UNEXPECTED - Chapter 44

Chapter 44

After that incident, we moved away to one of my houses and we have been living peacefully, watching you grow up . I was very happy that she was able to move on and nothing major happened again . We were going to have another child and we were so excited especially you . The doctor had told us that Eunae wouldn't be able to give birth to another child after you but miraculously she was pregnant again after four years . We thought the war was finally over but we quickly found out that we were terribly wrong .

"Ahhhhhhh" .

"You can do this, I can see the head already" . The doctor yelled encouraging Eunae .

"I'm so tired" . She replied weakly .

"I'm here with you baby, you can do it" . I said kissing her forehead . She held me tightly and screamed with all her might before she fainted . Then we heard the beautiful cry of a baby .

"Congratulations Mr Kim, it's a baby boy" . The doctor said before giving the baby to a nurse to dress .

"Did you hear that baby, you did it" . I happily said only to see my wife bleeding profusely and her heart rate decreasing faster . I hurriedly call the doctor back and she was taken to an emergency room . I stayed outside with you sleeping peacefully in my hands . After waiting for a long time, the doctor finally came out with bad news .

"I'm so sorry Mr Kim . . . . We did all that we could . . . "

I didn't let the doctor finish as I ran inside the room with you . You were crying so much and calling out to your mom but she didn't wake up . I told the nurse to bring your brother to see her one last time and that was when it happened .

"Doctor!! She's alive!"

Immediately the baby cried, she moved her fingers and her heart which was death started beating again . I happily called the doctor . The doctor came out one hour later and told us the good news that it was a miracle .

If only I had known that I had only five months with her, I would have done everything in my powers to keep her with me .

Five months later,

I traveled out of the country for business . I didn't want to leave you guys alone but she insisted that I leave so I did, which was the worst mistake of my life .

I was in the middle of closing a business deal when I got the most horrible news that you and Eunae have been kidnapped . I immediately left and flew back home . I swear I did everything I can to find you guys but it wasn't enough . I went to the underground and used my connection to find you guys buy it was just like you guys were no where to be found, like you disappeared .

Then one night, I received a call telling me to stop searching for you guys or they will kill you guys and send me your corpse, so I did . I did everything they asked me to do but still yet they didn't release you guys . I was already going out of my mind doing all I can . But they asked me to bring Jiho, I couldn't do that, they already had you and Eunae, now they wanted Jiho too, I couldn't so I refused no matter the threat .

Two weeks later, I received a call from Eunae surprisingly .

"Taemin . . . I want you to know that I love you so much . . and I'll always do . . . Please take care of my ba . . . bies . . Love them . . . and . . . protect them . . . . promise . . . me . . . "

"I promise, tell me where you are and I'll come get you!"

"I'm in a closed down hospital in Seoul . . . that's all I can say for now" .

"h.e.l.lo! Eunae!"

The call was was already disconnected . I tried calling again but it couldn't connect, I was very disturbed and scared after that call . I was able to track the address and decided to go the next day .

"Taemin . . I love you so much . I'm sorry I couldn't spend the rest of my life with you and I'm going before you, I want you to be strong for me and the children . I know after I leave you will be devastated . I want you to know that the time I spent with you was the best time of my life, thank you for spending it with me . Please take care of my brother and sister, especially woobin . I love you so much but I can't stay with you forever, my time is up . . . I love you forever . . My Taemin" . Eunae slowly faded away with tears in her eyes .

"Eunae!!" Taemin screamed and woke up realizing it was just a dream . He carried the baby that was crying and rocked him back to sleep .