Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 15 Scheme

15 Scheme

"I'm back."

Hearing Mo Xie's voice, Shang Ting immediately made her way to the entrance.

"Welcome Back."

Shang Ting smiled as she welcomes Mo Xie home, yet, she was shocked, Mo Xie's expression is that of rage.

"What happened?

Hearing her word, Mo Xie realized the expression he is currently wearing.

Mo Xie's face gradually changes as it turned into a smile: "Ah, have we got something to eat?"

"OH! I forgot I am about to cook, I'm already boiling the water to have a meat stew." Shang Ting panicked for a bit, she had been slicing some of the ingredients she had bought from the market.

"Forget about that, kill the fire first, we'll be eating outside, I've made a couple of money out." Mo Xie smiled as he spoke.

"Why not save it for next time, let us just eat here... husband..." Shang Ting blushes after speaking the last word.

Mo Xie seeing her smile is satisfied: "As the wife of I, Mo Xie, I have the obligation to make her happy, dress yourself up, we will eat outside."

Looking at Mo Xie's face, Shang Ting couldn't help but to give up: "Okay, I will just store everything and will change my clothes."

Mo Xie smiled as he nodded his head.

'I will give her the money as soon as I made a storage ring.'

He still kept thinking, if he wants to make a tier 3 pill, then, he needs to find at least a tier 3 alchemist to concoct it.

'That Mu Ye is still a way to go in becoming a tier 3 alchemist, but he's already at the 8-star gold Ranked pract.i.tioner, he already has the foundation to make it through to becoming a tier 3 alchemist, should I help him?'

Mo Xie smiled, as soon as he can recover his cultivation, he can start cultivating fast.

After a while, a silhouette approached Mo Xie.

"I'm ready." Shang Ting spoke.

Mo Xie smiled as he looked at Shang Ting, she's wearing a pair of clothing that he had brought for her the other day, although it is not extravagant, it looks perfectly great, well, Shang Ting is a beauty, anything she wears will definitely be great.

"Let's go."


The two of them walked side by side out of their rundown rented house.

"Where is the most expensive restaurant around here?"


"Hahaha!" Before Shang Ting could reply, a sound of mocking laughter was heard.

Both Shang Ting and Mo Xie frowned as they looked at the location of the voice.

A man cuddling two women are staring at Mo Xie in disdain.

"What are you looking at? Hahaha, I'm only laughing at how a country b.u.mpkin like you is trying to show off in front of your woman."

Shang Ting hearing these words felt offended, she then pulled Mo Xie's sleeves and spoke: "Let's go."

Mo Xie smiled at Shang Ting and nodded, he does not need to bother with lowly beings like this one.

"Alright, let us go."

"Hmmp! coward." After speaking, the young man smiled at his two companions and spoke.

"Let's go, I will treat you both!"

"Thank you Young Master Lu." The two ladies giggles as they clung to the young man.

Mo Xie and Shang Ting went to some far place, Mo Xie kept asking about the most expensive restaurant until they were brought to it in the end, the Seven Celestial Taste Pavilion.

Shang Ting doesn't want to spend much, she clearly knew how tight the budget they have, if they ate dinner here, they would most likely become bankrupt, a single meal would cost them 1 gold coins, that will be 50 silver coins!

Mo Xie had been bringing back 20 or 30 silvers a day, hence, she knew that it will be hard for him to bare.

"I don't really mind eating at any other place."

Mo Xie smiled, clearly, Shang Ting doesn't want them to be lacking money in the future, hence, she wouldn't mind eating in a cheaper place.

"Ay-ay, this wife of mine, surely, you are underestimating me too much."

Mo Xie spoke as he dragged Shang Ting inside.

"Welcome customers, for how many tables?" The receptionist smiled, but she is still checking Mo Xie and Shang Ting from head to toe, a slight annoyance can be seen in her eyes before it vanishes a second later.

"Table for two, I would like to have my table set with a great view." Mo Xie replied, he didn't mind mortals being arrogant once in a while, especially if they had been bathing in the limelight for too long.

"Okay, follow me please." The receptionist mockingly spoke, she'll bring Mo Xie and Shang Ting to the most expensive floor, and just sitting there would cost 15 gold coins.

Mo Xie nodded his head, following the receptionist to the 4th floor.

The other guest that they had pa.s.sed by sighed, seeing Mo Xie and Shang Ting's ordinary clothes, they will fall for the receptionist's trap.

Shang Ting kept wanting to speak, to tell Mo Xie about it, but with Mo Xie always stopping her, she couldn't help it, Even her clan only dines here once a month, and only at the 3rd floor.

The higher the floor is, the more expensive it would be.

The receptionist finally stopped and pointed at the vacant table with extravagant designs: "Young Master, all of the tables were fully booked, this is the only one that is vacant."

Mo Xie smiled as he nodded and sat at the table together with Shang Ting, the receptionist smiled seeing Mo Xie take a seat with Shang Ting.

"Where is the menu?"

"Ah, Young Master must be a first timer here, we only serve a small banquet in this floor, would you like to order that?" The receptionist smiled, she will definitely embarra.s.s Mo Xie here.

Out of the thirty tables, only five were occupied, and all five of these customers have great backgrounds.

"Okay, is there any different kinds or are there a single banquet style?" Mo Xie asked.

"Of course there are different kinds, there is bronze, silver, gold, and luxury banquets." The receptionist smiled.

'Country b.u.mpkins, you will be a slave with your woman here forever!'

"We'll take the bro-" Shang Ting was about to speak, but before she could, Mo Xie blocked her again.

Mo Xie smiled as he nodded and replied: "I will take the Luxury Banquet."

The receptionist smiled and nodded her head: "I will be back with the food."

Mo Xie waved his hands for the receptionist to go on.

The receptionist smiled as she went to the back of the restaurant, a mocking smile is plastered in her face; 'A luxury banquet? that will cost 10 gold taels! hahaha, even the great clans wouldn't spend something like that! only the City Lord's manor had ever done so.'

All of the n.o.bles eating here saw the event transpired, they wanted to check Mo Xie's background, but seeing his clothes, they all sighed and had the same thought.

'This young man was schemed against by that receptionist.'

Then, just at this moment, three silhouettes walks towards Mo Xie and Shang Ting.

"Oh-hoo, you have the money to dine in this floor?" It is the same man they encountered outside a few moments ago.

'Ah, that's a Lu s.h.i.+, Lu Clan's 3rd young Master, the legendary silkpants boy.' All of the other smirked, it seemed that the young man, Mo Xie, had offended Lu s.h.i.+ outside, such a terrible thing to happen.

The Lu Clan is the 8th rank in power inside the Gangting City, although their power is not much, but instead, their wealth is tremendous, they can be on equal footing with the Jiang Clan in terms of wealth.

Mo Xie looked at the man and ignored him.

"Hmmp! How dare you ignore me?" Lu s.h.i.+ felt enraged.

Mo Xie was about to take action, but he immediately stopped, another two silhouettes are approaching his current location. Mo Xie looked at the two as he wait for their move.

'Friend? Or foe?'

As what he is now, Mo Xie can only fight using his knowledge and the experience he had received.

But fighting these two will definitely be a headache, especially since Mo Xie can feel something from the lady.