Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 123 Crossing Each Other's Path

123 Crossing Each Other's Path

Currently, the three, Aiqing, Luoyang, and Huolin are trying to move as fast as they can.

"We've already rescued three groups of prisoners, how many villages had these demon beasts raided ?" Aiqing asks as she looks around seeing a lot of villages destroyed, there's even a whole City in ruins.

"Young Miss." At this moment, Huolin spoke.

"Hmm? What is it?" Aiqing asks.

Huolin immediately replies; "It will not be too good if we rescue more prisoners."

"What do you mean?" (Aiqing)

"This is a Kingdom's territory, they hold all powers in the region, if we intervene too much, it wouldn't be too good." (Huolin)

"Wouldn't be too good? What do you mean by that?" (Aiqing)

"We will be fighting for the ruler rights if this continues." (Huolin)

"Ohhh..." Aiqing's lips arched as she looks back at Huolin and added; "Wouldn't that be good as well?"

"The population of this Kingdom is almost close to that of a billion." Huolin didn't speak further after that.

"Let's go faster! My dear beautiful mother is waiting for us!" Aiqing spoke as she increases her phase.

"..." (Huolin & Luoyang)

"Young Miss, where'd you get your new b.r.e.a.s.t.s?" (Luoyang)

"Oh, it's from a safe village we pa.s.sed by just now." (Aiqing)

"..." (Huolin & Luoyang)

[That's too fast... we were always behind you.]




Airs.p.a.ce a few tens of kilometers away from the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom.

Currently, Mo Xie is on top of a wyvern with twenty other women. these women are none other than Shenyue's especial subordinates.

"This is a great sight." Mo Xie spoke as he looks around.

Hearing this, a lot of Shenyue's subordinates looks at Mo Xie in mockery; [Is this the first time you rode something like this? We don't know what happened, but for our Princess to let you join us, it is your greatest honor!]

Meanwhile, in Mo Xie's mind, there's something different, not the Demonic Flying beast nor is it the vast sky, but the feelings of what he has inside; [So this is what it feels like to lead something.]

Mo Xie thought with a smile, why?

Because right now, there are about five hundred wyverns behind them, each carrying a hundred men of elite tiers at the Sky Shattering rank with ten Heavenly Encompa.s.sing rank experts! More than a fifty thousand Coralists had gathered to suppress the Demon Beast raid, half of the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom's elites!

Who wouldn't be elated right? But Mo Xie, on the other hand, is thinking; [So this is what they felt... the ones that I always block to make them bow to me...]

Shenyue although a little distance away from Mo Xie can see his facial expression; [What is he thinking? I`m sure that if he came from the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire, he rode something like this daily...]

But at this moment, Shenyue's right-hand woman spoke; "Princess, a carriage is going to cross our path!"

Shenyue nodded and looks around for it and immediately saw a carriage, the carriage is currently flying while being dragged by four demonic beasts.

"Those are Flame Borne Four Eyed Lions!" Shenyue couldn't help but exclaim.

The Flame Borne Four Eyed Lion is in a much stronger Demonic Beast compared to their Frost Wyverns.

"ALL UNITS STOP!" Shenyue orders to let these people pa.s.s through.

After all, a single Flame Borne Four Eyed Lion is already at the Immortal Foundation rank, their Frost Wyverns are only the Sky Shattering rank.

"Look at the carriage, the emblem of the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire!" One of Shenyue's subordinates spoke.

Shenyue couldn't help but sigh sadly as she thought; [The disparity between us is still like the Heaven and Earth.]

As the carriage nears to pa.s.s by them, all of the people from the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom bow their head, some even kneeled, it is to show their respect and also to avoid any misunderstanding or trouble.

Meanwhile, Mo Xie is looking at the approaching carriage, since he's in the front, he didn't see their reaction, Shenyue is just behind him and saw that he is only standing there looking at the carriage.

[This kid! ...] Shenyue thought, but after a while, her thoughts changed; [People from the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire can glare at each other, so I guess he wouldn't bow down to them... if he really came there that is.]

"This familiar aura... Who's?" Mo Xie uttered a few words as he looks at the carriage.

Shenyue being close heard it clearly, she is still bowing her head but still took a simple glance at the carriage.

Happening inside the carriage; [What is this extremely familiar feeling... my heart... why are there suddenly tears in my eyes...]

The one that thought this is the person inside the carriage, her name, is none other than Shang Ting.

Slowly, Shang Ting moves towards the carriage's window and swayed the window slowly, there she saw a ma.s.sive amount of frost wyverns; "Hmmm?"

The moment her eyes moves toward the leading wyvern, she felt the familiar aura.

"Hus... Mo Xie?!" Shang Ting exclaims as she immediately left the carriage and flew out of it and headed in front of the wyverns.


Before anyone could react, Shang Ting arrives in front of Mo Xie with one of her foot landing on top of the wyvern's head.

Mo Xie had tears running down from his eyes the same as Shang Ting, but as soon as they saw each other, their gazes part.

Shang Ting immediately returns to her carriage, as fast as she came. She then let the carriage continue its travel.

Meanwhile, Mo Xie averted his gaze as he wipes away the tears on his cheek.

[It's not him...] (Shang Ting)

[It's not her...] (Mo Xie)

Why?! because Mo Xie's current appearance is not even close to what he looked like from before, and Shang Ting has a mask covering her face completely, with the addition of her new status in Mo Xie's mind, the two of them couldn't possibly have met before.

The current Shang Ting is riding a carriage with the emblem of the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire and has a strength that already surpa.s.sed the Immortal Foundation rank.

(Author's note; Do I need to explain things like this too? Since I've already mentioned it for so many chapters away, and a lot of people will ask about it in the comments, well, "SPOILER ALERT, Don't READ IF YOU HATE IT, Ting'er and Xie'er will meet very soon~")

Shenyue and the others couldn't help but breathe aloud after the event unfolded, they couldn't even follow Shang Ting's moves.

[Such... Such overwhelming burst of power... even surpa.s.sing that of my Father's...] Shenyue thought as she s.h.i.+vers completely thinking what would've happened if Shang Ting opened her palm and waved it across them.

"What are you waiting for, they had already long pa.s.sed us." At this time Mo Xie spoke.

"This! How ru-" One of Shenyue's guard tried to speak, but before she could, Shenyue prevented her and spoke.

"Let's move!" Shenyue ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone spoke sending thundering roar throughout the vast sky.


Everyone surrounding Shenyue looks at her and Mo Xie alternately wondering what actually happened.

But only those that had seen the event did not, as they looked at Mo Xie with slight terror right now.

Mo Xie didn't even notice their gazes as he is currently thinking about the plan to get reunited with the Mo Family sooner; [I miss you all... I will bring you all to the top with me, this time, none of you will die! Aiqing... Shang Ting, I miss you two so much...]