Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 136 Unexpected Visitors.

136 Unexpected Visitors.

Mo Xie immediately started, but after a few whiles, he didn't move even an inch.

Long Shu Mo found it weird; "Lord?"

Mo Xie then looked away moving his gaze to the east, but after a while shook his head; "A really strong expert is coming this way, never mind, let's start."

Mo Xie thought for a while, what Mo Xie meant by a really strong expert is... a real genius, when he reached the immortal realm, hundreds and thousands of genius can be found, and even amongst them, only a few can stand at the top, this one person that Mo Xie detected is one of them, well, if he was brought up by Mo Xie, he can really go to the top.

'Nevermind it, I'll just focus on what's in front of me first.'

Long Shu Mo nods his head and immediately removes the upper right part of his robe revealing his broad shoulders.

Mo Xie this time didn't even summon or used any sharp thing instead moves closer towards Long Shu Mo as he placed his palms on the latter's shoulder blades.

Mo Xie then injected his Spiritual Energy directly a.s.saulting Long Shu Mo's meridians.

"Ughh!" Long Shu Mo felt a sharp pain inside his shoulder meridian and couldn't help moan from his gritted teeth, the pain felt like a sharp object continuously piercing his body, still, he could only clench his fists tightly as he endures the pain.

"Just a few more breaths." Mo Xie spoke after a while.

Long Shu Mo nods his head; "I can endure this little pain, Lord Medical Saint."

Mo Xie chuckles as he gave him a nod.




Meanwhile, in the throne room, countless people are present. Si Baili is looking at them with his smile reaching from ear to ear.

There are countless people sitting in front of him as they sat comfortably on a pillow laughing together with Si Baili.

"Your Majesty, how did came to know of the existence of the Medical Saint's apprentice?" One of the recognized people ask.

Si Baili smiled as he looks at the farther end of the hall, there, a man stood wearing a white robe, his hair, and beard white. Seemingly at the age between 80 and 90.

That old man nods his head.

Si Baili nods in affirmation as he spoke: "I think everyone knows of Physician G.o.d's hand, Lang Mao."

All of them looked behind with a nod, Physician Lang Mao is the best medical doctor in the whole of the Human Continent after all. A lot of people respected him like they are treating him as a G.o.d.

Si Baili then continued: "As all of you had known, my daughter, Si Shenyu has a crippled body after an accident, enabling her to cultivate further. But through a lucky encounter, Si Shenyu encountered her fiancee's blood brother, that man is Mo Xie, he treated my daughter's illness that even the Physician G.o.d's hand couldn't cure."

Si Baili looks up into the sky like reminiscing of the past as a smile formed on his face and spoke: "Well, that is not something that I would forget now, would I?"

All of them chuckles.

A lot of these figures cannot be condoned with or even ill spoken off.

"Truly, your majesty's luck has even surpa.s.sed the heavens itself, the Medical Saint's apprentice to actually be accommodated by the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom is a true blessing." One of them spoke, this figure is one of the top alchemists of the continent, Lin Si Ma.

Si Baili smiled as he shook his head; "No, no, our esteemed guest is merely staying here as my daughter, Si Shenyu and her fiance Huotian is his friendly, merely a coincidence."

'Shrewd old fox.' A lot of people that have bad blood with Si Baili thought in their head but never blurted out.

Seeing their reaction, Si Baili couldn't even hide his smug face and could only laugh in a low tone.

Si Baili spoke of his daughter and the fiance of hers to make it more fragrant for his enemies' ears.

"Oh, your majesty is being modest, clearly, this is the goodwill of heaven. Everything is made by heaven, and heaven made it fate to bless your country." This time, another one spoke, this is the guild master of the Alchemy Guild, one of the most popular guilds in the whole of humanity.

All of them chuckles, but people had not seen such a.s.sembling of elites, and that didn't stop there as a lot of people are continuously making their way to the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom, and right now, there's a single reason for all of these people to band together and wait in the throne room of the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom.

And that is, to enter the tutelage of the Medical Saint's apprentice.

