Underworld USA - The Cold Six Thousand - Underworld USA - The Cold Six Thousand Part 67

Underworld USA - The Cold Six Thousand Part 67

They dispersed. They walked the pallet rows. They shot faces in tight.

It went soft--silencers--head shots in light.

They flashed. They shot. They dumped shells and reloaded. Heads snapped inside halos. Heads cracked pallet slats.

Opium--hush now anesthesia--in slow and tight.

Wayne watched. Wayne saw faces alight. B-girls and Ashtray. Uncle Ho--types.

The goons finished up. The goons regrouped in the doorway. The goons stood way back.

A goon aimed a toaster. Said goon strafed low. Said goon cooked body rows tight.

Three sweeps out and back. Flame levels in tight.

The goon turned the toaster off. A goon strafed a hose. Said goon sprayed water down tight.

Flames sputtered. Bodies flared. Pallets cracked.

Wayne watched. The goons regrouped. The goons walked and dispersed.

They took their pants off. They kicked through hose water. They lugged gunnysacks. They poured out quicklime. They perfumed bodies. They flour-dipped flesh.

DOCUMENT INSERT: 2/8/65. Internal memorandum. Topic: OPERATION BLACK RABBIT. To: DIRECTOR. From: BLUE RABBIT. Marked: "Stage-1 Covert" / "Eyes Only" / "Read and Burn."

Sir, My first summary report on OBR.

1 - CRUSADER RABBIT met PINK RABBIT on two occasions in Washington, D.C. (1/6/65, 1/19/65) and forwarded his tapes to me. Per Stage-i Covert guidelines, I personally transcribed the tapes and destroyed the live tape copies. Tape #1 and Tape #2 transcripts are included (Addendum #A) with this memorandum. Per guidelines, please read and burn.

2 - Although there were numerous moments of poor sound quality, I feel confident in my assessment of the tapes. It is obvious that the effeminate and witty PINK RABBIT is much taken with the wit, beautifully feigned sincerity and ardently expressed ideals of CRUSADER RABBIT. You were farsighted in your instinct to match them up. PINK RABBIT accepted CRUSADER RABBIT's stated withdrawal of "pilfered" organized-crime monies with magnanimity and both men expressed a desire to "keep in touch." That desire, expressed on Tape #1, was confirmed by the second meeting of PINK RABBIT and CRUSADER RABBIT, recorded on Tape #2.

3 - CRUSADER RABBIT deftly questioned PINK RABBIT on both tapes. (See transcripts.) To date, however, PINK RABBIT has revealed only information already revealed by our "in-house" SCLC source, WHITE RABBIT. The broad outline includes: 3-A: Planned agitation in Selma, Alabama (picketing, boycotts, voter-registration drives); 3-B: A (6/65) projected school desegregation drive in Chicago; 3-C: Early plans (but no compelling specifics) regarding SCLC participation in a second "Freedom Summer" campaign of agitation in Mississippi; 3-D: Planned agitation in and around Bogalusa, Louisiana, to commence in 6/65.

4 - I've reviewed the recent tapes retrieved from our remaining hotel-room bug-posts. RED RABBIT, PINK RABBIT and other SCLC members have stayed in said rooms on a total of 14 occasions from 1 / 1/65 to 2/4/65. No salient information was gleaned. The innocuous conversations and frequent whispers indicate that the subjects suspected the presence of electronic surveillance. Said bugs will remain in place.

5 - WHITE RABBIT reports that RED RABBIT, PINK RABBIT and other SCLC members have discussed the anonymous "suicide letter" sent to RED RABBIT and concluded that it derived from an FBI source. WHITE RABBIT further reports that RED RABBIT and PINK RABBIT have verbally attacked you on numerous recent occasions, much in the manner that PINK RABBIT attacked you on Tape Transcript #1. WHITE RABBIT stated that RED RABBIT was "very upset" by the letter, especially the "crippling effect" it had on his wife.

