UNEXPECTED - Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Jiseok hurriedly carried her to his medical room for treatment because she was losing too much blood . He teared her s.h.i.+rt open and his eyes couldn't believe what he has seen . Before him was her sweet curvaceous body inviting him . Many women had tried to seduce him but have failed but right now this unconscious woman has succeeded .

'OH . . . . . MY . . . GOSH' . Jiseok exclaimed, he looked down only to see his big brother standing out erected waiting for action . "Control yourself, Jiseok stop staring at her sweet, succulent, juicy melons" . He finally managed to stop staring only to look at her abdomen that was bleeding profusely . She was shot in her leg and abdomen .

He immediately numb the wounded places with an ice pack . He sterilized a knife, took several swigs of whiskey to dull the pain . Then he used the sterilized knife to pry the bullet out . After that he heated up the knife until it was red hot and applied it to the open wound . But she was still bleeding profusely in her abdomen .

He raised the wound above the level of the heart by applying direct pressure to the wound using clean absorbent material . But the bleeding didn't stop so he immediately controlled the bleeding by elevation, direct pressure,immobilizing the limb and applying indirect pressure on the relevant pressure point . He covered the blood stained bandages with more gauze and bandage . He applied a tight bandage with continued hand pressure on the wound and splinted the limb . Finally she stopped bleeding, he breath a sign of relief .

He hurriedly ran to his room to look for some clean clothes for her and came back with it . He looked at her properly and to his surprise she her hair was as red as blood and the tip was bright blue . He opened her eyes only to see them as red as a burning fire . He quickly s.h.i.+fted backwards bewildered by her look . Her lips where also as red as blood .

He ran a view test before going to freshen up . He looked at her one more time, 'She looks so familiar, oh well I'll remember', then he left the room .

Jiseok went to his room and took a cold bath . He washed the dye off his hair revealing his light brown shoulder length hair . He ran his hand through his hair satisfied before packing it in a bun . He removed the contacts and blinked a few times staring at his complexion in the mirror .

He has been a secret agent for a long time and only those close to him really knows . This is one of his secret and now this strange girl is good to discover it . If it was under normal circ.u.mstances he would have gotten rid of her but she saved his life and now he is conflicted of what to do with her .

He wore his clothes and decided to wait till she wakes up before doing anything . He went back to check on her only to see her bleeding profusely again .

He immediately applied firm pressure directly on the wound with a clean bandage around an embedded object . Then elevated the injured limb . He put a new bandage without removing the old one and continued to apply pressure . But the bleeding didn't stop so he immediately applied firm pressure to the main artery between the wound and the heart . Then squeeze the artery against the bone and with the other hand continued to apply pressure on the wound . He continued this process until she finally stopped bleeding then he bind the original wound dressing tightly with a clean bandage and checked for circulation beyond the bandage .

He sat beside the bed to monitor her condition . It was already eight in the night when he woke up . 'I must have fallen asleep, I'm so hungry', he yawned and checked her . She was not bleeding and her temperature was normal before he left the room .


Woo bin was just entering the house .

"Welcome back sir" . Mrs Lan greeted him taking his suitcase and his coat . He scanned the house for Taner but couldn't see her, noticing this, the head maid immediately said, "Young miss is not back" .

Woo bin was shocked to hear this, Taner was normally at home at this time . He checked the time and it was already half past ten, he tried calling her but her phone was switched off . He was really getting scared .

He called her friend, Haera(Mia Bella) but she explained that she haven't seen Taner today . He tried calling a few times but still the same response . He decided to wait till the next morning and if she haven't come back, he will have to take the matter into his hands .