Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 145 Aiqing Departs

145 Aiqing Departs

The first ones to react was Shang Ting and Huotian.

The rest remains speechless as they stared at the young girl with wide open eyes.

To Huotian, this is the first time he met the little girl, he's bewildered that she's willing to accompany them and even volunteered. Shang Ting, on the other hand, felt dazed, although Aiqing took a lot of detours before they met Mo Xie again, she clearly knew how Aiqing misses her dad every day for the past years.

And although Aiqing isn't his daughter from birth, Mo Xie felt a huge connection between them, he then spoke: "You will not go."

Huotian nods his head, he never knew of their history, but he clearly knows that Mo Xie had been separated from his family, and since this family had only been reunited, Huotian doesn't want to be the reason for their separation; "Yes, we can handle ourselves, don't worry."

Aiqing pouts cutely, ignoring Huotian and spoke to her father; "Daddeh! I'm not a young child anymore! I need to write my own story and create legends for myself! And I`ll only be away for a few months!"

"You're not a young child, but you're still a young girl." Mo Xie reprimanded.

"I'm old enough, I'm already 14!"

"14 is not old enough!"

"It is!"

"No, it is not. Listen to me."

"Hmmp! It's not like anybody can stop me if I choose to leave secretly."

"It's dangerous!"

"I'm fine, I can handle my own!"

"But I said no!"

Mo Xie stood his ground the same as Aiqing did, neither wanted to stand down.

Aiqing then added; "I know what you're worried about, but I`ll definitely be fine!"

Aiqing didn't stop there as she placed her two hands on her waist and continued; "I also know what you're afraid of, you`ll definitely regret it if I don't go with them!"

Mo Xie's expression changed, he looked at Shenyu again and can clearly see it.

Aiqing then added; "I'm your daughter, and that's biological, I have the same bloodline as yours! Trust me on this dad."

Aiqing resolutely looked at Mo Xie, not backing down an inch.

When Mo Xie heard the words Aiqing spoke of, he felt shocked, this is an ability he carried a long time ago, even from his rebirth.

And that is, to see something special. Whenever Mo Xie saw a person near their death, he would see black smoke coming out of their body. This is a mystery that had wrapped its veil undiscovered by Mo Xie even until now. But Aiqing had just said that she can see it too, and the word 'Bloodline' reverberated in his ears.


Mo Xie was about to say something, but before he could, Aiqing held her palms in front of him and spoke: "I`ll explain it later."

Mo Xie's expression calms down, this is the first time Aiqing became serious.

The thickness of the dark smoke surrounding Shenyu is too eerie, even for Mo Xie who's seen it a lot of times, and it can only mean one thing... Shenyu will die a gruesome death.

But why didn't Mo Xie stop them from venturing? The consequence of preventing or stopping fate is unforgivable. Mo Xie tried to stop something like this from happening before, and the outcome... That person's whole family... Clan destroyed without even a single trace left.

They were destroyed by a much stronger clan with an unexpected accident.

As soon as Mo Xie stopped that person from dying, black smokes started to appear on all of the Clan's members. He couldn't stop the outcome even with his full power.

Mo Xie then realized something, he looks around and saw that everything is black and white, he looked at the only person that has colors.

"You... can control this skill?"

Aiqing smirks; "Of course dad, You've had this skill before you died, and you still have it after your rebirth! Both you and mom do."

Mo Xie looked at Aiqing, the mystery kept growing bigger; "Who are you..."

Aiqing smiled, the surrounding's color slowly returning as she spoke: "Of course, I`m your daughter."

Aiqing then took out two things from her storage ring, on her hand two books, both seemingly too old; "Father, this will explain part of it, I placed a seal in one of them and you can look at it once I leave, the other one is something that you can only read once you're strong enough."

"Don't worry father, I`ll be fine, and all of the reasons will be inside the book that you can open as soon as I leave. Everything will be cleared!"

Aiqing smiled at Mo Xie, the little girl then jumps as she hugs Mo Xie tightly, beads of tears started to drop from her eyes as she looked at Mo Xie again: "Father... by that time, you can accept or push me away, I will accept it."

Everyone present grew a little shocked, what happened? It is like, some scenes were cut in front of them. Aiqing was a few meters away from Mo Xie, but at the next instant, she's already hugging Mo Xie with tears on her eyes slowly falling down to her cheek.

Mo Xie sighs, looking at Aiqing, he smiles; "No matter if you're real or not, you will always be my daughter, even if you become the strongest, I`ll still want to protect you, you understand?"

Aiqing parts with Mo Xie, she smiled with a nod; "Father, I know of a way to prevent this, don't worry, we'll definitely be good and return fine!"

Mo Xie nods his head; "I will permit you to go, but never get into anything dangerous."

Aiqing nods her head, she then hugs Shang Ting; "Mother, I`ll go for now!"

Shang Ting wanted to stop her from leaving, but Mo Xie's words to her is absolute; "Take care."

Huotian watched the whole scene and spoke: "Can... Can I have my side taken?"

Mo Xie and Aiqing both looked at Huotian, and at the same time spoke: "NO"

Huotian felt speechless for a few breathes; "Oh... okay..."

Mo Xie then pats Aiqing's head; "Be sure to listen to your uncle Tian's words, don't cause too much of a trouble for him."

Aiqing smiled: "I will."

Huotian looked at the daughter and father duo and couldn't help but smile wryly: "Well then, let's go."

Mo Xie looked at the two, Huolin and Luoyang, these two had been silent ever since they arrived at the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom, they are two of the top five geniuses of the Inner Court disciple of the Mo Family, only under the top two disciples Duan and Tian.

"Take care of my little princess for me."

"Yes." The two replied full of respect.

They had looked at Mo Xie with respect like that of a G.o.d, far surpa.s.sing their father and mother. Mo Xie brought them to safety at a price, although they didn't know of it, they thought of it in their heart.

The two of them immediately went behind Aiqing as the three of them started to walk with Huotian.

Aiqing followed them, but remembered something as she rushes back, she then bowed at Mo Xie and Shang Ting.

"Father... Mother..."

"Yes?" Mo Xie and Shang Ting asked.

Aiqing smiled as she spoke: "I hope that once I come home, I`ll have a little sister or a little brother, both will be fine too!"

As she spoke these words, she stuck out her tongue and rushes back with the group.

Hearing this, Mo Xie sighed, he knew that Aiqing is merely teasing them.

Seeing their departing backs, Mo Xie smiled, bidding them farewell in his heart.

"Shall we go inside then?" Mo Xie spoke, he then looked at Shang Ting, but unexpectedly, Shang Ting's face is red.

"S... should we?"

Mo Xie felt speechless before he coughs a few times: "You go in first, I`ll catch some fresh air here..."

"Okay..." Shang Ting's blus.h.i.+ng face immediately became more red from her face down to her neck as she entered the courtyard.

Mo Xie seemingly blushed too, he coughs a few times as he looks at the sky: "A brother... a sister? Both?!"

Mo Xie, for the first time felt a huge mess inside his head, he sighs as he entered the courtyard too.


Author's warning;

Ma.s.sive fillers after this chapter <3>