Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 109 Auction: Outcome

109 Auction: Outcome

Vielka is a very arrogant and prideful slave, yet, at this moment, she became an obedient one for Mo Xie.

Going back to the auction a few minutes earlier.

"Now, we will start the auctioning off the final item!" (Auctioneer)

Hearing this, the VIPs couldn't help but clench their fist, no matter what kind of skill it is, they will do everything to get it.

"The name of the item is Heavenly Shattering Metal Fist, a peak-grade Sky Shattering ranked skill!" The auctioneer spoke anded added; "And there is something too... This skill is not only exceptional skill just to from its effects, but it can also even rival those with the low-grade Heaven Encompa.s.sing ranked skills!"

"100 High-grade Spirit Stones!" At this moment, one of the people couldn't even contain their excitement and exploded.

"The VIP from room 18!" (Random speaker.)

"That!! He showed himself!"

"He's the Patriarch of the Explosion Sect!"

"The... The record has finally been broken! And it immediately doubled!"

"Hmmp! 120 High-grade Spirit Stones!" The person from the VIP room 24 also showed himself and caused a commotion.

"One of the Great Sects of the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom! The Experience Sect!" (Random commoner.)

"150 High-grade Spirit Stones!"



The VIPs didn't even hide anymore, this is a fight between powerful people, the commoners are enjoying the sight too. It wouldn't even be their chance to bid but the appearance of great wealth from all of them is a show to watch!

Mo Xie finds himself somewhat entertained too, but sadly, at the same time, sighing; [I`m unable to break through out of the bronze ranked cultivation, yet, I'll possess so many cultivation resources that can immediately make my cultivation heighten immediately to the Heaven Encompa.s.sing ranked...]

"201 High-grade Spirit Stones!"

And at this moment, someone actually has reached the limit of his wealth.

"If the seller of the skill is in this auction now, please let me talk to you as I have a proposition to trade with your skill!" At this moment, the Patriarch from the VIP room 1 spoke.

The Auctioneer didn't speak but only waited, Mo Xie is currently in deep contemplation of what can he do with the ma.s.sive amount of Spirit Stones that he's h.o.a.rding right now.

Taking Mo Xie's silence as a yes, the Auctioneer spoke; "He'd like to listen to your terms first."

The Vip from room 1 smiled as he spoke: "I'd like to offer my Daughter's hand in marriage together with 200 High-grade Spirit Stones! Let us form a bond between the two of us!"

The Vip from room 1 also added; "Come here, Shu Qian!"

At this moment, a beautiful lady walks toward the front and gracefully spoke: "Father."

"Hmmp! Shameless!!" A lot of people felt unsatisfied, if they knew this will happen, they could've brought their daughters.

Mo Xie only woke up at this moment and saw the events unfolded; "This... What happened?"

Hearing this, Huotian couldn't help but laugh his guts out; "HAHAHAHA"

After his heartfelt laugh, he immediately explained everything to Mo Xie.

"Haaa..." Mo Xie couldn't help but let out a sigh.

At this moment, The auctioneer looked at Mo Xie waiting for his response.

Everyone followed at where the Auctioneer is looking and finds themselves staring together at the VIP room 30.

"Hahaha, how ironic, your son offended him and now you wish to offer your daughter." (One of the VIPs)

"Hahahaha" Everyone immediately laughed together as they stared at the VIP room 1.

"This..." The man felt speechless, he then moved his gaze and glared at his own son; "I`ll deal with you when we get home!"

Mo Xie, on the other hand, sighed; [Is it a tradition to always trade your daughter for things you like?]

After that, Mo Xie replied; "I already have a wife and enough maidservants, I only lack shoe keepers, so I`ll have to decline your offer."

Mo Xie's words caused a lot of the VIP to chuckle, in their mind is [Your daughter is rejected even as a maid, not even fit to carry his shoes. Hahahaha.]

The man from the VIP room 1 frowned, clearly dissatisfied of his response, but not knowing the background of a person and immediately charging in is almost like a suicide, with this thought, he replied: "Then, I thank you for sharing your thoughts with me."

After he finished speaking, he immediately sat back down again.

"215 High-grade Spirit Stones!"


The auction immediately continued after the small pause. After a while, the bidding ended with the person from VIP room 19 buying it for 246 High-grade Spirit Stones.

Some people would also like to try negotiating the price, but after thinking of the event earlier, they had just decided to use their wealth.

After just a few moments, all of the people inside the auction house moved up. Different kinds of emotion can be seen for the VIPs, but for the commoners, it's all happy and satisfied expressions.

_Knock~ Knock~ Knock_

Of course, Mo Xie stayed to receive his payment.

"Come in." (Mo Xie)

"Esteemed guest, this is the total amount of High-grade Spirit Stones for the item that you've sold today." (Auctioneer)

"Thanks." Mo Xie took the money and nodded his head. He then stood up and spoke to Huotian.

"Till we meet again."

"Until we meet again."

The both of them bowed at each other as they bid their farewell.

"Esteemed guests, why won't the two of you use our transportation array?" (Auctioneer)

"Let this new brother of mine use it, I want to take a walk outside for a bit." (Huotian)

The Auctioneer nodded seemingly understanding his meaning and spoke: "Then, please follow me, esteemed guest."

Mo Xie looked at Huotian and asked: "What's it use for?"

"Oh, it will transfer you to a safe place so that the people here will not see you once you go out." Huotian.

"Then what about you?" (Mo Xie)

"Everyone already knows me as a crazed gambler, it wouldn't mean anything for them to see me coming out." (Huotian.)

"Then, I shall take my leave first." (Mo Xie)

Huotian smiled as he nodded and went his way, Mo Xie nodded as he also followed the auctioneer.




Outside the auction house.

"We've already seen everyone going out, just a few more minutes and that person will definitely show up."

"Yes, we need to have our revenge for the humiliation that my father and clan suffered today!"

"Someone's coming out!"

At this moment a figure is walking out of the auction house with four others behind him. One of them seemed to be wrapped in clothing.

"That's the slave!"

"Die!" Immediately, one of his men charges towards the young man in the front exuding the might of a low-stage Sky Shattering ranked Coralist.

"Hmmp!" One of the maids immediately harrumphed as she blocked the blade, her power is not even short of the enemy, no, it even surpa.s.ses theirs, seemingly at the Peak-stage Sky Shattering ranked Coralists!

"Where do you think you are aiming your sword at?!" (Maidservant)

"That..." (The young man from the VIP room 1)

"Hmm, you are the young master of the Leng Clan? Bring me to your father at this instant." (Huotian.)

"Ma...Master Huotian, please forgive me! I thought that you were the young man from that VIP room earlier!" (Leng Clan's Young Master, Leng Dugong)

"Hmmp! After I rejected your father for your sister's hands, you dare to brandish your sword at my neck?" (Huotian)

"This..." (Leng Dugong)

"Bring me to your father's side now!" Huotian howled.

"Yes! Yes! I will!" Leng Dugong bowed as he nodded repeatedly leading the way for Huotian.

Huotian chuckles as he looked at the auction house and thought; [Brother... Whoever you are, I took a liking to that eyes of yours, May we meet again.]

As soon as his thoughts finished, he immediately followed Leng Dugong to his clan to demand an explanation about your action.