6 - Per MAIL COVERS. To date, assigned agents have intercepted, logged and remailed numerous letters of support, along with large and small donations to the SCLC, many of them sent by notable leftist-sympathizers, members of Communist front groups and movie stars, among them Danny Kaye, Burt Lancaster, Walter Pidgeon, Burl Ives, Spencer Tracy, Rock Hudson, Natalie Wood and numerous folk singers of lesser repute. (See Addendum List #B for details. Per guidelines, please read and burn.) 7 - Per TRASH COVERS. To date, assigned agents have collected and logged large quantities of discarded left-wing periodicals and risque magazines with photographs of nude white women, along with innocuous and non-itemized trash. (See Addendum List #C for inventory.) (Note: An Addendum List #B inventory log will soon be compiled & stored per Stage-1 Covert guidelines. It will be used to facilitate, should you so direct, an SCLC BANK ACCOUNT COVER, to determine if the above-noted contributions were banked legally, which should help us gauge the viability of an IRS cross-check of the SCLC's federal and state tax returns.) In conclusion: All COVERS to proceed as directed. A summary report on the WHITE-HATE arm of OPERATION BLACK RABBIT to follow.

Respectfully, BLUE RABBIT.

DOCUMENT INSERT: 2/20/65. Internal memorandum. Topic: WHITE-HATE/OPERATION BLACK RABBIT. To: DIRECTOR. From: BLUE RABBIT. Marked: "Stage-1 Covert"/"Eyes Only"/"Read and Burn."

Sir, My first summary report on the WHITE-HATE arm of OBR.

1 - I have compiled, with the help of FATHER RABBIT's aides, a list of potentially dissident Klansmen now at loose ends since FATHER RABBIT dissolved his previously funded informant Klan groups in 12/64. (See Addendum #A for list of said Klansmen.) (Note: Per Stage-1 guidelines, please read and burn said addendum. I have retained an original copy, per guidelines.) Also, FATHER RABBIT has supplied (see Addendum #B/read & burn) a 14,000 name list of white male hate-pamphlet subscribers in Louisiana and Mississippi, all devotees of specific segregationist/anti-Negro tract series distributed by FATHER RABBIT's organization. A criminal records cross-check of these subscribers has yielded the names of 921 men with misdemeanor and felony arrests and memberships in extreme right-wing organizations.

2 - My plan would be to have FATHER RABBIT solicit these men by mail, under an "anonymous patriot" letterhead, and refer them by mail to WILD RABBIT, upon his (5/65) release from the U.S. Army. WILD RABBIT would assess the mail he has received, contact the most promising prospects and build the nucleus of his new Klan group on that basis. He will establish boundaries as to what and what not his recruits can do, and gather information on their previous hate-group associations. WILD RABBIT will also define their future informant duties.

3 - CRUSADER RABBIT and WHITE RABBIT have mentioned the proposed "Second Freedom Summer" agitation campaign in Mississippi and planned (6/65) agitation in and around Bogalusa, Louisiana. WILD RABBIT wants to exploit these situations, and I believe that if he delivers a properly restrained but somehow flamboyant show of force in that region at that time, he will be able to mobilize a sizable number of recruits resultant. To further induce subservience in his recruits, WILD RABBIT will supply them with low-quality rifles and sidearms purchased by his friend CHARLES "CHUCK" ROGERS (white male/age 43), a covert CIA contract employee currently serving with WILD RABBIT in Vietnam. ROGERS has extensive gun connections among rightist Cuban exile groups in the Gulf Coast region.

4 - WILD RABBIT has also established a "Hate-Leaflet Mail Ministry" among convicts and ex-convicts he knew while working as a Missouri state prison guard, and plans to recruit from the "eager beaver" parolees who contact him upon their release. I believe that this is also a viable recruiting approach.

In conclusion: I believe that we are theoretically operational as of this (2/20/65) date. Please respond as your schedule allows.

Respectfully, BLUE RABBIT.

DOCUMENT INSERT: 3/1/65. Internal memorandum. Topic: OPERATION BLACK RABBIT/2/2O/68 MEMO. To: BLUE RABBIT. From: DIRECTOR. Marked: "Stage-1 Covert"/"Eyes Only"/"Read and Burn."


