Unscientific Beast Taming - Chapter 1726: Transcendent Duel (1)

Chapter 1726: Transcendent Duel (1)


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the next few days, Shi Yu continued to explore the Chi You Ruins.

Unfortunately, the mystery of his identity was limited by Chi Yous understanding. He only obtained very little information.

After all, this wasnt a real world. It was purely formed by Chi Yous obsession.

Its understanding of Shi Yu was everything Shi Yu could detect.

However, in the world of obsession, Beast Shi Yus control over source power improved day and night.

Although he didnt know the identity of Shi Yu, in this world of obsession, humans control over source power was still very good.

Under Shi Yus secret learning, his improvement was rapid.

He was even more confident in torturing the Four Saints super divine.

Because his main body should be able to fuse with Beast Shi Yu.

This way, my fusion compatibility with Beast Shi Yu is nearly 100%

Shi Yu stood on the empty university building, facing the breeze and staring at Beast Shi Yu opposite him.

Can we finally fuse? Beast Shi Yu said.

To put it bluntly, Shi Yu was talking to himself and controlling his clone to talk to him.

l feel that its about time. Back then, Goddess Wa said that your level is too high, and my level is too low. Theres a lot of risk in forcefully fusing. Therefore, she gave us the contract method and let us contract it.

After you and I contract, 1 can use the Beast Taming Talent, Fusion, to fuse with you and simulate fusion.

Before this, our fusion has always failed. Firstly, its because the level difference is too big. Secondly, its because although we contracted you, youre not a real pet after all. If we want to fuse with you, the method needs to be slightly changed.

But now, my level is already close to yours. Moreover, Ive also modified my Fusion Talent. Most importantly, I have a deeper understanding of your strength.

Shi Yu and Beast Shi Yu nodded. Then, they held hands and slowly stuck together.

Wow. On a tall building in the distance, Chi Tong shook its white thighs and made a photo pose with its hands, watching this scene eagerly.

He had just returned from training and saw something impressive.

In order to fight the Four Saints super divine, Shi Yus pet had also been working hard recently.

Apart from the new skills of Buggy, Chi Tong, Shorty, the Turtle, Little Quas, and the new skill of Buggy, they had already been maxed out.

There wasnt much improvement from Shi Yu. Therefore, Shi Yu sent them to the Blue Planets Will.

It made the Blue Planets Will open up a special space. M/ith the Star Contract, it summoned Emperor Shis illusion and trained Shi Yu e s entire team.

What a special aura, Chi Tong said as it looked at the halo.

On Shi Yus side, slowly, under the special light, Shi Yu and Beast Shi Yu directly fused into a person. After this person appeared, Chi Tong was very surprised.

The fused Shi Yu still retained Shi Yus appearance, but his aura had completely changed.

It turned out that it had long short hair. If it wore casual clothes and walked in Blue Planets city, apart from being handsome, it might be regarded as a big star, not much different from modern people.

But now, under Chi Tongs gaze, Shi Yus hair lengthened a lot with a whoosh. The muscles on his entire body increased exponentially, and he directly became incomparably strong from the normal young man from before. Terrifying white flames lingered from top to bottom, wrapping around his entire body, as well as his long black hair that was more than ten meters long that shot into the sky and stood up.

What the hell! Chi Tong couldnt help but say.

She now sensed the aura of a demon god on Shi Yu. Originally, Beast Shi Yus battle power was about transcendent 4. Coupled with Bu Lu, it should be transcendent 5.

However, now, she felt that when Shi Yu and Beast Shi Yu fused, their aura was even more terrifying than when Beast Shi Yu and Bu Lu went all out together.

This way, if Shi Yu maintained this state and turned Buggy into a weapon, would there still be her, Buggy, and the others in the duel with the Four Saints?

She felt that Shi Yu himself could kill the Four Holy Beasts with one hit

Stop looking. Shi Yu turned around and looked at Chi Tong.

Have you eaten? If not, come and eat my punch and test your battle power.

Chi Tong: n?

Are you trying to murder your own daughter? Chi Tong said from the roof opposite.

Im just kidding, Shi Yu said. It still doesnt seem to work.

Isnt it perfect? With this power, I even doubt if Emperor Shis illusion created by the Blue Planets Will can defeat you in this state, Chi Tong said.

In terms of strength, its very perfect, but I dont seem to be able to control the power in this form, Shi Yu said.

So I can freely control my body through physical control. If my hair grows long, I can directly let it fall by itself. Theres no need to cut my hair at all. I miss when I was young. I can directly become a child a few years old. If I consume too much energy, I can also maintain my body at the energy level of a mortal and reduce the consumption

But once I enter this state, I dont even feel that its very difficult for me to do the most basic control power, let alone precise operations like controlling hair, Shi Yu said as he looked at the ridiculous black hair that shot into the sky.

Now, if I punch the enemy, Im afraid I wont be injured.

Moreover, the consumption of this state is also very high. Although it has perfectly fused with Beast Shi Yu, it cant be maintained for long. If I want to perfectly fuse my previous life and current body in the true sense of the word, Im afraid Im still lacking

Perhaps I need the basic strength of Level 14 and 15..