Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 116 Demonic Azure And Heavenly Blaze Pellets

116 Demonic Azure And Heavenly Blaze Pellets

It's to make himself s.h.i.+ne so bright that even those from the farthest corners can see his glow.

And that is what Mo Xie has done for all the time from his previous life.

"Let's get it started." Mo Xie spoke as he himself started to make his preparation.

Huotian and Shenyu nodded their head as they saw on a table waiting for him to finish while Huotian's uncle, s.h.i.+ Hongyi is at the side of the room observing Mo Xie.

The other physicians and servants are also there, at first, s.h.i.+ Hongyi wanted to make them clear the room, but Mo Xie stopped it and said that it will increase the speed of spreading the news if more and more people have gathered inside.

After a while, Mo Xie finished concocting everything and spoke: "Huotian, come with me."

Mo Xie spoke as he started walking towards a room.

"Brother Xie, what is it." As soon as Huotian arrived he asked.

"I need five drops of blood from you, make it as pure as you can." Mo Xie spoke as he handed an empty flask to Huotian.

Huotian nodded as he took the flask and replied: "Of course."

Huotian didn't even hesitate as he pokes a whole on his finger and concentrated on dropping the blood.

It takes a few minutes to do the process as it will be hard to pull out concentrated blood out of the body.

"What do you think about demons and human?" At this moment, Mo Xie asks to remove their boredom.

Huotian paused for a bit and caused his concentration to grew hectic before calming down; "The demons are pure evil and the human race is the justice to suppress it."

Huotian replied confidently, he had been thinking about it since Mo Xie brought out the topic earlier, now, he finally had an answer for it.

"Oh. But my first love was a demon, am I in love with evil then?" Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckles.

Hearing this, Huotian felt speechless and couldn't help but ask; "Why..."

"She saved me from despair, she could've easily killed me yet, she chooses to help me grow stronger." Mo Xie spoke with sadness in his eyes, Huotian could also see it too.

"But I didn't have the chance to embrace her, neither the chance to tell her my feelings due to my own incompetence." Mo Xie spoke and added.

"If only I wasn't discriminating against the Demon Race that time." Mo Xie seems to be thinking of something as he spoke of this words.

Huotian didn't reply as he silently listened while concentrating and dropping his blood.

"You tell me... that humanity is the epitome of justice, but... can you really say that there are only good people from the human race? No right?" Mo Xie spoke, he paused for a bit before adding;

"Then... can we say that it is the same with the demon race?"

Mo Xie's words caused Huotian to slightly be shaken, but still, he asked; "Brother Xie, are you perhaps..."

Huotian's words halted as Mo Xie showed him something.

Mo Xie poked a hole in his hands as red blood started to drip over; "I am a human too, but let me tell you something first."

"Neither Human nor Demon nor Beastkin are called evil, it is purely based on an individual itself." (Mo Xie)

Hearing this, Huotian couldn't help but think over it before speaking; "You've changed my view slightly brother, but still, I will kill demons if they had done evil things."

Mo Xie nodded as he added; "Just be sure to never regret anything in your life like how I've done it in the past."

Huotian looked at Mo Xie in a weird way and thought; [How can a youth so young actually say so many things like he had experienced it himself.]

"Okay, that's enough." Mo Xie spoke as the 5th drop of blood from Huotian filled the empty flask half.

"Please call Shenyu for me and also bring the medicines here." (Mo Xie)

Huotian nodded as he stood up: "I will."

"Brother Tian." (Mo Xie)

"Hmmm?" (Huotian)

"You will find happiness once you accepted something, although not instantly, but it definitely will happen in the future." (Mo Xie)

Huotian nodded with a smile as he walks out of the room and called for Shenyu.

After a while, Shenyu arrived inside the room bringing the pot with mixtures in it.

"I`m here." (Shenyu)

Mo Xie nodded and pulled out a dagger and another empty flask as he spoke: "Drop five concentrated blood into the flask."

Hearing this, Shenyu couldn't help but open her eyes widely.

"I... I can't." (Shenyu)

"What's the worry? I already know your secret." (Mo Xie)

Hearing this, Shenyu didn't hesitate anymore and pokes a hole on her fingers.

After a while, Shenyu looks at Mo Xie and spoke; "Why are you helping me?"

"Did I?" Mo Xie chuckles as he addeed; "I didn't do so because it will be troublesome, I don't know why you are cohabiting with the humans, but so long as you do not have any ill intentions, I wouldn't even care."

Hearing this, Shenyu didn't reply anymore as she focuses on dropping five concentrated blood towards the empty flask.

The first drop of concentrated blood immediately fell, it is of the same color as a demon race's blood, blue. Shenyu looks at Mo Xie and only saw him concentrating on finis.h.i.+ng the pills on a cauldron.

After a while, Shenyu finished it and looks at Mo Xie a little hesitant before handing it over to Mo Xiej "Here."

"Thanks." Mo Xie receives the flask with blue blood without his expression changing.

"Hmm? You're not leaving?" (Mo Xie)

"I will!" Shenyu madly stepped out of the room but deep inside, she felt nothing but grat.i.tude towards Mo Xie.

Mo Xie chuckles as he started his own work, with a piece of paper and pen. A cauldron and the ingredients and essence, he's ready.

First of is the pill concoction, he placed the essence and ingredients tigether and started making the cauldron be wrapped in the flame.


The flames in cauldron immediately blaze as the ingredients inside keep shacking nonstop.


The ingredients started to swirl around each ither as all of the solid parts are turning into a liquid state.

After an hour's process, all of the things inside the cauldron started to solidify again.


Mo Xie howled again as all of the mixture inside the cauldron mixed together before dividing themselves into ten pieces.

_Pop!_ the lid of the cauldron made a cute sound before popping up with the 20 pellets in the air.

"Done." Mo Xie spoke as he grabbed all twenty pellets and placed it on top the the papers.

In the paper, there are already written signs, and with that, Mo Xie added half a drop's amount of blood on each of the pellets before forming a hand seal.

"Merge!" As soon as Mo Xie howled, the drops on each of the pellets started to mix with it and turned the pellets to two colors. One is red while the other one is blue.

"Phew~ That was slightly exhausting." Mo Xie spoke as he gathered the pellets.

"Demonic Azure pellets and Heavenly Blaze pellets!"

Mo Xie had a with grin on his face and added: "If everything goes as planned, it will be a huge benefit to them both, if not, it will become slighly awkward for the two of them..."