UNEXPECTED - Chapter 14

Chapter 14

It was a beautiful and sunny afternoon, a seven year old girl with curly shoulder length dark red hair and short bang, coupled with a pair of beautiful violet almond eyes . She has a red heart shaped lip and a soft round face . She wore a beautiful violet sun dress with a red jade necklace with a Swan pendant and a violet bracelet with the shape of a Swan .

She sat happily in the park licking her lollipop . She watched as the other kids played happily, she was waiting for her mom to come pick her up .

An hour pa.s.sed but there was no sign of her mom . The little girl was getting scared and she was hungry, her stomach growled loudly . She haven't eaten anything since morning . She held her stomach in pain whispering, 'Don't worry mommy will soon be here and then I'll fill you up with lots of goodies' .

A young boy approached her holding a paper bag with Hotteok . He stretched it motioning for her to take it . She looked up and she saw the most handsome boy she has ever seen . He had a light brown hair which was styled to a Mid fade with side part and long fringe . He has a very fair ivory skin .

Without speaking, the boy sat down on the gra.s.s with her, opening the wrapper he gave her the Hotteok to eat .

"Mom said I shouldn't take anything from strangers" . She said trying to refuse the temptation .

"I'm Jiseok and I'm 12"

"Taner,7" .

"See we are not strangers again now take" .

"I'm not hungry" . She lied but her stomach exposed her by growling very loudly . She hide her face with her hands embarra.s.sed .

"Seems like your stomach is saying a different thing" . Jiseok laughed and gave her the Hotteok . This time she didn't reject it but took it and ate it hurriedly . Jiseok stared at her and smiled watching her eat .

After eating, he gave her water and juice which she drank happily . She smiled brightly at him," Thanks seok seok" . He smiled at his nickname .

"You are welcome, Taner" . He replied rubbing her hair .

"Do you want to go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park, it's not far from here?" She thought about it for a while and refused, "No, my mom will soon pick me up" .

"Are those your real eye colour?"

"Yes, mom said I got it from my grandma and it's very unique, I've never seen my grandma" . Taner replied sadly .


"Mom said it's not important but I know she hates me and doesn't want to see me" . Taner said with tears rolling down her beautiful face . Jiseok got up and disappeared for a while . He came back later with many ice cream .

"I . . . don't know which one you prefer . . . " Jiseok dropped the bag of ice cream . Taner face reddened after seeing his kindness and all the ice cream, she smiled brightly, "Thanks seok seok, I like chocolate flavor more but since you bought everything I'll eat it all" .

Jiseok was happy watching her lick the ice cream . He smiled, this was actually the first time he smiled or spoke to any being after his mother death . He kind of felt a connection to the girl .

"Have you ever been to the amus.e.m.e.nt park? "

" No, I always want to go but mom and dad are too busy to take me there" .

"Let's meet again Taner" . He said

"Okay, I'll just tell my mom, but where should we meet" .

"It's a surprise" .

"I love surprises" . She grinned happily, due to her excitement she pecked him . Jiseok face immediately showed different shades of red .

"Taner!! My baby I'm so so sorry, mummy got held up in work I promise next time I'll take you to the mall" . Ji_woo ran quickly to Taner hugging her . "Are you hungry? Let's go get you something to eat" . .

" Mom I'm not hungry, my new friend seok seok gave me Hotteok, juice and ice cream, he said let's meet next week and he has a surprise for me too" . Taner said happily showing Jiseok to her mom .

"Thanks a lot, here's my number if you want to talk with Taner, do you have someone to pick you up" . She smiled giving him a piece of paper with her phone number .

"Yes, they will be here soon" .

"Okay I'll wait with you here until they come" .