"Yes-Yes?!" Shang Ting opened her eyes wide in shock.

'Is this... are we going to... I'm not prepared! I'm...'

"What are you thinking?" Mo Xie asked he looks like an innocent kid.

"I am only going to a.s.sist you in becoming stronger, cleaning and clearing your body's function."

Shang Ting hearing this calmed down, but after she stepped into the bed, she felt bashful again, she is still going to remove her clothes!

"Don't worry, you can leave your undergarments worn."

Shang Ting blushed as she started to remove her robe, the robe started to slide downward as she removes the tightened part, with her silky smooth skin, the silk robe had no way to latch on her skin, falling to the bed directly.

Seeing the bare skin of Shang Ting, Mo Xie couldn't help but take a mouthful of saliva in.

'Oy, this child... I had already forgotten this feeling, how long was it ago? my last intimate contact? billions of years ago? d*mn'

"Ahem, you should lie down on the bed." Mo Xie spoke as he stood up from his original spot and went down to the floor.


Shang Ting is still feeling extremely nervous, she then laid down on the bed and spoke: "I'm ready."

Mo Xie smiled as he started to feel Shang Ting's body, he ma.s.saged every part of it.

Every time Mo Xie moved his hand, Shang Ting would tremble slightly, especially the part on her tights.

After an hour, Mo Xie smiled as he spoke internally: "28 meridian pathways, 9 minor meridian, and 1 major meridian opened, she's definitely a demon-level genius, sadly for her, she was born in a low-level continent, and with her Celestial Phoenix Physique and Stellar Flame Soul Sea, even the immortals in his previous life will fight over her."

Meridians are cla.s.sified as such;

2 ultimate meridians, 12 major meridians, 24 minor meridians, 44 meridian pathways, a total of 82 path points.

The two ultimate meridians are on the heart and brain, the twelve major meridians are on the joints, the twenty-four minor meridians are located in between the major meridians, and the forty-four meridian pathway connects everything.

The meridians are a focal point of cultivation, how fast a person can cultivate depends on it, also, it has the power to change one's destiny.

A normal human being only has around 5 to 20 meridian pathways open, some of the lucky ones are gifted to have one or two opened, making them have a chance to become a pract.i.tioner, but if they don't have any, they will remain a human with greater strength than average if they have more than 20 meridian pathways open.

A normal cultivator then has at least 4 to 6 minor meridians, and what people thought of as geniuses have at least one of the major meridians opened.

Then, for the demon level geniuses, they would have at least 6 to 8 major meridians open, that will be a great catastrophic genius level if they had 9 or more.

But as for the 'Ultimate Meridians?' It will only open if a person accidentally, or has a fruitious encounter, they might gain unparallel strength.

And if a person opens all meridians... well, only Mo Xie knows of that stuff and a few other people that had already pa.s.sed away, or for some reason, had vanished without a trace, making their name fade to the annals of history.

That form of meridians inside the body is a legend that only a handful of people in the entire Duan Immortal Realm had ever possessed, it is called the Celestial Perfection Body.

One can only imagine, if nothing is blocking the spiritual energy inside the body, how fast can it actually circulate, if you compare the 81 unlocked meridians to the Celestial Perfect Body with 82 completely unlocked meridians, the difference is like heaven and earth.

Mo Xie started to pour the paste into her body and started to spread it all over.

"I need to ask you one thing." Mo Xie spoke.

"WhWhat is it?" Shang Ting is trembling, who wouldn't? an innocent and pure maiden has actually had her body surveyed by a male for the first time in her life.

"Can you tolerate immense pain?" Mo Xie asked.

"I will try."

"What I mean is, can you endure it? a pain that is worst than death." Mo Xie's tone became extremely serious.

Hearing this, Shang Ting couldn't help but feel shocked, her usually calm and composed husband who always treated her like a treasure actually asked such a frightening question? but yet, she can also feel the amount of care she had for her.

Mo Xie wants to open up her meridians clearly, but if she wouldn't be able to bear the pain and die in the process, he will have to carry the guilt for the rest of his life, he would rather open up half.

But to her, Mo Xie will never ask something that will not benefit her too, making up her mind she replied.

"I will!"