But right at this moment, everyone felt something eerie, something extremely sharp.

All of their lively chattering halts as they look behind them, a few seconds later, a man started to show his silhouette, slowly, his figure and face can be seen.

All of the people inside couldn't help but slowly opens their eyes wide open. Their lips forming into smiles as they saw the figure gradually getting closer.

"Sw-sword emperor!"

"It is the Sword Emperor!"

"What a great honor!"

"Ahh, I could finally die now." One of the younger generations almost faints, but a person got a hold of his arms and spoke.

"Hahaha, no need for drastic measures, I am merely visiting." The Sword Emperor's voice sounded as all of them chuckles, returning to the once cheerful atmosphere immediately.

Slowly, Sword Emperor moves towards the throne as he smiled at Si Baili; "The King of this nation, pardon me fo-"

Before Sword Emperor could even finish his words, a tiny hand pushed him, making him stumble quite a bit.

"Get out of the way, for how long do you think you`ll block this princess' way!"

Everyone that saw this couldn't help but open their eyes widely. Sword Emperor, one of the top ten experts of the Human Continent, and even at the top 10, he's ranked 2nd! A child actually pushed him out of the way?!

The Sword Emperor was quite shocked as his eyes opened widely with his mouth agape.

"You!!!" The person beside the little girl couldn't help but scowl.

This girl that pushed the Sword Emperor is none other than Aiqing, Mo Aiqing, a hand is pinching her cheeks, it looks to be there for some time now as Aiqing's cheeks have grown extremely red.

"Mother, how dare this person block my path! I need to see my father now! Else my cheeks will fall out sooner!" Aiqing exploded as she spoke.

Shang Ting sighs as she finally let's go, she then looks at the Sword Emperor bows; "Apologies, my daughter is a little rowdy and couldn't really be controlled other than his father."

The Sword Emperor looked at Shang Ting and felt quite speechless, even everyone in the hall became dumbfounded, such a beautiful species of human, how come an angel actually descended from the Heavens?! They then looked at Aiqing who's beauty does not really lose out to Shang Ting.

Who knows, if, in the future, Shang Ting will grow more beautiful.

But after a while, all of them remembered the incident; "How dare you push away the Sword Emperor!"

"Yes! That's right!"

"You deserve punishment!"

Aiqing hearing this frowns; "Sword Emperor?"

Sword Emperor fixes himself as he cough to remove the awkward atmosphere; "It is okay, innocent people are not to be judged, they are just at the rebellious age."

Aiqing frowns again; "Sword Emperor my b*tt! You're not even a quarter of my Father's skill and you call yourself the Sword Emperor?!"

Aiqing saying this placed her two delicate arms on her hips as she fixes her stand and made a straight face, but something fell... from her chest; "Ah! My buns!"

Everyone felt speechless as they looked at the unbalanced chest of the little lady and the buns on the floor.

Everyone felt awkward seeing such a sight.

Shang Ting seeing this couldn't help but facepalm as she clenched her hands into a fist ready to strike anytime!

Such audacity! Only a fool would anger the Sword Emperor!


This is something you guys do not understand.

Well, if I go premium, I wouldn't even need to be greedy for spirit stones. Y'all need to understand this single point.

-200words = 1 spirit stones.

And if it even exceeds a single word, an example is 201, it will immediately be 2 Spirit stones.

And a lot of people here know how I work, I can make 7~15 chapters a day if I wanted to, and in each chapter, I have 1.6k + words on it, now that's 8 Spirit stones, if I make 7~15 chapters a day, that would be 56~120 spirit stones per day, that would make a lot of you spend a lot... Well, let me think about it first... for now, I don't really want to burden my readers...

Who'll benefit more with these fast releases? I'll take some, but there's someone else, we'll all lose, so I'll think about it for some time. If I really don't have any way to earn money, then I'll go premium, but will only make 10~50 latest chapters as premium, as my novel progresses, the earlier chapters will be free! That's the last thing I can think of.

I won't be like some people that will premium their chapters from chapter 200~ 4,959.