Consider the proposed measures described in your 2/20/65 memo approved in full. Cold funds to follow. You may share information on a need-to-know basis with FATHER RABBIT and WHITE PLABBIT. Given his suspect ideology, do not share any WHITE-HATE information or in any way contact CRUSADER RABBIT, unless so directed.

DOCUMENT INSERT: 3/8/65. Pouch communique. To: John Stanton. From: Pete Bondurant. Marked: "Hand Pouch Deliver Only"/ "Destroy Upon Reading."


We're operational on both ends now. Here's the summary you asked for.

It's all running smooth. A) - Milt Chargin greased cops working the Records Divisions of the Vegas PD & Clark County Sheriff's & got a list of all the previously busted colored junkies in West Vegas.

B) - I recruited 4 expendable colored pushers to work the bottom-rung distribution in West LV. They've got menial casino jobs 8e were happy to get the gigs. I gave them copies of the prey. ment'd junkie list & had them supply the junkies with free pops taken from our 1st stateside shipment of 1/9/65. The "free samples" got them anxious for more. I told my 4 guys to push "free tastes" on anybody who asked, colored only. They got a lot of takers & we got a lot of steady "Clients" (Milt C.'s word, not mine).

C) - I lean on the 4 guys periodically & up to now I'm convinced that they (1) haven't stolen kadre merchandise; (2) haven't sold to non-Negro clients; (3) haven't snitched off kadre or Tiger Kab personnel; (4) haven't bragged to their lowlife pals & implicated kadre or Tiger Kab personnel & will not (5) do so if they get popped, which is unlikely, because (6) Milt has greased the LVPD & Sheriff's Narco squads & has secured a hands-off policy, & if any 1 of the 4 is popped, the plan is to bail them out & clip them before they talk too much.

So, (7), everything is buffered. Tiger drivers deliver the merchandise to drop points & the pushers pick it up, distribute it & funnel the money back the same way, The drivers are all solid pros & will not talk if busted. On his one stateside run, Wayne periodically spot-tailed the pushers & determined that they weren't skimming or fucking up other ways. Wayne's got an evil reputation on the west side & it keeps the pushers on a tight leash.

D) - As you know, Wayne's made one rotation from Saigon & sent the 2nd shipment (4 ibs) stateside on 3/2/65. Rogers, Relyea, Mesplede, Guery & Elorde remain in Laos & oversee the M-base production at Tiger Kamp (while you & the other guys who concocted this whole thing roam around S.E. Asia puffing your clandestine shit). The production level at Tiger Kamp remains high & the January-February harvest beat the chemists' estimates. Tran's methedrine ran out (mixed blessing--it killed 3 slaves) & we had a slow week (late Feb.) while the slaves smoked heavy amounts of "0" & rode out withdrawals. We've got to burn the fields in April to prepare the soil for the fall planting, but we've got enough backstock of M-base to see us through to the next harvest, because the 3 refineries were overstocked when we raided & consolidated last November. So far, my rubber-bullet policy is working, because the ex-ARVNs & ex-Congs continue to feud. Mesplede is staging weekly Cong-ARVN boxing matches (slave cornermen & referees) which helps blow off steam & boosts morale.

E) - You were right about the "cleanup." The Can Lao took out the den below the lab (& supposedly 600 others) but now that the initial troop arrival bullshit is over, things are back to normal. None of Chuck's Saravan-to-Saigon merchandise flights have been messed with at either end & Customs has not checked any of his cargoes. The den below the lab & the Go-Go have reopened & Wayne still tests dosage levels on the resident heads. Tran said Khanh's stopped making anti-dope statements & everyone in Saigon seems distracted by the troops coming in & the way the war is flaring up. You were right, it feels like the buildup is giving us added operational cover.

F) - The pipeline's running A-OK. So far, no Customs checks & glitches flying out of Tan Son Nhut & no trouble at Neffis. My friend Littell surveilled the 1/9/65 shipment from Nellis to the Agency drop-off point thru to the final "donation" point at the Nevada Guard Armory. Milt C. has been transporting the merchandise from the drop-point to Tiger Kab. It's a foolproof system & the Guard is thrilled with Mr. Hughes' "donations."

