Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 126 Flame Cataclysm Aurora Phenomenon

126 Flame Cataclysm Aurora Phenomenon

In the middle of the place which is filled with thick and dark miasma, there are two characters staring at each other. One is a huge black dragon and another one is a human.

But due to some circ.u.mstances, even though the black dragon is powerful, it is currently shaken as it looks at the human being which exudes the power more stronger than his.

"Human... how come you have such powerful energy even though you are just a mere bronze ranked cultivator?" The Black Dragon spoke.

Hearing this, Mo Xie finds something very particular as he spoke; "If you are trying to delay the time, you could've acted a little better right?"

Hearing Mo Xie's words, the Black Dragon couldn't help but frown, but still, since Mo Xie is too powerful, he couldn't really act.

"Since you want to buy some time, let me hear what you are doing it for." Mo Xie smiles, although he's not good with social words, Mo Xie is great with instinct and battles especially when he's alone.

He had acc.u.mulated so many experiences of being alone that he had actually become a professional when fighting solo.

Hearing Mo Xie's question, the Black Dragon remains speechless.

"I`ll say this once, but even if I had no power such as what I possess, I can easily make you die voluntarily or even kneel on the ground." Mo Xie smiled innocently towards the Black Dragon.

Truthfully, all of it came from a tribe that Mo Xie had razed before, that tribe has actually succeeded in making a slaving encantation towards the Three-Horned Black Dragon species.

That tribe made the Three-Horned Black Dragon species as their main way of getting money, by selling huge low-level mounts.

The Black Dragon couldn't help but frown; "Human, we are merely staying here for a few days, you might not know, but this World is just one of the millions out there, we will immediately head out as soon as we finish our business here."

"Oh, then you just want me to watch until you kill all the human citizens that you've captured?" Mo Xie chuckles as he looks at the Black Dragon in an unsatisfied manner.

The Black Dragon frowned; "We are merely after their Spiritual Energy, it is a necessity for us right now."

"But after you are done taking their Spiritual Energy, they will be disposed of inside the stomach of your minions right?" (Mo Xie)

"No, I promise to the almighty that I will not let my subordinates eat a single human being." (Black Dragon)

"Oh, so you will promise to just take their Spiritual Energy and free them?" (Mo Xie)

"Ye-" The black dragon is about to speak but before he could, Mo Xie interrupted.

"Who do you think you are tricking with your petty excuse?" Mo Xie chuckles as he added;

"If you are really going after their Spiritual Energy, even a single Sky Shattering rank will do to replace them."

"If I know better, females, and young children... how about their lifespan?" Mo Xie chuckles as he spoke.

Hearing this, the Black Dragon opens its eyes widely; "Human, this is something out of your hand, get out of here and I promise that after we settle our business, we will immediately leave!"

If Mo Xie's guess is correct, an average mortal's lifespan is in between 50 and 100 years, with a total of more than one hundred thousand mortals, it will a huge amount of time.

Mo Xie's expression didn't change as he ignores the Black Dragon's words and spoke: "Where is the incubator? Where's the egg?"

Since Mo Xie has already figured it out, the dragon is merely a tool for him to know the location of the egg, if he is useless, it is to be killed.

"Human, although I am no match for you, I will buy as much time as I can, my lord will be waking up very soon and you will regret not heeding my advice! ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" The Black Dragon roars as it starts gathering Spiritual Energy in its mouth.

"Hmmp!" Mo Xie harrumphs as he also released the Spiritual Energy within his hands; "By the vow of your ancestors, I command you, Iklu Sulavans' descendant! Kneel to your new lord!!!"

"You!!! HOW DID YOU-" The Black Dragon exclaims but before it could even finish its words, he fell down from the sky.


As the Black Dragon's body slammed to the ground, it slowly bows to Mo Xie even with its body embedded on the ground.

Iklu Sulavans is the first Three-horned Black Dragon that existed in the lower realms, it even reached the Celestial Phenomenon rank, something that Mo Xie had believed before that is the peak.

"Where is the incubator?!" Mo Xie asks in a commanding order.

"Even if I become your servant, I will never tell a single thing!" The Black Dragon exclaims.

"Kill yourself!" Mo Xie commanded.

"I will curse you and your descendants! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The Black Dragon howls as his claws pierced his own heart.

Mo Xie immediately jumps towards the Black Dragon's body and from the wound, he removes the core above the Black Dragon's heart.

"A low-stage Immortal Foundation ranked beast core. I will use this to upgrade my bow later." Mo Xie spoke as he looks around;

"Where are you."

But right at this moment, above the ancient ruins... no the whole of the forest, something is happening!

"Hmm?" Mo Xie looks above and saw something even he is afraid of.

"A... A Flame Cataclysm Aurora Phenomenon!!!" Mo Xie exclaims.

The Flame Cataclysm Aurora Phenomenon is something that rarely happens even in his previous life, and whenever something like this happens, he will make haste to destroy that location of that place, even the whole World itself in the process.

Why? because whenever a Flame Cataclysm Aurora Phenomenon shows itself, a Demonic Beast at the stage of Gargantuan Supreme G.o.d rank will awaken.

"A Gargantuan Supreme G.o.d... no, based on the memories of that Zhihao guy, it is the Celestial Formation rank... a Celestial Formation rank demon beast will awaken..." Mo Xie is starting to sweat as he kept searching every nook and cranny underground.

Usually, the egg is laid underground; "But... what if..."

Mo Xie spoke as he looks at the peak of the mountains; "Not good..."

He saw something in one of the peaks; "Zhuding! Come out if you won't be affected anymore."

"Yes, Master!" (Zhuding)

Mo Xie is panicking right now, as everytime the awakening happens, a huge explosion will occur, cultivator under Immortal Foundation rank will immediately be instantly killed, even those at the Immortal Foundation rank will suffer a huge injury.

Above the peak of the mountain, something that looks like a bamboo shoot is starting to blossom as the thing in the middle is showing.

"The egg... I'm a few minutes late!" Mo Xie spoke, destroying the egg will be impossible for him, but delaying its hatching can definitely be done but he is too late.

Because the egg's skin is as tough as his body when he was at the Celestial Phenomenon rank. He needs to at least use all of his powers before to destroy it, now it definitely is impossible for the current him.

Mo Xie would need a few minutes to delay its progress and will take a few days to completely seal it for a hundred years. If he actually arrives before the Flame Cataclysm Aurora Phenomenon showed, it could be done.

When Mo Xie arrives a few hundred meters away, Zhuding morphs out of Mo Xie's arms.

"Master!" (Zhuding)

"To the sky!" (Mo Xie)

"Yes, Master!" (Zhuding.)

The two of them made their way towards the sky as they continue increasing their distance from the egg.

Then, just at this moment.


A deafening noise sounded as the Flame Cataclysm Aurora Phenomenon started to do the reason why it was called like that.

One by one, pillars of flame are coming down from the sky.

Mo Xie couldn't help but look at the egg from the distance.

_Crck Crck~_ The egg is starting to hatch as cracks are appearing from it.

"I just wish that it will immediately leave this World..." Mo Xie spoke as he moves his gaze away.

"Zhuding, we will free as many citizens as we can, let's go!"

"Yes, Master!"

Mo Xie is currently making a lot of plans right now, if he wouldn't be able to deal with it, he'll make a World Portal formation and bring the whole of the Mo Clan away from this World.




The long awaited Shang Ting and Mo Xie reunion is coming closer and closer! AND! New babies? :D