Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 128 He Was A Lazy Fat Useless Dragon

128 He Was A Lazy Fat Useless Dragon

"Mommy, who are they?" A random child inside the cage spoke.

Everyone inside the cage is looking at the battle taking place in the sky.

"That... That is an expert who came to ssave us..."

"A hero..."

"A hero has come to save our lives!"

"Kill them, expert!"

"a powerful expert sent by the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom's royal capital?"

Seeing a flying dragon and human fighting the demonic beasts that had destroyed the villages and cities as they were captured being killed by these two, the eyes of the prisoners glistens with hopes as high as the sky.

Right now, Zhuding is a little tattered with mud and dusts all over his body with a lot of his scales missing due to the number of demonic beasts he had killed, although all of them were at the lower-stage Sky Shattering rank, killing thousands of them will be a tedious work, meanwhile, Mo Xie already has his upper clothes completely removed while his pants are completely in tatters, but in Zhuding's eyes, something is weird. Because Mo Xie has not a single scratch on his body after a few hours of fighting.

Mo Xie kept looking around his body and thought; [The 'Tyrannical Immortal G.o.d's Physique' is this power? I didn't even break a sweat after a few hours of evading the demonic beasts and even when they manage to land a hit, the wound will just heal in matters of seconds...]

"Zhuding, rest for now, I`ll handle the rest." Mo Xie spoke as he pulled out the string on his bow.

"Yes, Master!" Zhuding replies as he went and transforms back to being Mo Xie's bracer.

This time, Mo Xie's running out of Spiritual Energy; [It means Aiqing ran out of Spirit Stones.] Mo Xie thought as he decided to end the fight.

"This is not really my style but here it goes." Mo Xie then points the bow upward and within just a thought from his, the ten Soul Arrows appears on hand.

_Swish~_ Loosening Mo Xie's grip from the iron thread, the arrows were shot to the sky.

"I know it was like this..." Mo Xie spoke as he kept remembering something that has happened in the past; "He has done it like this before right?"

As Mo Xie finishes speaking, he gathers the Spiritual Energy within his Soul Sea and immediately transfers it to the flying arrow of light.

The arrow immediately had a blue light surrounding it until it fuses with the color.

"Make it rain for me! Break!" (Mo Xie)

As soon as Mo Xie finishes howling, the orb in the sky exploded into ten different parts. At this moment, Mo Xie's hands are both moving as it seems like guiding something.

_Swish~ Tsuwuk~_



At this time, the demonic beasts felt the danger and couldn't help but defend.


One of the sabertooth typed demonic beasts at the rank of Sky Shattering rank tries to block but at this moment, one of the projectiles went past its guard and directly pierces right through its the body.

"Grrr?!" The demonic beasts gnash into confusion.

_Tud~_ But just at that, the body of the sabertooth demonic beast fell down on the ground.

"Roaaaar!" One of the demonic beasts roars as it immediately falls back, it is one of the Heaven Encompa.s.sing ranked that's left with the Hyena type one.

"Grrr..." One by one, the remaining demonic beasts start to slowly back away while looking at the projectiles that are still coming down and moving it towards their paralyzed hyena commander.

But seeing the projectiles coming closer and closer, the demonic beasts started to flee at their maximum speed.

Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckle as he withdrew the arrows and retrieves the Spiritual Energy inside it. Conversing his Spiritual Energy is the best option to do. Why? because there are more than a few hundred groups like the one they fought just now.

Mo Xie looks at the Hyena with the Sealing Xin Arrow pierced in his hand; [I sealed his movements because he's the strongest out of all of them and will become a lot more troublesome if not removed from the fight early on...]

"Zhuding, have you rest enough?" (Mo Xie)

"Yes, Master." (Zhuding)

Mo Xie nodded as he spoke; "I`ll teach you something real quick so that you can evolve faster."

As Mo Xie's words ended, Zhuding morphs back to being a dragon the size of a human; "What is it Master?"

"This is called *Celestial Devouring Art*, this is the technique invented by your ancestor... in the lower realm, I`ll teach you the chant first and tell you the details about it." (Mo Xie)

"Yes, Master." Zhuding nods his head as he swirls down the ground and coils himself up in wait for Mo Xie.

After teaching Zhuding the chant, Zhuding enters a state of meditation.

"Zhuding, I would like to tell you something before we start." Mo Xie looks at Zhuding before adding; "Although your kind is listed as the lowest amongst all the 624 Heavenly Beasts, the Taishe Sky Dragon, there is something that your kind had exceeded all of them in."

Hearing this, Zhuding couldn't help but pause for shudder, and with Mo Xie pausing, Zhuding couldn't help but ask; "What is it, master?"

Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckle as he spoke; "The Taishe Sky Dragon, due to it possessing huge appet.i.te, it earned the nickname of the s.p.a.ce Devourer."

Zhuding couldn't help but look at Mo Xie in a bewildering manner.

"Hahahaha, did you know... that your ancestor..." Mo Xie spoke slowly as he looks at Zhuding in a teasing manner.

"That... what is it master?" (Zhuding)

"Is a lazy fat and useless dragon" Mo Xie chuckles as he spoke these words.

"Eh?" Zhuding became speechless.

"Like what I said, he's a useless fat dragon hahaha." Mo Xie couldn't help but laugh his a.s.s off as he remembers all of those times from before.

"That..." Zhuding felt a little offended, it is his ancestor after all.

"Your ancestor would usually sleep all day and would never even cultivate, but do you know why he entered the Heavenly Beasts rankings?" (Mo Xie)

"Why..." Zhuding responded since Mo Xie has this face that says 'Ask me, come ask me now'.

"The most vulnerable time for a demonic beast is when they are sleeping... and whenever that happens, your ancestor, that useless fat and lazy dragon will wake up unconditionally and find that vulnerable and defenseless demonic beast and will crawl down to their dwellings to eat them as a whole and absorb their hard-earned cultivation essence." Mo Xie spoke as he chuckles.

"That..." Zhuding became speechless again; "I had that kind of ancestor..."

"But don't belittle him because of... he died while fighting the number one Heavenly Beast." Mo Xie spoke as he nodded repeatedly in approval.

"Ahh... so my Ancestor at least had a dignity!" Zhuding spoke as he felt relieved, but after a while, his gaze moves towards Mo Xie that has an expression of somewhat mischievous.

"Ma... Master... How did it happen?" Zhuding asks with nervousness; "How did... How did my ancestor fight with that Heavenly Beast?"

"Kukuku..." Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckles as he kept remember what actually happened that time.

"Well, Demonic Beasts becomes a Heavenly Beast whenever they had achieved a level where they can change their appearance to that of a humanoid, pfft!"

"And?" (Zhuding)

"Well, in the end, your ancestor mistook the Heavenly Beasts as a human lady with strong powers as a human being, well, when the Heavenly Beast entered your ancestor's stomach, that Heavenly Beast immediately made the move and returned to her previous appearance and made your ancestor's stomach explode." Mo Xie spoke with a little joy in his eyes.

Zhuding became speechless as he too murmurs; "A useless lazy fat ancestor..."

With that in mind, Zhuding closes his eyes and continues to concentrate on the chant.

Zhuding himself didn't know if what Mo Xie had actually said is true or not, but to him, whatever Mo Xie says has it's value, and what Mo Xie had spoken now means something to him.

[Never be too greedy for power but always strive for strength at your own phase.]

Mo Xie looks at Zhuding and spoke; "After you finish mastering the chant, I will tell you what that ability can do."

"Yes, Master!" Zhuding responded full of vigor as whenever Mo Xie brings something up, it will definitely be good.