G) - Some unexpected expenses came up on Milt's end, but aside from that, we're $182,000 up from our Vegas profits on the 1/9 batch & 3/2 batch so far. I'm ready to rotate Chuck, Laurent & Flash stateside & have them scout exile camps, assess the troops & get going on an arms conduit to the ones they choose. Bob Relyea leaves the Army to work for the Feds in May, & he'll be situated near the Gulf. He'll utilize his gun connections & assist Chuck, Laurent & Flash in funneling to the exiles.

That's it. I'm anxious to move on the Cuban end. Let's put all this caution & budgetary constraint shit aside & get going.

Viva la Causa!



(Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Selma, 3/21/65--6/15/65)

Penance. Tithe. Counterthrust.

He obeyed Mr. Hoover. He taped Bayard Rustin. He rabbitized. He performed new betrayals--RABBIT ops--Mr. Hoover's counter tithes.

He traveled for work. He worked for Drac and Jimmy. He worked for Drac and the Boys. He flew D.C. to Miami. He flew Chicago to L.A.

He cruised banks. He set up new accounts. He used fake ID. He dumped cash. He cut checks. He tithed the SCLC.

Counter ops: Skim fees. Embezzlement. Let's declaw BLACK RABBIT.

He drained Drac. He took small bites--little rabbit nips. It worked. The skim plan worked. Counter cash accrued.

He worked.

He worked for Jimmy Hoffa. He filed briefs. He fought two convictions. He dunned the Boys. He bagged two mill for Jimmy's Hope Chest.

New hope. Nonhope. No hope. There were no bribable jurors. There were no bribable courts.

Mr. Hoover had pull. Mr. Hoover liked Jimmy. Mr. Hoover could help. Don't brace him or beg him. Don't incur more indebtedness--yet.

He worked for Drac. He filed briefs. He bought time. He needed twelve months--sixteen tops.

Let Drac dump his stock then. Let Drac get his stash. Let Drac inject Las Vegas.

Fred Otash worked.

Fred Otash culled. Fred Otash sifted. Fred Otash scandalized. Let's raid files. Let's find dirt. Let's utilize.

The files existed: Confidential/Rave/Whisper/Lowdown and Hush-Hush. The files existed. The files eluded. The files dirtified.

Bugs dirtified.

Littell hung Vegas bugs. Fred Turentine assisted. They bugged hotel rooms. They trapped dirt. They trapped legislators.

Three so far--three cheaters/three whorehounds/three drunks.

Feds manned the bug posts--two agents for three months. Mr. Hoover got bored. It was dirt insufficient. Call it a dirt deficit.

Mr. Hoover pulled the Feds. Fred filled in for them. Fred dirtified. Fred stored dirt. Fred aged dirt. Fred saved dirt for Pete.

Three legislators and one Pete. Compliance guaranteed. We've got the board votes. We've got YOU now. Pledge your support.

Watch us abridge antitrust laws. Watch our Vegas spree. Watch hotel profits plunge. Watch skim ops soar. Watch Littell invest skim money.

We've got the "real" books. We've got the goods. We've got the buyout stats. We co-opt businesses. We funnel cash. We build foreign casinos.

The Boys hoard. The Boys divert. The Boys avoid obstructions--usually.

Sam G. was obstructed now. It was recent news. Sam was in jail in Chicago. A grand jury subpoenaed him. Bobby paneled it. Bobby was AG then.

Sam refused to testify. Sam took the Fifth. The judge cited him.

Contempt of Court--Cook County Jail--for the grand-jury term. One year--jail to spring '66.

The judge ragged on Sam. The judge aped Bobby. Bobby ragged Sam in '57. Bobby was Senate counsel then. Bobby was a senator now.

He played his Bobby tapes. He toured the Senate. He prowled the gallery. He watched Bobby. He read the Senate Record. He tracked Bobby's words through.

Bobby debunks bills. Bobby lauds bills. Bobby never mentions the Boys. Bobby presses for civil rights. Bobby lauds Dr. King.