UNEXPECTED - Chapter 58

Chapter 58

"Welcome back, did you finish taking care of your important matter?" Taner asked smiling . Jiseok stood there with an unreadable expression as he stared at her . The more he looked, the more he felt pain . He couldn't hold it in again and rushed to her and hugged her tightly . Taner was dumbfounded and shocked by the sudden embrace .

"Jiseok are you okay?" she asked worriedly . She has never seen him with this vulnerable state . "Seems like you missed me a lot" . She laughed awkwardly trying to lighten the mood .

"Taner" . He called out .

"Yes" .

"If you ever see the person who hurt you, can you ever forgive him?" he asked releasing her from his hug, as he heard her tightly, waiting earnestly for her answer .

"It's all in the past, I'm even sure he doesn't even remember me" . She replied smiling sadly . He could see the pain in her eyes and he felt something gripping his own heart tightly .

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"What if he still remembers and have been looking for you for a long time, will you forgive him?" he asked again staring intensely at her .

Taner laughed sadly with tears threatening to spill out, "I don't know, only time will tell . You know it's funny I even said that, because in my case, time doesn't seem to give a f.u.c.k about me and is always against me" . She shook his hands from hers and walked away . He stood there sadly as he watched her go . It was as if his own heart shattered into a million pieces .


Jiwoo sat in the chair near her husband as she stared at his unconscious state . He's been unconscious for three months now, Su Woo bin still refused to tell her his sickness, she knew something was terribly wrong . She missed his hands touching her . She missed hearing his voice calling her sweetly .

"I have heard people say that a person in coma can hear whatever we tell them" . She paused, "Zen Ling, there's a dark secret I have kept from you for so long, I couldn't bring myself to tell you for a long time and it's been killing me" . She looked at him . She closed her eyes and when she opened them, it was filled with determination .

"My real name is Valeria, I'm the daughter of the Asura's . This is not my real appearance and I have been hiding it from you for a long time . I don't know if you can ever forgive me but I could only do this to protect you . Zen, I'm really scared . I know you have been curious about our daughter's powers but I kept lying to you . Our daughter, Valentina, got her powers from my parents . Yes, my parents . Valentina is the most powerful person in the world . I tried protecting her but the more I protect her, the stronger she becomes . I'm afraid I can't protect her again . I don't know what I should do Ling, please i need you . . . I need you now . . I'm so scared" . She burst out crying . Suddenly the machine started making noise, he started shaking .

"ZEN LING!!" . She cried, "DOCTOR! SU WOO BIN!" she screamed crying .

"Jiwoo please wait outside" . Su woo bin calmly told her . A nurse helped her outside and quickly went inside back .

"Oh G.o.d, please save my Ling . Please protect him, I can't lose him . . . I can't leave without him" . Jiwoo cried . She collapsed in a chair crying miserably . She knows she has committed a lot of sin, but she only did it because of love . Yes, love, and if she went back in time, she would still make the same choices . She doesn't regret any decisions she made, and she would happily receive retribution for them all . But she only ask for Ling not to suffer because of her .

She suddenly felt a familiar aura she hasn't felt for decades . 'It can't be' . She thought . Everywhere suddenly became freezing, snow even started falling in the hospital . She could feel herself freezing . She couldn't hear anyone again . She slowly lifter her head and what she saw made her speechless and scared . It was something she haven't seen for years . The whole place was filled with snow and ice . Everyone paused and seems to be frozen in time . It was as if time stopped and she was the only one moving . She was very scared and refused to believe . Then she heard the all too familiar voice she's so accustomed to .

"Valeria" .

In the middle of the place, stood a very beautiful woman . She looked like an ethereal being that descended on earth . Her whole body was covered with a blinding light . She wore a long red dragon like gown . Her cloak was made of real ice .

Seeing her, Jiwoo was so scared . She could only mutter one word .