UNEXPECTED - Chapter 52

Chapter 52

"Seok Seok please don't go, don't go! Don't leave me! I love you Seok Seok, please come back, Seok Seok!!" Taner woke up crying, she sat on the bed confused . It's been long she had this dream why is she having it now? She took a gla.s.s of water and drank it, she sighed .

" seok seok, I miss you even now, I hope you are alright wherever you are, when will I see you again . Do you know I have been waiting for you for a long time? Do you still remember your Taner?" she held the Swan bracelet touching their initials, she still remember this day and often had lots of nightmare . She sat there crying and remembering everything .

'Hush hush, baby hush hush, I need you to hold me' . Taner wiped her tears and picked up her phone .

"Get ready and come to my room in five minutes time" . He hung up the call .

"Devil! Didn't even give me a choice!" she angrily threw her phone on the bed and carefully kept her bracelet back .

Five minutes later,

Knock knock

"Come in" .

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Taner carefully entered the room, "Good evening Jiseok" .

"Have a seat" . He said without taking his eyes off his laptop . "Have you gone through the files?"

"Yes" .

"Tell me what you think about it?" he finally took his eyes off his laptop to look at her . He knew she was beautiful no matter what she wears but seeing her wearing just a big s.h.i.+rt with her hair packed in two buns she looked mesmerising and cute and he suddenly felt aroused just looking at her talk and move about .

"So what do you think Jiseok?" she asked after explaining her idea .

"We will go with your idea" . He said finally . He stood up and walked to his mini bar coming back with two gla.s.ses and a bottle of wine, "Would you like a drink?"

"What's the occasion?" Taner asked suspicious .

"Nothing just feel like having a drink" . He said pouring a gla.s.s for her and giving her .

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" she eyed the drink suspiciously .

"What can I gain from that?" he calmly took a sip watching her every move .

"Well . . . . You can take advantage of me" .

"Don't delude yourself, you don't turn me on" . He took another sip . "Besides if I want to have s.e.x with you i won't stoop so low and you will be the one begging for it" .

"You!!!" Taner angrily drank the full gla.s.s . She took the wine and poured herself another gla.s.s .

"Have you ever been to the amus.e.m.e.nt Park?" he suddenly asked her .

"Yeah when I was seven, but I hate it now" . She said sadly .

"Why?" he asked curiously, twirling the drink in his hand as he stared at her intently .

"Because that was where he left me", she whispered silently with tears threatening to spill from her eyes, "It is nothing really, I just have bad memory there", she smiled sadly and drank the full gla.s.s . Jiseok heard what she said but kept quiet still observing her .

"You are quite a drinker, your alcohol tolerance must be very high" . He smiled looking at her .

"Have you been to the amus.e.m.e.nt Park before?" she suddenly asked .

"Uhm . . . Yes" . He smiled sadly . An awkward silence filled the whole room as they sat there quietly staring at each other each lost in their own thought .

"If there is nothing left to say I will take my leave" . Taner got up breaking the awkward silence .

"Are you hungry?" he suddenly asked .

"No" . She lied but sadly her stomach refused to cooperate with her as it growls loudly . "I'm a little bit hungry" . She smiled sheepishly, again her stomach growled fiercely and loudly . "Okay I admit I'm very hungry" .

"Let's order, I would have wiped something up but my fridge is empty" . Jiseok stood up and walked out .

"You can cook?" she asked surprise .

"Yeah, I grew up taking care of myself and my brother" . He smiled sadly .

"What about your dad?" she asked curiously .

"Well that's a tale for another day, right now let's fill your hungry stomach" . They both laughed . "What are you eating?"

"Umm . . . I will have tteok-bokki and bingsu", she smiled happily just imagining tasting it .

"Okay, I will have chicken milanese, bring it to my room in five minutes time" . He ordered before ending the call .

"So bossy", she whispered .

"Did you say something?"

"Nope it's just your imagination" .

Ding dong

"I guess it must be our food, I will go get it" . Taner got up happily and opened the door only to see one of the girls who were insulting her standing outside the door wearing a very short off shoulder bodycon gown, she was carrying the food and smiled seductively but on seeing Taner her face became soured .

"What are you doing here?" she asked angrily .

"Oh, I see you bought the food" . Taner smiled and was about to take the food when the girl s.n.a.t.c.hed it back .

"This is boss food! Not yours!" she yelled .

"Yeah I know and I'm taking it to give him" . She was about to take the food again when the girl hid it from her reach .

"You s.l.u.t! Do you think Mr Rodriguez would look at your stinky body?" the girl laughed menacingly . Taner looked at the girl dumbfounded, she doesn't even have any word to say to the girl and she could feel herself losing her patience .

"Val! What's going on with the food? I'm so hungry" . Jiseok yelled from inside . He's been waiting for twenty minutes now and still yet she wasn't bringing the food in . He got up from the couch and decided to see what's going on .