Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 134 The Great Medical Saint Apprentice.

134 The Great Medical Saint Apprentice.

Mo Xie had no more things to do but wait decides to take out a few pieces of paper and a writing tool, he then wrote some of the ingredients he'll be needing to use later.

After a while, the servants came back with exactly 50 people following behind them.

The servants immediately made them sit on the pillow seats one by one according to the first come first serve basis and as soon as they finished, all of them move behind Mo Xie in any case that he'll need future a.s.sistance.

Mo Xie looks at them one by one.

When they noticed that Mo Xie is looking at them, all of them felt bewildered, but after a while, they thought that Mo Xie is looking for a talented individual or even checking how strong they are. All of them placed a smug look.

The people here are great people with the right to brag for their success, some are great merchants and a few others are powerful cultivators. Even the weakest amongst the cultivators is a Sky Shattering rank, what more can they not boast? It is already a strong expert in this realm.

But for Mo Xie, he's looking at them differently; 'If only I had people serving me loyally, would it look like this in that empty palace of mine?'

Mo Xie sighs deep down, he then looks at one of the servants and handed a piece of paper; "Can you please give this to the King? Those are the materials for concocting the pills and powders to be used for the ma.s.s production of the medicines."

The servant became speechless and nervous at the same time, shakingly, he slowly took the piece of paper away from Mo Xie, with a bow, he made his way out.


All the people gathered has their eyes twitch and the body moves subconsciously. They want to take a glimpse of the paper the servant was holding, but all of them tried their best to reject doing so, some even pinched their thigh just to prevent themselves from looking.

A recipe from the Medical Saint? That would cost thousands even millions of gold taels.

With a gulp, all of them tried to calm down as they look sternly ahead, trying not to budge as the servant pa.s.s them by with her two hands in front of her chest, not wanting to crumple the piece of paper on her hands.

Still, all of their perceptions is aimed at the paper, but then Mo Xie's voice sounded; "The first one, come forward."

"Ah, yes." The first one is an expert at the mid-stage of Heaven Encompa.s.sing rank, but he didn't carry his usual arrogance and proud honor in front of Mo Xie even the least, it is like he's greeting a senior of his.

Mo Xie nods his head, seeing the one getting closer and closer, Mo Xie closes his eyes and started gathering Spiritual Energy on his hands.

At first, the people gathering here were bewildered, but the next second, they all felt shocked.

One of the strongest amongst the expert couldn't help but utter; "Such... such pure handling of Spiritual Energy..."

His mouth remains opens as he couldn't even believe what's happening in front of him.

In Mo Xie's hand, every finger has a needle-like Spiritual Energy completely materializing, it definitely looks like ten needles, but it resembles a scalpel from Earth.

Mo Xie looks at the expert in front of him; "Sit down and show me your left leg."

The expert in front of Mo Xie opens his eyes widely, but after a short while, he bows his head; "Greetings great expert, this humble one is Tong Bulu, a lone cultivator from the east and also know as the Great Blade of the Wind."

Mo Xie was annoyed with all these formalities and would usually wave his hand, but hearing his alias and seeing his injuries, Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckle; "Hahaha, Great Blade of the Wind, more like Not-so-great wind blade."

Tong Bulu's eyes slightly twitch, even though he showed Mo Xie face, the latter didn't even greet back and immediately insulted his hard-earned t.i.tle. He was awed at first seeing that Mo Xie immediately noticed where his injury is, but this kind of disrespect is intolerable, as a person of such status, his name cannot be sullied easily. Still, he tries to calm down himself.

"Forgive my insolence, but why would you say something like that?" Tong Bulu asked, his tone carrying a slight hint of ill intent towards it.

Mo Xie couldn't help but sigh; "Well, I didn't want to say this but, for a person carrying the t.i.tle of a 'Wind', that only means one thing, you are fast. But for a fast person to be caught by a Lazy Poison Rock Slug? What do you think? Should I laugh or not?"

Hearing Mo Xie's words, Tong Bulu is slightly disdainful as Mo Xie's tone carries full ridiculing in it.

But Mo Xie didn't stop there as he followed: "Well, I know it isn't easy to differentiate a Lazy Poison Rock Slugh from a normal lake Rock, but you could at least point out the red spot the size of a pebble in the middle of it right?"

Tong Bulu sighs; "I beseech great expert to heal my injury and cure the poison in my body."

Tong Bulu bows down towards Mo Xie, He had traveled far and wide but to no avail, he couldn't find a single doctor that can treat his wound. If Mo Xie can cure it, he'll bow his head, but if not, he'll go all out with Mo Xie to vent his anger, even if it means his death.

To a lone cultivator, having your own leg be crippled is like placing your life at the death's door.

Mo Xie sighs; "If you have any, or any of you have a Shuanzi Flame Lotus Tea powder, bring it forward please."

All of them were looking at Mo Xie speechlessly, just now, Mo Xie had described how and what illness Tong Bulu has, although the latter didn't realize it, to the viewers, it is like a prophet making accurate divination, a miracle.

A doctor needs to ask a few questions in order to know how and what happened to the patient, but Mo Xie directly went to the topic like he was there himself.

All of them then woke up from their stupor as one raises his hand; "I have a stash of it on my carriage, I will immediately let my servant get it."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Good."

The merchant was about to say something, but something happens.

"Argh!" Tong Bulu screeches wales of pain as he clenched his fist tightly, blood can be seen gaping through the gaps of his fingers.

All of them looked at Tong Bulu's legs and saw Mo Xie piercing it continuously.

Mo Xie then looked at the merchant: "I'd need the Shuanzi Flame Lotus Tea powder as soon as possible."

"Ah-y-yeah." The merchant bows as he didn't even wait for any servant to come to him and immediately went to his carriage personally.

All of the people left there can see Tong Bulu's legs being pierced by the Spiritual Energy on his fingers like it is just a pig's legs.

Tong Bulu is a mid-stage Heaven Encompa.s.sing expert, one has to know, that to be an expert at this level, his body would definitely be harder than steel. But seeing right now, Mo Xie, who's at the 10th-stage of Bronze cultivation is actually wounding Tong Bulu's hard steel like it is nothing.

Tong Bulu was about to go into a rage, but then, he saw the blood gaping out of his leg has a mixed green and violet liquid in it.

"That... the poison..." Tong Bulu couldn't help but be speechless.

Mo Xie sighs; "If it was tended immediately, I wouldn't even need to use this piercing technique, but you had it for more than ten years already, it continuously numbs your bones, if you are but a normal person, you would've lost your leg 10 years ago."

"Well, you're just lucky that you're a bit stronger."

Mo Xie's added words caused the observer and even Tong Bulu this time to be shocked.

He just remembered something, he never mentioned anything about his condition, yet, the other party immediately conducted his operation.

He had continuously criticized Mo Xie in his head, but the other party treated him earnestly.

Tong Bulu even though feeling pained is looking at Mo Xie with greater views now.

Tong Bulu sighs in his heart; 'I may be an expert, but I left my arrogant go through my head. I have a long way to go.'

All of them looked at Mo Xie with reverence, the birth of the youngest medical saint!